web server installation before ruby on rails [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 9 years ago.
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it might be a trivial question, nevertheless... Is it supposed that a web server (say, Apache) should be installed in order to make Ruby on Rails installation? What about database?
If yes, could you advice specific programs? I'm using Ubuntu 12.10, Ruby is 1.9.3.p392 and Rails is 3.2.12.

It depends on your task. You can use Rails with Webrick as HTTP-server (for development), which is installed with Rails and you can use Sqlite as database which you need install separately.
Here is a guide which can helps you.


I want to write Ruby on Rails [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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but i dont know where to start! Which version of Ruby and Rails are the best?
And all documentations I can find are for Mac users. And im on Linux( ubuntu ).
I can allready write in C++
I hope you can help me!
To install Ruby language interpreter and the Rails framework itself you can visit http://railsinstaller.org website and download an installer for windows.
Speaking about applications development in Ruby on Rails, there is good tutorial written by Michael Hartl in link https://www.railstutorial.org/, that is highly recommended way to start development with Rails. This tutorial introduces to Ruby language and Rails framework and by following it you will build Twitter clone.

Implementing Ruby on website [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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So as I learn about Ruby I see nothing about using it on a website or how to connect to a database that's not local. Any help is appreciated. I'm learning Ruby for use on the web. Thanks.
There's a lot of content on google about deploying and developing a Ruby On Rails website, I would recommend searching Ruby docs, youtube and google.
Here are a few resources that may answer your question:
Setting up Ruby On Rails Database
Ruby on Rails Deploy
Rails - Deplying to DigitalOcean
Writing web applications with Ruby On Rails
this may also help:
how to ask a good question on Stack Overflow

Hints for a web designer learning RoR? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm learning Ruby and Rails and I am installing the RVM in my Mac / OS X Lion.
Any advise?
You have to understand that Gems are just simple libraries that you install when you need them for a particular problem.
Rails for example brings a lot of gems with it by default, and once you need something more you simply add that to your Gemfile.
You just go ahead and install whatever gem you need to solve a problem.
There is this awesome little site called ruby-toolbox that gives you a listing of the most used RubyGems for solving different problems, but you usually only select one once you actually have a problem.
For starting out with Rails you won't need anything besides Rails.

Hosting for a Ruby on Rails application [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am a Ruby on Rails developer and I am planning to purchase an hosting space in order to publish my web application (I'm developing a small Social Network). This is my first time that I try to deploy a Ruby on Rails application, so I am not expert on the matter.
I would like to find a "compromise" between performance and price. I think that for now a shared server it is enough (maybe) for my needs (suggestions are appreciated...).
In localhost I am using
Ruby on Rails 3.0.9
Phusion Passenger
so the hosting server should satisfy the above requisites.
More: in my application I am using the Paperclip gem so another requisite should be Image-Magick.
What hosting service do you advice for my needs? What should I have to care when I purchase a hosting space for RoR? And, most importantly, which hosting service do you advice??
P.S.: if you need some other information just ask and I will update the question.
Even though this question is slightly off-topic on SO, I'd recommend you look at Heroku:
Hosting a Rails app can't be easier and you can start with the free plan and then scale up as needed.

Why no one seems to use FreeBSD to host Rails app? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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We use FreeBSD 8.2, Rails 3.0.7, postgresql 8.3, passenger and nginx for our production servers.
We seems to have a odd configuration because no one seems to have something like ours. I feel a little alone. :)
Nevertheless, this configuration is quite easy to setup, it performs well and it's very stable.
Is there a particular reason why Rails deveopper seems to avoid FreeBSD as a production server ?
Most probably most of development is made on Linux boxes, so it's natural to choose the same or very similar environment for production.
