Display Image in Power View and Power BI - binary-data

I need to create a report in power view where I need to display images in tile. I have found one solution to do so, to store the images as a binary data in data model table using the following link
I tried this but still not able to show the images, I am getting only Image icon not the actual image.

I hit an issue that seems to be identical to yours. I just saw camera icons in Power View in Excel and standalone Power View on SharePoint. One of the Microsoft product team has indicated that there is a known issue with loading images into Power View using Power Query and PowerPivot in Excel 2013. See Miguel Llopis' answer here on April 27th:
It appears that using a url (external site or SharePoint site) or loading to the data model via SQL Server may be the only options for now to display images in power view. See here for more information.


Connect Google Sheet into Photoshop

I am hardly finding a way to connect or live-import data from Google Sheet in Photoshop.
There are several way to edit or replace some text layers, or even upload the PSD file into online real time editors, or using Adobe API, but is not exactly what I am looking for or at least I am struggling with.
This is the scenario:
here my Photoshop Artboard
and here my Google Sheet
what I want to do is to connect each layer from artboards' Photoshop with a defined cell/position in Google Sheet in order to get a live update when sorting or updating those cells. The cells and columns could be more than 10.000 in what I want to do.
And perhaps.. the struggling things is that I want to keep this flow in the Adobe/Photoshop application.
Do you have anything that I need to check or have knowledge to clearify this situation?
Many thanks!
Yes, in principle...
Yes, it's possible to load in a .CSV into photoshop and modify layer data, such as text.
Doing it live? This post has more info.
"connect each layer from artboards' Photoshop with a defined
Have you created a Photoshop document with 10,000 layers? You haven't really explained what you will be doing with the Google Sheet, so I can't help you further.
Try a prototype with smaller data sizes first - see if you can get that to work.

Displaying graphs on wall

I have been using graphite to collect metrics and display on graphs
My question is how are people displaying these on wall mounted screens?
Can see anywhere where people talk about how this is done
Those people usually display the dashboard using e.g. a browser in fullscreen mode. A software for this purpose might be gdash.
We have Graphite on Wallboards all around the office and in most cases people are just loading it up in a browser, but others have created custom html pages to load the graph images.
The folks at Atlassian have presented/posted on Wallboards a bunch. Here is a pretty good slide deck on Wallboards:
It boils down to:
Large display
Easy to understand (at a glance)
Always relevant
Easy to update
Aesthetically pleasing
For getting Graphite to display, it is as easy as leaving a browser open and leveraging tabs (and a tab revolver plugin - e.g. Revolver Tabs Chrome Ext) with some saved dashboard graphs. This has worked for me in the past:
You can geek out on how you run it (e.g. we used a Raspberry Pi, which you can see in the picture above) and keep it running. Here is Atlassian again using an AppleTv: https://blogs.atlassian.com/2011/10/using_an_appletv_as_a_build_monitor/
Have fun!

Visualize star schema by using an application

If you work with data warehouse and you see couple of fact and dimension table in the SQL server and you want to review everything in a holistic view that would be in the picture below.
Is there any application that can extract tables from the database and display them in a user-friendly approach that would appear in the same picture below?
// Fullmetalboy
There is many of them, choose a right tool for you.

Good examples of MapServer / OpenLayers

I want to convince some clients to use MapServer and OpenLayers. Please can anyone suggest attractive websites to show off the possiblities!
The clients will be impressed by:
A density map (otherwise known as a heat map, colour-shaded grid coverage, contour plot...).
The ability for the user to download the underlying data for the density map, restricted to the area being viewed, in some format such as netCDF.
Standard OpenLayers stuff. Zooming, panning, scale bar, overview map...
Different base layers. Could be WMS, Google, Bing...
Searching for a placename, map is panned to display the place.
Exposing the heatmap data for other people to use in mashups as WMS or WCS
MapServer.org is back up but demo.mapserver.org seems to be down right now :( But from memory their examples didn't have the "wow" factor. The OpenLayers examples demonstrate only one or two features per example - I want something to wow the clients by showing all the capabilities in one example.
PS If you have good examples that use some other open source tools, post them by all means. But just JavaScript please: customer says no rich client.
EDIT Come on StackOverflow, someone must have an example that uses a density map?? I'm even offering a bounty now...
Note this answer is no longer relevant. The open source maps have since been replaced with a commercial alternative by a different company
http://maps.seai.ie/wind/ - mapping onshore and offshore wind speeds and farms in Ireland
http://maps.seai.ie/geothermal/ - mapping geothermal temperatures in Ireland, and borehole data
uses WMS services (and TileCache) for all the layers, so can be accessed by other client GIS's (well once I've set up metadata etc..)
has a variety of different base maps to choose from
built using MapFish / ExtJS
has drop down gazetteers for County and Townland (an Irish administrative unit)
all the basic map navigation tools and a simple info tool
right click on a layer to set transparency
uses MapServer opensource back-end, plus SQL Server 2008
The systems (and a third more complex Bioenergy Intranet system) got a mention here: http://www.geoconnexion.com/uploads/renewableenergy_intv9i4.pdf
http://haiticrisismap.org/ openlayes + geoxt
would it be possible to create a template map for the client with a bunch of data on it, census, socio, create some simple fake buffers.
Maybe have a look at the HeatMapAPI for Google Maps (not sure you'll wow the client with that though).
Another density map: http://maps.glassfish.org/server/ (showing the use of GlassFish around the world).
We're using the OpenLayers Heatmap layer, mostly because (for us) it handles large data volumes better than the Google Map version (your mileage may vary)
By large data volumes, I mean location datasets with 100K+ rows
It also works nicely as an ASPX page with dynamic realtime data retrieval from an SQL Server database. I've used a stored procedure to pre-process the data into the array format, grouped by Latitude & Longitude.
For those that need a translation table to convert their UK Postcodes into Latitude & Longitude, here's a good source:
The OneGeology Portal (http://portal.onegeology.org/OnegeologyGlobal/) has been online for about 10 years, currently running OpenLayers 2, with an OpenLayers 3 version in development.
The portal attempts to create a geological map of the world by pulling together disparate OGC services provided by data suppliers (mostly Geological Surveys) from across the globe. The portal provides access to data from WMS, WFS (simple and complex feature), and WCS. The portal uses CSW to help manage which functionality is available to a user, and provides the ability to style WMS layers through the application of custom SLD. Map contexts can be saved, shared and loaded using WMC.
There is a gazetteer to help you zoom to a location of choice, the ability to change projections, and scales, and the ability to create a KML file to allow the service to be used in Google Earth. Transparency can be changed on all layers.
There are currently 353 layers.
When the OneGeology project started, all documentation was geared to the support of services provided by MapServer, and many of the services in the portal are MapServer services. However, because the portal utilises open standards, any software that can provide services to those standards can be included.
This is an example of a classified grid generated in MapServer and displayed by OpenLayers: https://maps.greenwoodmap.com/sublette/mapserver/map#zcr=1/2690000/1170000/0&lyrs=slopesZ,townlim,ownership,roads. The raw, unclassified slope data can also queried by map click.


is there a vcl or a project (in delphi) that would allow me to download OSM tiles and display them on an app?
I have tried embedding an browser and it worked great but i need a way to display the maps offline.
As I see it, there is 3 ways to do this :
Save all displayed tiles as a single image (could be done easily with a TWebBrowser, or TEmbeddedBrowser component) : you would navigate to the map address (OSM Mapping Server) based on given coordinates (top left corner), and then take a snapshot. You need to recalculate the base coordinates (top left corner) after each snapshot.
You need to understand how tiles are generated, wich is not quite difficult :
basically, the scheme of osm tiles generation is as follow http://osmserver.org/tiles/tile/x/y/z.png
Once you understand how it works, you could calculate tiles url by code and download'em one by one.
For more info on the tiles generation scheme look here :
good thread on manifold forum : http://forum.manifold.net/forum/t71011.13#75206
or if you need to go further : http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Protocol_Version_0.5
download the entire OSM maps (available on the web) and use a VCL component to display them (Tatukgis DK...)
Best Regards,
I don't know the OpenStreetMap project very well, but there's a chance that the project itself has the software to "view" the maps inside a page.
You can accomplish your goal: show the maps off-line using the same basic construct you have now for the user interface: a embedded browser.
What you change is the url the browser will connect to to something like (http://localhost:3458), making your application her own web-server, for example, with Indy TIdHTTPServer binded to port 3458 (just an example port).
That way, you can serve the content for the embedded browser from inside your application, in the same way Delphi IDE (>= 2005) itself provides content for the main page you see when you start it (in fact, a embedded web browser).
To that browser, you serve the viewer page, all it's dependencies and the OSM file. The only restriction to this idea is the viewer MUST do all the things on the client side (for example, it could be javascript, flash, etc.). No server side scripts, unless you are willing to "mimic" the server side behavior or to integrate your application with the script engine (not too easy).
Other chance is to use THBImage, who offers OpenStreetMap integration with Delphi and a (not working) site demo.
Oops! I tried to provide a few hyperlinks in my message but as a new StackOverflow user I'm limited to just one. You might checkout the "Need solution to display map" message thread (25-Jan-2010) on: embarcadero.public.delphi.thirdpartytools.general
I'm trying to solve a similar problem. I need to display a county-wide or city-wide map using Delphi and then put custom icons on the map. I do not need routing or a very detailed map. In the past I've used a TMS "hotspot" component for the custom icons on top of a TImage. Now I need a way for the client to select their own map for the static background image.
A freeware MFC GUI control class (with source) which implements display of OpenStreeMap tiles:
The zip there has an executable that shows how it works.
This unit is to calculate URLs for the OpenStreetMap Project's TileServer, and other useful utilities as may be needed. If you want to use OpenStreetMap in your pascal programs, then this is for you.
I'm also considering using the free Tiger/Line maps. Those look pretty good in a free Linux program (xastir).
TatukGIS looks very good (and expensive). I certainly don't need a full GIS solution so this seems to be way overkill just to display a map. But if I don't find a simpler solution this still might be better than integrating MS MapPoint.
TGlobe seems like what I need but sadly it is no longer available.
look in StelMAP for Delphi with OSM
Component to view a map of the project OpenStreetMap for Delphi 2010 without using browser or scripts.
You can view maps offline. Support for proxy servers for work online. Multi-threaded loading tile map speeds up the process to download and view maps.
The set of procedures and property allows you to add a component to map an unlimited number of layers, shapes and images.
Don't know about OSM files, but if you can open them in a browser, you can always embed a TWebBrowser in your Delphi application and load the files within it.
Not the most elegant, but should work...(requires IE)
