I can't play an UILocalNotification sound from NSDocumentsDirectory on iOS 8 - ios

I'm having an issue with UILocalNotification (but it is the same with the Push notifications).
I'm only allowed to play sounds from the bundle of the app. For the purpose of my app, I'd like to play a sound from the NSDocumentsDirectory. I know that it was possible prior to iOS 6.
My question is: has anyone found a solution / hack to do it on iOS 7/8 ?
Thanks !


iOS NowPlayingView in Nativescript (7 / Vue)

I have a component playing audio in my nativescript app (recently updated to ns 7). Since the app should continue to play audio when it is in the background or the device is locked, I need a way to control the audio. iOS comes with the NowPlayingView.
Since I can not find a link to this feature in the Nativescript Documentation or a ns plugin for that, I am wondering if and how I could use that feature in my app. I did not yet dig into the "native-land" and was primarly using nativescripts own features. So I do not have any first steps that guide me in the right direction to implement such a feature, if possible at all.
Maybe you could help me with some rough tipps or even some code snippets, if you have already implemented the NowPlayingView?

flutter - FCM: custom vibration on iOS

I wrote an app that should notify people if something happend. Because of that it is important, that the people hear the notification. i have chosen flutter to develop parallel for android and ios. For android I have now got everything done.
For iOS I have been able to get my own sound on notifications.
But I don't found a solution how I can set my own vibration.
Do either of you know how I can set a vibration other than the short twitch?
I used the tutorial from firebase_messaging on flutter.io and set the sound during the notification rest call on the server.
If you want to see the source code, I can add it.
I thank you in advance for your support.

How to tell what app is running my iOS 8 Extension

How can I tell what app has summoned my extension. The docs are silent on this afaict. Is it possible?
Nope. This behavior is by design.

iOS app: access to Music storage allowed? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Add Music to iOS programmatically
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
From my experience, it seems that most music-app solutions out there try to reinvent the wheel (creating a new player, that the user would need to start using instead of the iOS default one). So I'm wondering: is it because each application has its own way to access/modify the Music data?
In short: can an iOS app add or remove music from the device in order for the default iOS music player to discover the new tracks? If yes, where is the documentation about this?
Apps cannot add music to the iOS Music Player. This is so that the only way to get music onto the default phone player is via iTunes. This protects Apple's revenue from music, so you can't blame them really for doing this.
If there was a way, those apps you've seen would use it!

Option to play a notification sound iOS

I wrote an Android application and it had options to choose what system notification sound the user wanted to play for each of the different types of notifications, three in total.
Now I want to write the same application for iOS, but is it possible to do this in iOS, I Googled about this but didn't really find a way on how to do it. Seeing as though iOS 7 is out, have Apple made any changes?
Or is it still restricted, like a million other things?
Choose custom sound for local notifications
This link provides the answer. You can find more detail in the apple doc. "In iOS, an application can specify a sound file along with an alert message or badge number.".
Ok, I have downloaded the standard iOS 7 alert sounds, and will put them in my bundle, and play them from there. Why does Apple make things so hard?
