Pushkit voip push notifications are not being received on iOS8.0.2 - ios

I implemented new pushkit voip push notifications and until now it has been working properly in all iOS8 devices I tested except one.
I ve got an iPhone iOS 8.0.2 which is not receiving any voip push.
It registers correctly as I get the pushRegistry:didUpdatePushCredentials: forType: delegate called
I tested previous remote pushes (registerForRemoteNotifications) with success but none of sent voip push are received.
So my questions are:
*Anyone has experienced same behavior for pushkit voip push notifications?
*Could it be something related with iOS version (iOS 8.0.2)?
*Could anyone having this version (iOS 8.0.2), implementpushkit voip push and try to receive a voip push notification in order to discard version problem?
If you need to implement pushkit voip push notifications you can check my answer on stackoverflow question

It only works on iOS8. With this SDK only works on iOS 8.1 (as of writing this it's beta 1). The reason for this is that in 8.0 the compiler linked is a dynlib and is not able to locate push kit framework for 32bits when running on 64bit hardware. But for now you need to compile for armv7 and armv7s.

You have to configure the Voip Push on the server-side, its not just about implementing it to the code.


After upgrade to iOS 11, iOS App not receiving APNS message when in Background

After upgrading iOS device to IOS 11 Beta version, my app has stopped receiving APNS message when it is in background. It does receive the message when it is in foreground. As per the device logs, APNS messages are being delivered to the device and are available in the notification center.
Has anyone experienced this issue?
This seems to be the global thread to jump onto. Not resolved, but has to do with iOS11 throttling / no-delivery of notifications in certain circumstances. Actually a lot of circumstances.
Very painful, as we depend on the delivery of silent pushes when app is active.
Silent pushes not delivered to the app on iOS 11

Appcelerator - ios push notification bug

I'm working with push notifications using Appcelerator.
Is it possible that this important bug
is still open?
The bug occurs when an ios app receive a push notification. If the app is closed, nothing is fired.
On iOS, there is no way to handle a push notification is it arrives when the app is closed.
I'm so disappointed. Push notifications are important in modern apps! And in Appcelerator don't work!
First of all that bug is still open because it can never be solved and in fact it is a limitation from Apple itself or even it is the limitation of every mobile OS.
Apple Push Notification Limitation
Read the above link for more details and you will have your all doubts cleared about Push notifications. Currently Titanium support best Push Notification handling when compared to cross-platform frameworks.
After reading above post, if you have any other doubts, then we are happy to help!

IOS9 voip communication

In iOS9 apple deprecated setKeepAliveTimeout and recommend UIRemoteNotification with VOIP Type available in PushKit for VOIP calling. Ok I can imagine that I will write server application for sending these notification.
1) But what-if i need periodically re-register to proxy server.
2) And what about sip-proxy? Does it mean, that all sip-proxies will need extension for sending these notifications to iOS Devices?
I founded answers to these questions here: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/49363
1) re-registering is not in iOS 10 no longer supported
2) generic sip-proxy app is also not available in iOS 10

Is it possible to SEND a parse push notification from a the simulator?

I know it's not possible to receive push notifications on the simulator but is it possible to send them? Noticed that the simulator won't create an installation on Parse.com but does this make a difference?
Short answer: you CAN
You cannot fully test push notifications in Xcode's simulator. You can send pushes from the simulator, but it will not receive push notifications.
Apple does not support Push Notifications through the iOS Simulator.
First you can't register to APNS with simulator So you can receive or send push notification from simulator , you need real device

How to allow hacktivated iOS devices to receive Push Notifications?

I'm developing a game that runs on iOS using Unity3D, my problem is that I can't find a solution to let push notification work on jail broken and hacktivated devices. How can I do that?
PS: I use App42 to send the push notification.
