Email contact on iOS application - ios

I know we can retrieve email contacts from the "Contacts" app.
What if I want to retrieve other email from let's say gmail inside my app. Is this possible?
Is there an sdk to retrieve it? e.g (the app will prompt user to login to gmail, and it will send back all the email contact)
What about Yahoo and Exchange?

Maybe this question about Gmail might help you.
I think similar to Gmail case, you can do with Exchange API and Yahoo
But Yahoo currently says:
Access to Yahoo’s IMAP service is one of the top requests from the application developer community. We are happy to announce that a Yahoo IMAP service with OAuth-2.0 will be available in early 2015. As announced on Dec 19th, 2014, we will no longer support the current Yahoo-customized Mail APIs after February 16, 2015. We will provide a migration path to this new service, which will allow us to better serve the developer community. For more information, send a mail to


Is there clear instruction on migrating to office graph from EWS Impersonation?

My company currently offer an Exchange Calendar integration to our customer by using EWS. Each customer's IT department will create an Admin Account that has the Impersonation right and provide it to us by entering into the UI tool. When we update the calendar event of their employee's calendar, we use that account login to Impersonate the employee.
With the deprecation of Basic Auth access for EWS in October 13th, 2020.
I can't get a clear answer on how we can migrate.
In general, do we register as an App (daemon), then each client company need to grant permission to us? How do we connect to their Exchange server? With what?
My company also has similar kind of app - booking using Outlook calender. We are currently working on a migration for our Office 365 customers.
The change in EWS is for Office 365/Exchange Online only.
If you are serving Exchange Online customers you can continue to use EWS for a while, but you will need to migrate from Basic Auth to OAuth. You can find a good description on how to implement OAuth with EWS here
To become "future-proof" you should also migrate from EWS to Microsoft Graph.

Verify mobile app Google

I've added kGTLRAuthScopeDrive scope to OIDAuthorizationRequest and I am facing the issue shown in the picture below:
How can I verify my ios app?
OAuth Client Verification
Starting July 18, 2017, Google OAuth clients that request certain sensitive OAuth scopes will be subject to review by Google.
Add-ons, web apps, and other deployments (such as apps that use the Apps Script API) may need verification.
You must apply to have your application verified by google before others will be able to use it. Verify
By clicking advanced you should be able to login yourself as the developer who created it. this is used for testing only

How can I pre-fill emails for GINInvite or google application invitation?

with google framework, Google/AppInvite
How can we add the list of emails for GINInvite object to send the invitation? I'm not getting any way to invite the list of emails I'm getting from my webApi
Is it possible to prefill users to send app invitation?
Thank you
Looking at the documentation for App Invites, there's absolutely no exposure of any e-mail or user information going in or out. It looks like Google is being privacy-minded here and would prefer that users have total control as to how invites get addressed.

send messages to friends via facebook api programatically in ruby

I have checked with the facebook docs. I could see only possibility of read not write for messages.
Just to reconfirm -
Is there a way in facebook api to send messages to friends programatically in ruby?
This is not possible in ANY language. You can use the Send Dialog of the JavaScript SDK, but it is not possible to send messages automatically (for obvious spam reasons):
It was only possible with the Chat API earlier, but it´s deprecated now:
...meaning, it will only be possible until April 2015, and ONLY with an App created before end of April 2014. Not worth it to implement the Chat API anymore.

Access iphone device login mail in my application

I am new one Iphone developer
How to access device login mail inbox in my application. It is possible or not.
please help me.
No. Apple doesn't provide an API for that.
However, you're free to ask the user for their mail server settings and then talk directly to an IMAP server, downloading the mail/attachments yourself.
If you have presets for popular email providers (MobileMe, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) this won't have to be too difficult for most users to deal with.
