TFS 2010 Build Work Items in a Certain State - tfs

We have been using TFS 2010 to manage work items and sprints for a while now and have recently added on a dedicated QA person. What I need to be able to do is to either create a build definition that I can run on a scheduled basis (Tuesdays at 9pm for instance) that will only build and/or deploy the Work Items that are in a State of "ReadyToDeploy". Or a way to get a list of files to push based on the TFS API.
My end goal is to have a way to automate the release process so that only the items that have passed QA are sent to our staging environment weekly. Then the customer or QA can approve that the items work in staging which is a mirror of production, and another process or build definition will deploy those items which will be in a different state.
I have modified the work items and work flows to accomplish the different states, but I am having an issue getting either a build of just the fixes or a list of all the files to push based on the state of the work item.
I am open to any ideas or solutions for this, the alternative is that I have to manage the list of files and manually push files every week and I am trying to get away from that.
Edit: The way we have it setup now, is that each developer has their own branch and own website, our software is server based and has to be run on a particular server. Our Trunk is linked to the main dev website. This is where QA initially does their testing to move an item to the ready to deploy status. When a dev is ready for QA they check in their changes in their branch and merge into the trunk. The builds are created off of the trunk at the moment. On our deployment nights I open up the trunk website in VS and do a publish then take those files compared against a list the developers have given me and ftp the compiled files to our production server.

I could be wrong, but I am not aware of a way to tell a build to avoid certain changesets based on the state of an attached work item.
I think the only way you could achieve this would be to create a Release branch and perform a daily merge of changesets that are in the "ReadyToDeploy" state. When you merge, you are able to cherry pick changesets, but they must be contiguous. This means that you would have to perform multiple merges to get the Release branch into the appropriate condition.
We have operated something similar for many years and it works well for us. Many people will tell you that it's bad practice, and it probably is, but that is for you to decide.
As for automating this for a build, I don't think it would be a trivial job. The hardest part will be the merge. You might think that there will be no conflicts as it is a one-way merge, but having done this for a number of years, I can tell you that conflicts do arise.
Step By Step Explanation
Create a branch off the trunk called release
When you want to do a deploy, merge from the trunk into release, but only cherry pick the ReadyToDeploy changesets. This may take several merges as the changesets must be contiguous.
Fire off a build / deploy of the release branch.
Repeat steps 2 - 3 as your release schedule allows.

You could do something automatic, it would require an extensive bit of coding. It would also require a branching strategy so that, Dev, Staging, and Production all come from their own branches.
Set up a process that uses the TFS API to scan for items in that state
Use API to Traverse Items to get check ins attached
Use API to Get latest of source and target branch
Use API to Merge by change set (identified in #2) (this is non trivial, have to handle lots of cases, but merging should all be 1 way with no conflicts, so doable)
Use API to Check In
Kick off Compile Build
If Compile Build Successful kick off Publish Build

To the best of my knowledge there is a major issue with this approach. Say you have two changesets: # 1 and 2. Both of them containing modification for the same file. Now changeset #2 contains its own changes plus changes from #1.
If you decide to pull in changeset 2 and skip #1 guess what's gonna happen. You are going to suck in changes from #1. This is obviously a problem.


Working with main and dev branches in TFS

I have to upload a new project to TFS. This project is already finished but it is not under control version yet.
I have decided to work with two branches: main, dev. In my case release is not necessary, I can do all the stuff using feature isolation branching strategy.
Initially I create a team project. Using team explorer from Visual Studio I create two folders: Main and Dev under team project.
First I upload project to Main folder.
From now on each time a new feature must be implemented I create a dev branch from Main folder and put it under dev folder, let's say dev_branch_01. This dev branch will be short-lived.
The implementation of this feature is divided into parts. Each part is done by a developer so each developer creates a new short-lived branch from the dev_branch_01 just created in order to implement the assigned part. When all developers have completed their part, they merge their dev branch into dev_branch_01 and resolve conflicts.
Once all the parts have been merged into dev_branch_01, QA Team makes the necessary tests against this branch. When all tests are passed by QA Team, dev_branch_01 is merged into Main branch.
Here, I have a doubt: all the short-lived dev branches done from dev_branch_01 by each developer could be deleted? Also dev_branch_01 could be deleted as well?
Later in future, when a new feature must be implemented, we repeat the process again, I mean, we create a new short-lived dev branch from main branch, let's say dev_branch_02 and we repeat the entire process explained above.
We always have one main branch and many short-lived dev branches.
I would like to know if the way we work with main and dev branches is correct.
Lest break this question:
Here, I have a doubt: all the short-lived dev branches done from dev_branch_01 by each developer could be deleted?
In TFS the branch are not physically deleted, when you first delete, TFS will just Hide from the main view, image bellow. because that you can't name a branch 2 times with the same name, to reuse a name you need to force delete which I don't recommend.
So, the answer for your first question the answer is yes, it can be delete without problem, just remember, you can't create a new branch with the same name in the future.
If you want to see deleted branches click in the button Xx in your Source Control Explorer. With this option, you'll see all the history of your old branches which is good because is the kind of think that you don't have with Git ease.
Also dev_branch_01 could be deleted as well?
I don't recommend that for 2 reasons
1 - I understand that you'll want to recreate this branch in the future and like i said, you can't create a branch 2 times with the same name.
2 - With this branch alive you will be able to restore a deleted branch for any reason that you'll find and keep the history consistence between branches.

TFS without any branch

Do you really need a Branch to CheckIn / CheckOut Code in TFS i.e, just add files to a folder ?
What would be advantage to Branch in that case ?
You do not need a branch to check in and check out.
Branches however provide you with the ability to make changes to more thank one version of your code at once. Lets say that you have one folder at $/ProjectA/MyAwesomeApplication/Master. You can happily work away, checking in and releasing. At some point you find a bug in production that needs fixed immediately. However MASTER is well beyond what was last released and you don't want to deploy those changes yet.
You know which build is deployed and thus which changeset. You can branch MASTER at that changeset (the past) and create $/ProjectA/MyApplication/QuickFix. There you can fix that bug and ship, then merge back into MASTER and delete that branch.
Now obviously this is expensive and time consuming. A better way would to move forward and just ship what is in MASTER. If you have feature flags and good testing them you should be able to do that. There are however always those exceptions to that rule, and that's where branching comes in.
If you are using Git in TFS rather than TFVC the story is different.

How to Determine the Work Items Fixed in a particular TFS Build when using Branches?

We have begun using the following branching structure in TFS 2010:
All changes so far have been performed in the Development branch, and all check-ins have been associated with a Task work item. The Tasks are all children either of a Bug or a Product Backlog Item work item. Each CI build is triggered for a particular changeset, and the changeset is associated with a Task, so we can manually figure out which Bug or PBI was just built.
Some time after the code has been built, deployed to our Integration environment and tested by the developer, it is merged to the Main branch. Obviously, more than one changeset may be merged to Main at the same time. The nightly build will build this code if we don't manually trigger the nightly before that. QA will later deploy one of these "Main" builds to the QA environment.
There may have been several builds of the Main branch since the last time QA have deployed. These builds are associated with the "Merge" changesets, not with the original changesets which were associated with the Tasks.
How do I determine the set of tasks which have been addressed by a given "Main" build, which is a build of a different branch than the one associated with the Task work items?
Once we've begun preparing for a release, we may very well need to make changes in the Release branch, which will complicate things further since we will be merging back from Release to Main, and the Release changesets will be associated with Tasks. Those will then be merged to Development, making life even more interesting!
P.S. The question "How to determine the work items associated with a source branch in TFS 2010?" comes close to asking the same question, but not quite.
Take a look at Jacob Ehn's blog post Automatically Merging Work Items in TFS 2010. He wrote a plug in that can be downloaded from codeplex. It will automatically associate the work items that were associated with the merged changesets. So when you merge to Main or Release the work items will be associated with the changesets in those branches, and the work items will be included in the build reports for builds off of those branches. The plug-in is super easy to deploy.
The other option is that you can build a custom workflow activity that you can run during your build that can traverse the merge history for each of the changesets that would normally be associated. It's essentially walking the tree starting with a known set of associated changesets. I would prefer this approach since you can let your developers worry about only needing to associate work items with the original changesets instead of having to also do it with merge changesets as well. This also allows you to get around having to deploy a custom work item policy as Bryan described in his suggestion.
I might have some sample code to get you started with traversing the merge history tree if you want to contact me at

TFS CM resource recommendations / some questions

I am working with a small development shop that consists of a group of 5 developers and 1 QA person. We are using TFS and need to get more sophisticated on how we use this tool.
Currently the development team checks in their code each evening. A nightly build runs and pushes the output out on a network share. Our QA person uses this build for testing the next day. Sometimes the build off the trunk codebase has issues/bugs that hinder the QA process, and it hasn’t been a giant issue in the past, but we now want to get to a state where we have our QA person testing on a stable QA build.
So I believe we need to create a branch (call it QA), and the developers will continue to develop off the trunk, but the QA person will use builds created from code in the QA branch.
Seems simple enough, but we have started doing code reviews as well. So we have another desire in that only code that has been code reviewed can be promoted to the QA branch. Each developer works off a TFS item, and when they check in a changeset, they do it against a TFS item which creates a link between a checked in code file and a TFS item. Eventually the TFS item becomes complete and ready for code review. All code attached to the TFS item is reviewed. How can the versions of these files get promoted to the QA branch?
In the QA branch, if a bug is found, we want to fix it in the QA branch and have the changes migrated back to the trunk. I believe TFS has a way to automatically do this doesn’t it?
Long story short, we want to get to a build and CM environment that I believe is pretty standard, but we are unaware of how to make this happen with TFS. Given our situation above, can someone point out a book or website(s) that would address our specific needs? We would like to make this happen without having to get too deep in CM theory or TFS.
I very much appreciate any and all suggestions!
You might want to take a gander at the resources on CodePlex. There are different strategies laid out for how you might want to build your branching model.

TFS: Is this possible?

We have 3 environments: dev, test, and staging.
I want to check in and out of TFS. When we make changes, I want to promote the code to the dev web server. Next I want to promote the changes to test, then to staging. Would it be possible to do this with Team Foundation Server?
Why on earth are people suggesting branching? You branch for different features or static branches for release snapshots.
Surely the differences between these environments are configuration items/files and settings within these. All you need to do is get your deployment and release management process in order.
Create appropriate MSBuild tasks and use TFSBuild (Continuous Integration) to call these to take care of outputting the correct config files for the Environment/Configuration you are building. You can trivially add another MSBuild target that deals with the appropriate deployment to the respective target environments.
You can manually checkout the code from each branch, make your changes subsequently to each branch, and checkin. Very carefully.
Much better is to have these 3 environments be branches of each other. (Typically you start with dev, and branch to the other 2 in turn). Then you can use the Merge functionality to merge (for example) your dev changesets directly to test, etc. At this point your Test modules (that need to be changed to match dev) are checked out, with the changes. Then simply commit the changes. Then repeat for staging and rinse. This is the suggested methodology for this common scenerio.
Two important notes:
Even though TFS if very server-centric (compared to SVN, for example), this merging functionality happens on the client. You need to have each branch mapped to your machine. After the Merge process is completed, you'll have uncommitted changes in the target branch until you check in.
In Microsoft's vision and in the example I give here, these branches are permanent. This was a change from my previous practice using SVN, where whole branches were created/promoted/retired all the time. In the TFS way, you create the Test branch and it remains, indefinately, the Test branch. It's never promoted; its changes are merged elsewhere.
Building is a separate action. You need to set up a separate build for each situation, though of course once you set up the first one the other two will be trivial. After your merge to staging, you'll then run the staging build. (From Team Explorer or in the Build menu). TFS is a bit heavy but once it is set up it does handle this situation very well, easy for a distributed team to merge and build quickly (with automated build tests, etc.).
Yes, this is possible, but you must manually check them in from one branch to another.
