iOS issue found during validation - invalid characters - ios

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I found a post where someone had a similar issue and a solution was found, however, I'm still running into a wall:
Invalid Binary File after uploading on ITunesConnect
The exact error I get is the same, i.e. "Your package contains a file 'App ' with a name that contains invalid characters. Avoid using control characters in the file names." at SoftwareAssets/SoftwareAsset (MZItmspSoftwareAssetPackage)
I'm almost 100% certain all I need to do is find the offending file named "Icon .png" (the space before the .png is what messes everything up, I'm assuming) but I can't seem to find it. In the above post, looking into hidden files and folders was suggested but I'm not sure how to go about this as I've never done it before.
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!

If you are using external font, or external libraries sometimes they have an exe file named icon, go to your external folders and make sure you delete that file, you've probably been searching for images that's why you haven't found the exe file


This bundle is invalid. The Info.plist file is missing or could not be parsed. Please check it for embedded control characters

Please help me out with this issue while uploading application to Appstore I am getting this error:
I experienced similar issue recently - messed with a lot of different things but at the end, the issue was a bad character in the file - which is only visible through an editor like vi. Open the file with vi and then navigate to the bad character if you find one (it usually sticks out like a sore thumb as a different color to the rest of the file) - then hit 'x' to delete it. The type colon on keyboard and 'wq' and hit enter to save and exit. Delete previous archive - archive again and try to validate. This worked for me.
I had the same issue & I wasted full day looking here and there creating builds and validating them.
I checked my Info.plist file & there was no control character.
One property CFBundleShortVersionString from Info.plist was referring to $(MARKETING_VERSION) which had the control character. So kindly check the Info.plist file first and then the referencing variables.

Invalid Binary in ItunesConnect on Xamarin Project

My Issue
Supported by the Xamarin guidance here,_testing,_and_metrics/app_distribution_overview/publishing_to_the_app_store/ I used the App Loader tool (recently downloaded version 3) and uploaded my .ipa file. Everything indicates success but after a few minutes, it moves from “uploaded” to “invalid binary”
I have checked stackoverflow and done a few suggestions ive double-checked all my image files and the build for 64 bit etc. Any help you can provide is appreciated.
Well since I dont have a 10 reputation I cannot post pics and i can only do one link, so I am going to upload this to my blog, I appreciate any help i can get please.
See complete issue explained here -
I've hit this issue twice, including a few days ago. In both cases the cause was that I included a bundle resource file (of my own proprietary format and definition) with the *.app extension. For some reason, Apple's validation choked on this. The hint was that the auto-generated email sent by iTunes Connect said something about requiring the zip extension. Red herring error message, but it jogged my memory that *.app is a "special" extension I can't use for my own stuff.
Just to be clear, this *.app file that caused an issue was buried inside my overall *.ipa file and its *.app directory. So you still need the standard format, you just need to be careful not to use Apple's extensions for your own proprietary data.

Xcode Pinterest.h file not found

So I have looked high and low for a fix for this and nothing seems to work. I have a a project that works 100%, but when I transfer it over to another mac I get the following error. Pinterest.h file not found. However this file is in fact present and makes no sense why I am getting this error. I have tried cleaning build, cleaning build folder, restarting xcode, checking build paths and I simply cannot figure out this issue. Here is an image of the error
and here is an image of the class that is causing the error
Literally any help on this would be amazing, I am using sharekit if that helps at all.
Are you sure you have Pinterest.h included in the actual project? It could be that, on your second device, you forgot to include the Pinterest.h as a file inside the project itself. It might be within the directory structure, but that doesn't mean that it's included in the Xcode project.
With the limited images you provided, it's really hard to tell one way or the other. Can you provide more information/images?

IOS Application Loader error "Unable to Parse application Info.plist for validation"

After cleaning everything in Xcode to Submit my app to iTunes Connect, I've reached an error that I cannot find an answer for.
The full error is:
Unable to Parse application Info.plist for validation. Please make
sure your Info.plist contains no embeddedcontrol characters, is del
formed, and is encoded in a UTF-8 compatible encoding.
Im creating the project with UNITY 3D, and everything works okay on my iPod and iPhone, but after I build it to archive and submit either from Organizer or Application Loader I get this error.
Can someone please Help??
I had this error, and it turned out to be an inadvertent space in one of the fields. But the key to resolving these errors is to view the info.plist file in a text editor. By careful examination, you are likely to be able to find the non-conforming character/field.
It's probably a BOM character or something else you can't see.
Try converting the document to UTF-8 without BOM
Also, make sure your line endings are all \n (LF) and not \r\n (CRLF). That should fix it.
I'm not sure what text-editors you have, but you can do this with TextWrangler which is Free.
Another possibility is that you have some other special character (like an & or < or >) that it doesn't like, but I'd suspect this isn't the case.
Try opening your Info.plist in a plain text editor and look for characters that may be out of place. If you have other similar apps, you can compare both plain text .plist files which may lead you to the problem.
Oddly enough, I had a project which exhibited this very error and in my case, swapping "Icon Files (iOS 5)" for the predecessor "Icon Files" made the difference. Remember that the older Icon Files requires the icons to be of the standard naming conventions: Icon.png, Icon#2x.png, Icon-72.png, Icon-72#2x.png, etc.
I can't explain why this change produces the different results which leaves me to believe its a bug in Apple app validation.

Delphi "E2161 Error: RLINK32: Error opening file ________.drf " during Build All

I am trying to resolve a problem with a set of packages that apparently have dependency issues. Occasionally during a Build All, I get this error:
Delphi "E2161 Error: RLINK32: Error opening file ________.drf "
What does it mean / indicate, and what is a "drf" file?
It looks like this turned out to be the main problem / solution.
Open up all the packages for which you have source code, and specify the compile option:
'Rebuild explicitly' instead of 'Rebuild when needed'.
In addition to the Solving the 'cannot find drf file' problem when compiling packages article, I also came across Delphi bug report #44134, in which a commenter mentions that the problem stems from having your .dpk files in the same directory as your .pas files when that same directory is in the library path and "rebuild as needed" is enabled.
You thus have three options for fixing this problem:
Turn off "rebuild as needed". This seems to be the most common solution.
Put your package files (*.dpk, *.dproj) into a separate directory and then reinstall the packages. I have done this, with success.
Remove the directory containing your .dpk and .pas files from the library path. Note that Delphi will add it back again in certain circumstances, including when you install/reinstall your package.
Hmm... never heard of them. I just searched the project that inspired the question you linked to, and there's nothing in there with a "DRF" extension. Checking here doesn't turn up anything Delphi-related. But the fact that it's a linker error, not a compiler error, would lead me to guess that the first two letters stand for "Delphi Resource."
Try a search through your project's directory tree and see if you can find anything with a DRF extension. If so, try opening it with a text editor to see if it's readable, and if not, try a hex editor if you know anything about reading binary file formats. See if you can make any sense of it.
If you don't find any, then Delphi's probably getting it from somewhere in the code it's compiling. Try running a grep search for "DRF" on your directory tree and see if it turns up anything.
From :
When you compile with packages, you
can specify which packages should be
considered for linkage. The package
requirements of the project get stored
into a temporary Windows resource file
with a .DRF extension.
Whatever that file with the many underscores is, the linker is most probably searching it in what it thinks the tempdirectory is (you can confirm this using filemon). The explanation at DelphiFaq, where a misdefined %TEMP% is the culprit, is as likely as any reason.
Sometimes the problem was file access permissions.
A workaround was run Delphi as Administrator.
