How can I speed up my Rails DelayedJobs time to start? - ruby-on-rails

I am using Rails / Delayed Jobs, with Rails 4.1 on Heroku. I've noticed that my jobs take anywhere from 1 second to 10 seconds to actually start. Once they start, they run pretty fast.
How can I speed that up?
I am calling them with!
I do have some other ongoing jobs, but there's not that many of them, so it doesn't seem like that would be the cause. It just seems like a lagginess in how often it checks to run jobs.

I think you want to configure Delayed::Worker.sleep_delay which is hinted at in the delayed job README. If delayed job can't find a job then it sleeps for this many seconds before looking again. The default sleep is for 5 seconds.
So, you might set the following in config/initializers/delayed_job.rb to only sleep for 2 seconds between queries for pending jobs.
Delayed::Worker.sleep_delay = 2
Obviously the trade-off is the more frequent polling for jobs when nothing is going on.
Also, if you're not wedded to delayed job then you might find resque or particularly sidekiq would probably process your jobs quicker than delayed job.


Long running schedule job

I new to ROR. Wanted to ask something for confirmation. If I run long schedule job. Will it block others schedule job? I have others job running every 5 minutes, Plan to write something that easily run more than 3 hours. Will it block the 5 minutes job?
The whenever gem is basically only a way to configure and handle Cron jobs.
That said: At the given time Cron will just start and run a configured job. Cron will not block other jobs nor it cares if a job fails or if another job is still running.
Limiting factor might be:
Memory/CPU consumption: Each job consumes memory/CPU. If there are too many jobs running at the same time your server might run out of memory or might have a high load. But this doesn't really block other jobs it just slows down the whole server.
Database locks: If your jobs perform tasks that lock database tables other queries might be blocked and need to wait. But this is not Cron specific, this depends on what your code actually does.

How can I configure Delayed jobs to not wait for a task before starting the others?

I am using Delayed jobs for my Ruby app hosted in Heroku to perform a very long task that can take up to 5 minutes.
I've noticed that, in development mode at least, when this task is running the ones that come afterwards are not started until that one finishes. I would like other tasks to be able to start running without having to wait for the other to finish (to have at least 3 concurrent tasks, for example).
I don't wish to increase the number of workers in Heroku ($$$).
I noticed the 'pool' param in delayed jobs but I don't fully understand if this is what I need or how to use it.
I achieved it using threads in the task code, but maybe this is not the best way to do it.
If you could tell me exactly how I could achieve concurrency in delayed jobs I would really appreciate it.
A DJ worker only runs a single job at a time. If you want concurrent processing of your background jobs, you'll need multiple background workers.
You are way better off implementing sidekiq.

Is it possible to run a delayed job immediately but still asynchronously?

We are using DelayedJob to run tasks in the background because they could take a while, and also because if an error is thrown, we still want the web request to succeed.
The issue is, sometimes the job could be really big (changing hundreds or thousands of database rows) and sometimes it could be really small (like 5 db rows). In the case of the small ones, we'd still like to have it run as a delayed job so that the error handling can work the same way, but we'd love to not have to wait roughly 5 seconds for DJ to pick up the job.
Is there a way to queue the job so it runs in the background, but then immediately run it so we don't have to wait for the worker to execute 5 seconds later?
Edit: Yes, this is Ruby on Rails :-)
Delayed Job polls the database for new dj records at a set interval. You can reconfigure this interval in an initializer:
# config/delayed_job.rb
Delayed::Worker.sleep_delay = 2 # or 1 if you're feeling wild.
This will affect DJ globally.
How about
wait: 0,
queue: "queue_name",

Should the resque-scheduler queue be expected to handle /lots/ of delayed jobs?

I am currently using resque and resque-scheduler in an application that will have to handle a lot of recurring jobs - "do this every hour", "do this every day" etc. At the moment, I simply queue up the next run of the job in the job itself, the HourlyJob queue has a .enqueue_at(1.hour.from_now, HourlyJob) etc.
Should I be doing this? It "feels" like I should have a static recurring job using resque-schedulers cron-type functionality that then schedules up say the next 5 minutes worth of delayed jobs... but all I am really doing is moving the work from the (probably fast, redis based) resque-scheduler to my (probably less well implemented, mysql based) code, surely?
Is there anything wrong with how I'm doing it now?
I'd personally use the cron style provided by resque-scheduler, your use case is exactly what it was built for:
Your more directly indicate these are recurring jobs.
Everything is located in the same YAML file rather then multiple job classes/modules.
By queuing the next run of the job inside the actual job:
You run the risk of the next run going missing when your worker/job/server fails.
Your needlessly using more memory in Redis, the scheduler process will not add the jobs to Redis until there ready to be run.
Hops this helps.

rails: Scheduled jobs but run at most one at single time

I have the scheduled job which run every 5 seconds. I'm now using backgroudRB for scheduling. But sometimes, the job may take more than 5 seconds and i don't want more than one job is running at the same time. In .Net, we can use Mutex class, but I'm not sure about what should I use in rails application.
Yuck, I remember using backgrounDRb, it was horrible. I use Resque now, after using delayed_job. Both work well, and you can solve your problem by only running a single worker. You can find both on Github.
