Can the width of a bar element be set so it fills up a certain ratio of the x-axis, e.g. 80% ?
In the general case (multiple bar elements), using renderer.setBarSpacing(0.5f) gives a nice distribution of the axis, but it does not work for the special case when there is only one bar.
Suppose I want to create two charts with horizontal bars. The names of the objects are listed on the y-axis and the horizontal bars represents some quantity. The first chart has 100 items and the second chart has 5 items.
When I create the charts the horizontal bars have different widths. I'd like the bars to be the same width across all of my charts.
I know I can try different values for the height parameter to the AddShape function. But that seems time-consuming and unreliable since the number of items can change. I'd like to do something like:
Chart.BarWidth = 10
The "thickness" of each bar will be primarily determined by the number of data points that need to be plotted. The more data points to plot, the thinner the bars will be. There are some options to further tweak them, such as IChartGroup.GapWidth, and you're welcome to try to adjust this so that both charts match. But I suspect that it will be very difficult to do this reliably, particularly if the number of plotted points is expected to change over time.
To maintain the same bar thickness for multiple charts, I think your best option will be to ensure both charts' series refer to the same size range. So if your first chart refers to 100 cells, have your second chart refer to 100 cells, even if only 5 are populated with values. The empty cells should not plot but will still take up space and therefore maintain consistent bar thicknesses between your two charts.
I have a requirement to draw Core Plot horizontal bar chart with everything on the negative y-axis. I.e. the first index should appear at -1, like below:
I have figured out how to draw horizontal Bar Chart. But figuring out how to draw them in an "inverted" manner (to let user scroll downward with the tallest bar on top). My thought:
1) Convert the Y-index to negative
2) offset the Y-axis to the top of the graph instead of bottom
Is there any better way to do it?
I have found a historical article that's similar to my request (core-plot iOS reversed Y axis).
I have got what I needed after using this:
CPTPlotRange plotRangeWithLocation:CPTDecimalFromFloat(-yMax-1) length:CPTDecimalFromFloat(yMax)
P.S. you need to add the -1 to the Location parameter (-yMax-1) otherwise the horizontal bar at index 0 will not be shown clearly.
I have now been bashing my head against this problem for a couple of hours and figured it was time to ask somebody else.
I have 2 views that must be the same size, within these two views there are 2 boxes (green and blue in the pictures below), which are of variable sizes, and a box (pink'ish) that is fixed size.
Here is a sample image:
The green and pink boxes are set to be at the top, and the blue box floats underneath them. The blue box should never be further down than 15pt from the lowest of the other two boxes. This means that if the green box becomes smaller (as seen in the next image), then the blue box should stay 15pt from the pink box.
Lastly, since the cells are fixed height then if the blue box becomes smaller, then it should stay at the other boxes, but leave space below itself to fill out the rest of the view (since it must be as big as the view next to it), as I tried picturing here:
The key point here is that we are working on the smaller view of the two.
(The green and blue boxes are both labels with text that must be at the top of the box.)
The best solution I've come up with is to add:
green.bottom >=15
pink.bottom >=15
blue.bottom >=15 superview.bottom
But I get an "Inequality Constraint Ambiguity" between them, because inequality is not "good enough".
You need to add two more constraints between the blue view and the green and pink views. The should be,
green.bottom == 15 priority 900
pink.bottom == 15 priority 900
Your >= constraints have the default priority of 1000, meaning that they are required. This will ensure that neither view is ever closer than 15 points to the blue view. Adding these new equal constraints with a lower priority, means that the system will try to satisfy them, but it doesn't have to. This will result in the system satisfying which ever of those two equal constraints that it can, without violating the >= constraints.
I'm not exactly sure what constraint you need to the bottom of the view (from the blue view) since I'm unsure what size you want it to be.
I need to display bar-chart diagram.
The main issue I've not found yet is how to display bars with sub-bars.
So the first bar consists of green bar (with 5 points for y) at bottom and yellow bar (with 3 points for y).
And the second bar consists of pink bar at bottom (with 3 points for y)
So my bars are not stacked. - I can have even no bars for next x, but I can have 3 sub-bars in one bar in different order.
Generally the following image shows what bars do I need.
Generally the following image shows what bars do I need.
Use a different bar plot for each fill pattern. Set barBasesVary to YES on each plot so you can control the ends of bars individually. The plot will query the datasource for three values for each bar: the location (the horizontal position for vertical bars), the tip (the top) value, and the base (the bottom) value. The "Vertical Bar Chart" demo in the Plot Gallery example app shows a simple example of this technique.
I have a bar graph (note: the length of a bar spans horizontally. conversely, a column graph spans vertically. See below.) My series data can either become a long list or a short list so the number of bars varies between many and few. If I have many bars, my graph needs more height to maintain the same space between bars and maintain the width of the bars. How can I set the height of the graph to ensure that these are fixed?
I looked into a scrollbar for the vertical axis, but I didn't like this because the browser may have it's own vertical scrollbar. I also found advice on dynamically resizing the graph to fit the window, but this is won't work if I have more bars than would fit within a maximized window. So I think the best idea would be to have a graph that sizes with the number of bars. If the bar graph is greater than the page height, the browser's vertical scrollbar will come into action.
Bar graph:
=============== ]---- width of bars needs to be maintained.
[spacing between bars also needs to be maintained.]
=== <--- a new bar would simply go here, and chart would increase height by 1 bar width.
The best solution that I have found for this is to determine the size by a simple count of the categories I will need on the server side.
When loading the page, I start with the height needed for the chart's top and bottom margin.
I do a count of my data, and multiply by however much space I need (usually 20, 25 pixels per category, in my cases).
Then set the height of the container accordingly.
I usually do this with php on page load. I'm sure a javascript implementation wouldn't be difficult to achieve.