IOS UITabbarController set Image is not possible - ios

Hello my Guys i have some Problems to set the image in the UITabbarController. I use the Interfacebuilder to do that. But when I start the Simulator the tabs don't even images. It would be very nice when you can help me.

it's better to get 10*10 size png images, and add it to your tab item, and then you will come to know what size you can use.


How to install image for UIBarButtonItem of standard size?

When I try to add my image to a UIBarButtonItem, it changes its size. Setting the width for the UIBarButtonItem does not help fix the situation.
I would like to add one large image that would suit any device.
When I add an image of 500*500px, the button becomes very wide.
When I add a button of 20*20px, it is so small that I can barely see a point on the panel.
I found several solutions here, but they are all quite old and work when adding a button via code.
Is it possible to do this through Interface Builder?
If not, at least a solution for Swift 4.
In general, it looks very strange and illogical, if it is not possible to add an image to a UIBarButtonItem through the builder interface, so that they remain normal sizes. No wonder this opportunity is there.
Download your images in 3 formats: 25px, 50px and 75px and put behind the image name #1x, #2x, #3x then you can just use storyboard to place them.

UINavigationBAr Title as an Image, used to work, doesn't display anymore in XCode9

I'm having a small annoying issue, I'm using storyboards on this app since it's creation, I want to make an update to it and something that used to work before doesn't anymore
See I was using an image as a UINavigationBar Title, Dragged it to the storyboard and it worked almost automatically,
Now well the image doesn't display anymore... Here's a screen :
As you Can see, the UIImageView is there, but nothing shows up. and when I run the app, still nothing...
I'd like to solve it trought Storyboards, but my knowledge is limited

Set an image as background for all screen resolutions

I'm in trouble with the design part of my app and I hope someone will be able to help me. Here is the description of my problem:
I would like to put an image in background of all views of my app adapting all screen resolutions. My designer has given to me these background images in different sizes (for all devices, iPhone and iPad). I'm not using size classes because it's an old project. I have two storyboards: one for iPad devices and another one for iPhone devices. I created an UIImageView, put it on my view in storyboard and added the good constraints (stick to all sides)
I tried two methods to achieve my goal:
Using the slicing method but the problem is I have some logos on my
image and it become difficult to slice.
Using the Mode of the image in storyboard like Aspect fill, Aspect fit, Scale to fill and so on. The problem with this method is that the background seems to be good for one device, but distorted for all other devices.
I searched all over the web to find something but without success. Is someone already had this issue and found a solution ?
Thanks a lot in advance !
All you have to do is in viewDidLoad determine the screen size and set a different image; you might want to do the same if your screen is being rotated.
I think you need to use Mode property of UIView,
If you Aspect fill then your image will be set and cropped as per size, but on use of Aspect fill you need to use clipToBound to YES as well,
If you use Aspect fit then image will be display as its Aspect Ratio.
But for background the Aspect fill will be the best with clipToBound to YES
if you want to set the same background image for every viewcontroller you can try this in your appdelegate
[self.window setBackgroundColor:[UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"default"]]]; and set background color of your viewcontroller to clearColor,thats it. I have done the same thing in one of my application. Feel free to ask further suggestions...

UIPopoverController with UIVisualEffectView over UISplitViewController - background is not getting blurred on iPhone 6 plus

I am trying to display a popover controller over UISplitViewController.
The popover is displayed correctly. However, the visual effect view, which I have added to it, is not being displayed correctly on iPhone 6 plus (the background is not getting blurred). Here is the result which I am getting:
I have no clue how to resolve this issue.
The most similar question I was able to find is this. However, none of the solutions worked for me.
I have also tried modifying the presentation styles but it does not help as well. Setting the background for popover to clearColor also doesn't help...
I have uploaded a project to GitHub which you can find here.
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions!
This is the normal behaviour, if you want to blur the background while the popup is presented, you should use UIPresentationController and it's delegates.
You can find the documentation here and a top notch tutorial here.
Here you will find an example of what you're trying to achieve.

Where to find glossy background images for UIButton?

I want to have a glossy button in my iPhone app (in the style of the black toolbar). However, as you all know, those are not included in the SDK.
So I wonder if anyone knows where to get ready to use button images.
I have of course googled for that, but I could not find any useful graphics. My requirements to button graphics are:
should match Apple's style used in the black toolbar / titlebar
should have resolution high enough for retina devices
should be available for commercial use (does not need to be free)
I have also taken a look at some programmatic solutions like Michael Heyeck's Shiny Red Buttons which are quite well done. However I would prefer to have a simple png file to use as a button background image.
You can try the link here - it might help .
