Where to find glossy background images for UIButton? - ios

I want to have a glossy button in my iPhone app (in the style of the black toolbar). However, as you all know, those are not included in the SDK.
So I wonder if anyone knows where to get ready to use button images.
I have of course googled for that, but I could not find any useful graphics. My requirements to button graphics are:
should match Apple's style used in the black toolbar / titlebar
should have resolution high enough for retina devices
should be available for commercial use (does not need to be free)
I have also taken a look at some programmatic solutions like Michael Heyeck's Shiny Red Buttons which are quite well done. However I would prefer to have a simple png file to use as a button background image.

You can try the link here - it might help .


How to embed icon in UIButton

How can I design something similar to this, is that a unicode icon or imageview ?
Differents options could be possible :
With an image (png / gif or webp)
Good solution : but you maybe not able to make all that designs, especially if you have a lot of icons to designs
With unicode
Easy solution : But becareful you not control what's appears. The displayed icon depend of your device / os / webbrowser
With a special font or an icon library ex : https://fontawesome.com/
Could be a little bit heavy If you need only one icon, but nice solution to have some pertinent worked icons (easy and fast to use for a dev)

How to access the system selected menu item blue color?

I'm working on an app that has a custom NSView on a NSStatusBar which performs all of the drawing when the user clicks it. But here's the problem, the color I'm currently drawing as the view's background color is not the same as the system blue color.
My app's color:
Twitter's menu item color (system):
As you clearly see, my blue color is way lighter than the system. This is the code I'm currently using (and worked perfectly on versions older than Yosemite):
[[NSColor selectedMenuItemColor] set];
I've even tried color picking the menu item's color but it seems like the color is affected by the wallpaper below the menu bar.
Any ideas on how to achieve the system look?
As you said, in Yosemite, docks, status bars etc. are affected by whatever is behind them. Try enabling System Preferences > Accessibility > Display > Reduce Transparency and you'll see what your color looks like without this feature./
Here is an idea - Maybe you should use the Vibrancy effect and derive from NSVisualEffectView. I knew that I've seen a very similar thread somewhere here in the past, and it took me quite some time to find it. Here it is:
Trouble matching the vibrant background of a Yosemite NSMenuItem containing a custom view
I think Matthes' answer to that question would lead you to the resolution of your issue. Be sure to check it out. I hope it will help - Good luck and report back!

Where do I get the iOS toolbar icons for up/down arrow?

I'm looking for these button icons,
, that I found in the Apple developer's guide for working with toolbars (almost half way down the page, but I can't find them in the storyboard.
I found a bunch of other icons in the storyboard for images, as shown here on the right, and I expected they would be there but they weren't.
Where do I get all these icons that Apple suggests I use? I would really like to use the up/down arrows for casting votes in my app.
Specifically, where can I get all of the images found in this guide
(source: apple.com)
They are not available. They're just a list of icons they have developed for iOS as a showcase. You should look into making them yourself and applying them as a UIButtonTypeCustom. Small drawback is that if the iOS style changes (like iOS6 -> iOS7) you need to manually update your custom buttons while the rest is automatically upgraded.

Is there a way to have a different Default.png (splash image) for different languages/locales in iOS? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Localization of Default.png is not working
My splash screen has English text in it, so I would like to be able to have a different splash image when users have a different language set.
Is this possible?
Yes, it's possible. Pretty much the same way you localize all your resources.
You just need to provide a Default.png image and then enable all the languages you're interested in. The result is that you'll get a copy of the image for each language into the respective folders. Then edit (or overwrite) each image as you need. I have tested it right now and it works fine (on iOS 5 but I believe is the same for older versions). Here is a screenshot for easy reference:
Regarding any doubts about whether or not this is a good practice, this is straight from Apple's documentation:
In addition to including the launch images at the top level of your
bundle, you can also include localized versions of your launch images
in your app’s language-specific project subdirectories. For more
information on localizing resources in your app, see Table 6-2.
Edit: Indeed, I'm dumbfounded. Like nevan-king I'm going to leave my answer nevertheless, since I still think that's the way it is intended to be done by the iOS guidelines (and my personal opinion about localizing whole images in order to localize its text...).
A splash screen is not intended to provide information. Splash screens are only shown for like a second or so, so it would be unfeasible to show text anyway.
Common practice for what you want to do is to use your image without text as splashscreen, and after that show a custom view with your image and localized text for a few seconds.
That way it will seem like you had a localized splash screen (and the text appears shortly after the image, which is fine).
However, keep in mind that the idea of iOS apps is fast responsiveness, so only show a "startup screen" if you must (for marketing reasons or whatever).
Read this for further information: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/userexperience/conceptual/mobilehig/IconsImages/IconsImages.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006556-CH14-SW5
There's no way to do this. Instead, make a Default.png with no text.
Edit: I stand corrected. Just tried Alladinian's method and it worked. I'll leave my answer, as it's a useful technique to know.
You can do this pretty easily in Photoshop by selecting a square, then copying it and pasting it over the text. Use Marquee to select a square of your graphic (say an empty part of a navigation bar). Then hit "v" for the move tool. Use cmd-opt and move the square a little to the left, then cmd-opt-shift so that it doesn't move up or down. Move the square over the text and let go of the mouse button. Repeat as necessary.
If you want to see how Apple handles multi-language splash screens, open Maps or Mail. They have a Default screen with no text, then the text appears (in whatever language) when the app has loaded.

Getting yellow UIBarButtonItem button like Photos app?

I'm currently working on an UI to crop an image inside my app, and I'd like it to feel as native as possible. I looked to the iPad's built in Photos app for some ideas, and noticed that when you crop an image, instead of a blue "Done" button, it has a yellow tinted button that has "Crop" on it, like so:
Does anyone know how to replicate this? I recall that the UIKit framework had a bunch of artwork stored inside of it in some custom file format and an iOS app existed that was able to read this and save you the individual PNGs, but I do not remember what this app is called. Conveniently enough for me, the thing I remember is that this yellow button graphic was among those contained. Anyone got any ideas how I can replicate the button nevertheless?
(Although if anyone knows that utility, that'd be great.)
Try this:http://www.raywenderlich.com/4344/user-interface-customization-in-ios-5
