Possible to determine usage stats for other iPhone/iPad apps? - ios

I'm an iOS newbie, but was wondering if it's possible to use a built-in API to determine how much time another app was active during some period (say, the last 24 hours). I don't have access to the source code for the other app.
I'm guessing that security precautions in iOS make this impossible, but wanted to see if anyone else had suggestions.

You don't and can't get usage data of other apps on the system, unless you own those apps or have a formal relationship with the developer of said app.

You can try using Google Analytics for iOS

Flurry API allows you to track a number of things and report back. You might start with something like that. There are a number of Analytics solutions.


iOS Background task to check for server availability

This is my very first post on SO!
I'm a beginner iOS developer and I'm looking for a solution for my Swift app.
Is there any way to implement functionality to ask for a server availibilty on a regular basis (e.g. every 5 min) even when the app is not running. That would only require a simple http request so the app would work as a monitoring tool for a specific server. I tried using Background Fetch but it doesn't seem reliable enough since I can't force it to run every 5 minutes.
Is it possible to achieve that in iOS or maybe there are some better ways to implement such monitoring tool?
To partly answer my question I've found this solution that requires the abuse of Apple policy regarding multitasking:
It requires the use of Audio / AirPlay Background Mode, but I can imagine that Apple won't accept such app in the AppStore. Is there any 100% proper way to achieve my goal?

How to find - The people you contact the most

Hello all I am developing a extension app which will fetch-
The people you contact the most.
Most frequently used apps.
Any body have idea, How can I get these things.
Thanks in advance.
This is not possible. Your app runs in a sandbox, which means that it is very limited in how it can interact with the rest of the operating system. This is to prevent security vulnerabilities from apps snooping on a user's behavior. For more information on this, and to see what you can and can't do in the sandbox, see https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Security/Conceptual/AppSandboxDesignGuide/AppSandboxInDepth/AppSandboxInDepth.html.

what is the iOS api to get statistics on app usage?

Is there an API in iOS (including in ios8) that can be used to get the information about which app users are using and for how long everyday?
These statistics are not available on iOS, as they are seen as an breach of the users privacy.
You can use https://www.adjust.com/ I'm using this website for get statistics on my app.
Download the AdjustSDK and configure Adjust with your code. It's really easy and get statistics which are "Install","Session" and "Revenue".
Also you can add event whatever you want.

How to track how much time other app is used?

i want to track how much time other apps in device are used by the user, i want track that time inside my app.for ex. i want track how much time user used the Facebook app, or WhatsApp or any other app.
is there any way to do this...please give any suggestions or example code or any other tutorials..
I think Apple don't allow tracking when you are out of your app, for tracking time and user activity in my apps, I use flurry.
You can track how long people use your app, sure. One popular way is via Google Analytics iOS SDK
For tracking other apps on the users device, that is simply not possible. You do not have access to other apps you have not developed yourself.
It cannot be done. Apple forbid apps trying to access things outside of their sandbox.

Is there any detailed insight for iOS App like in Android?

I notice there is no detailed insight on my app on iTunesConnect like android insight GooglePlay.
Is there any way to track user detail on every user install my app? I need more distinct information like, iOS version, phone provider, phone type, etc across installed app like in Android insight? does Google Analytics could do this?
Thank you.
There are quite a lot of analytics providers around that cater for iOS. As you mentioned, Google Analytics (which is free) should do what you need. Mixpanel is a really nice provider, but is only free for a certain amount of data. I've also used Flurry in the past (also free), but I find their web interface to be quite clunky.
If you want to track sales and App Store reviews, I'd really recommend AppFigures. Great service (paid, but a low monthly cost and you can cancel whenever), which gives you great insight into who's downloading your apps.
