About upload binary on itunesconnect - ios

I have uploaded binary on itunes connect only for iphone with iphone connect , but issue is still apple review my app on ipad. my first version 1.0 not reviewed on ipad but when i uploaded new binary with new version 1.0.1 it reviewed on ipad and my app will be rejected what is the solution for that. and i also want to remove ipad screenshot tab from itunes. it is possible? give any solution.

All applications will be reviewed on an iPad, even if they are designed only for iPhone. An iPhone app run on an iPad with a black border around it at equivalent resolution or with a X2 zoom (height / width proportion is that of an iPhone 3"5 )
You can't remove iPad screenshot tab from iTunes, but when sending an iPhone only designed app you don't need to upload iPad screenshots.
All what is required is that the application still run on iPad the same way it would on the iPhone.


How to fix iPhone deployment target ? (App Store)

So I tried to ship my iPhone app into the App Store. but it get rejected because when the App reviewer test my app they are using iPad and it seems my app is messed up.
and this was the rejection message:
We noticed that your app did not run at iPhone resolution when reviewed on iPad running iOS 10.3.1. Specifically, we were unable to Sign Up using an iPad.
So I searched that I need to make the deployment info devices into Universal. It works well on iPad when I tested out. But the problem is I'm shipping this app for iPad. and when I go to iTunes connect, they were asking for iPad screenshots.
So should I set the device deployment for iPhone or Universal?
The app must work in iPad also. choose the devices iphone only and try to run your app in ipad in 1x and 2x view.
If you want to build for iPhone only, you will need to go to the project settings > General > Devices and choose "iPhone". If you choose "Universal" then you are building for both iPhone and iPad, which is why you need screen shots for the iPad as well. If you build for iPhone only, though, the app can still run on iPad, it will get scaled up.
As for the reason why it is not working on iPad using iOS 10.3.1, you'll have to run it on a device with that version of the OS and do some debugging. The information you gave here is not enough.

Can I submit only 1 video preview in App Store?

Excuse me, i am a newbie here
i want to ask about submitting App Store
Can I submit an app without any of app preview or only 1 app preview video ? because i dont have all iphone devices, only have 1 devices...
You should note this points :
If your App supports iPad you need to upload at least one screenshot of iPad
If your App supports iPhone than you need to upload at least one screenshot for all iPhone devices including iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, iPhone 6 & iPhone 6+
Regarding uploading video preview it is optional
If you want to submit App preview you need to create preview as per dimensions mentioned in Apple guidelines (See more : https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/Chapters/FirstSteps.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011225-CH19-SW34)
Hope it will help you.
You should have at least one image (splash screen image also works here) for every device at iTunes.
1 image is compulsory.
You can take screen shots of your simulator as well.
You don't need all iPhone devices... simulator works fine as well. Or you can always "fake it" with some image editing app.
There are even many tools to help you with this process, such as:

2.10 - iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution, my app should only run on iPhone

I submitted an app and it got rejected because of that Error. It is an iPhone App only, why should it be able to run on an iPad?
2.10 Details
We noticed that your app did not run at iPhone resolution when reviewed on iPad running iOS 8.4.1, which is a violation of the App Store Review Guidelines.
Is it not possible to make an App only for iPhone and not for iPad aswell?
You can develop an iPhone-only app and it can get approved. However, iPad devices can download iPhone-only apps and use them. They run at iPhone size with lots of black space around the display. Users have the option of tapping a button in the corner to double the size so that it fills more of the screen.
I assume that they ran your iPhone-only app on an iPad and encountered errors. It doesn't have to have an iPad layout, but it should be able to run on an iPad. When they first released the iPad, most (all?) apps worked without modification in this mode on iPad.
Here is an example of what another app looks like running on an iPad: image.

App is not visible in App Store for iPad

I have the application. This application supports iPhone only, but I can launch it on iPad. In itunesconnect I see "Your binary doesn’t support iPad. The screenshots or app video preview for iPad won’t be shown on the App Store."
So as far as I understand I shouldn't see screenshots for iPad, but I should see the application in App Store (when I look at it from iPad).
But when I search for my application in iPad I can't find it there (but for iPhone everything is OK). Why?
When search app in ipad version app store there are two categories: ipad only and iphone only. You'll find your iphone only app in iphone only category.
to change category there is navigation item button the left most one
If your application supports only iPhone in your project's Devices in General Tap then it will be available only for iPhone devices in the AppStore. You can build and run your project in iPad either from xCode or with TestFlight but it will run as if it was an iPhone app in x2 or x1 mode depending on the iPad's screen resolution.

ITC.apps.validation.screenshot itunes connect iPhone 6 screenshot is required

I have uploaded my app build to itunes connect from Xcode 5.1.1... I currently do not support iPhone 6. When I submit to review I get an error that I have to upload iPhone 6 sreenshots first.
Is there anyway I could just bypass iPhone 6 screenshots where as my app doesn't support iPhone 6 yet ?
My App was accepted with Photoshop Scaled 4-inch Screens. However, for now apple stopped requiring iPhone 6 screenshots.
You can't submit an app that does not support iPhone 6. So I guess it makes sense that iTunes Connect now makes it compulsory to include at least one screenshot for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus resolutions.
But unless you include launch images for the iPhone 6/6 Plus resolutions your app will run in scaled mode on the new iPhones. So as a quick workaround, I imagine that simply scaling your existing screenshots would give similar results to re-capturing them.
