WatchKit Extension: Page-based hierarchy for glances - ios

There is something confusing in Apple's Programming Guide documentation. While they are illustrating the glances they used a figure that shows a glance represented in a page based navigation.
But they ended it up saying this.
The question is, can i have multiple glances in a page based navigation?
The programming guide:

In my opinion you little bit confused with this image.
Glance interface controller like home screen widget (or any else). It could be just in one screen and without any scrolling. Then user could choose best glances (from multiply apps) and then they will be in his watch home screen. This page base navigation at image about multiply glances from multiply apps.
And Apple mean that in you app (current and one) you could have only one glance interface controller that user could chose to be at home screen. Is it clear?

The image is confusing, but what's happening there is that the multiple "pages" are actually different apps. Each app can have its own glance, and then the user swipes through them just like a paged application, but each app can only contribute one page.


Launch Screen Components

I see plenty of applications on the app store that either have blank (black or white) or branded launch screens. This is in spite of the iOS developer guidelines that state, "the launch image isn't an opportunity to provide branded elements," and it also should be, "identical to the first screen of the app." So I do not know where to draw the line between correct and wrong, but I'm hoping that you guys can help me answer that.
I personally would like to place my company logo on the launch screen and place a duplicate logo on the root view controller where I can then animate it to fade out. (I'm not sure if this method is frowned upon and, if so, would it be rejected?)
As you said yourself, a lot of apps is doing that so you don't have to be worried to be rejected. A nice example is Twitter (a bird with fading).
But still you should reconsider if you really need branding in launch screen. You already have branding in an icon, colors and in other elements.

Can an Apple Watch app have multiple glances?

The question is as simple as:
Can an Apple Watch app have multiple glances?
I tried to put multiple glances in the Xcode storyboard but Xcode said that only one Glance is allowed for each app.
Reason I am asking this is that I would like to change the layout of the Glance based on the information I display.
But the question could also be phrased as:
Is it possible to
change the glance layout programmatically or
load different glances depending on the context.
Is any of the two possible? And if not, is there any indication that this may change after WWDC 2015?
To clarify. I agree, multiple glances seem not to be available, however changing layout of a glance may be (I personally think that they will allow developers to do so soon but as far we are concerned at the moment the only way I can change a glance layout is to choose it from the list provided in XCode).
Currently these are the layouts available for glances (top and bottom part). Ideally I'd like to choose them programmatically. If anyone knows how then please share some code snippet/sample:
Top part:
Bottom part:
An app can have 1 glance associated with it.
However it can be modified from time to time as per your requirement.
awakeWithContext() is called once for the controller. You can do general init work there.
willActivate() will be called everytime the glance controller is about to be initialised and you can request new data, change view there, do other awesome work, etc.
So to answer your question, you can load different glances depending on the context. But an app can have only ONE glance at a time.
Hope this helped.
The answer is as simple as:
I'm not sure about changing it programmatically (haven't tried)
I don't think that you can load different glances.
The point of glances is to allow users to find one piece of info ultra quickly. For that, they need to know what they will be looking at. That's why there is only one glance per app.

How can i add tabs in iOS on a particular screen?

I am building an app where I need to add a TabBarController on a particular screen, Lets assume maybe on second or third screen.
I have gone through several blogs but everyone says UITabBarController can be added as an initial view controller only.
But I want it for some few screens only. How can I accomplish it?
Need guidance!
The answer is "you shouldn't."
From the Human Interface Guidelines:
"In general, use a tab bar to organize information at the app level. A tab bar is well suited for use in the main app view because it’s a good way to flatten your information hierarchy and provide access to several peer information categories or modes at one time.
Don’t use a tab bar to give users controls that act on elements in the current screen or app mode. If you need to provide controls, including a control that displays a modal view, use a toolbar instead (for usage guidelines, see Toolbar). "

Embedding tab bar to top of screen iphone

I want to design a page with tab bar on top of it.In some articles of this site.(i missed urls) i found that this is not a common way and the question gets some down rate.
The question is this: whethere having a design like this may cause that apple not approve the application on his store?
Even if it doesn't make Apple reject your app, think of the users not being used to the tab bar being at the top and how that is going to affect how well the app does in the Store.
Every platform has its own design patterns and there is a reason for that. If you stick to them there is a higher chance that the first-time users have an easier time using your app, which results in a higher chance that they keep using it. If they don't know how to use it or find it hard, they will move to another one.
Take a look at the Human Interface Guidelines and apply them. It will do good.

use multiple views in an application

I am new to Iphone programming. So please don't mind if I ask some basic questions. :mad:
I want to develop an application where the landing screen will be a login screen and after login application should display a new screen with the list of available categories. And on selecting any category a new screen should appear with the information related to the selected category.
Basically I want to display different screens in the applications and my confusion is how can I make different screens with one .xib file? or should I use different .xib files for each screen. If I use different .xib files for each screen then how should I navigate to different screens.
Please help in solving this confusion.
Thanks in advance
You should definitely use different .xib's for each view. You will end up having a standard view, a table view (probably programatically wrapped in a navigation controller) and a standard view, respectively. Each will also have their own class.
You navigate to different screens by programmatically initializing them. The condition on which they are created varies from screen to screen. For example, your login screen will only create and load a table view for the categories after a successful login. The category screen will only create a detail screen when the user touches a category in the table.
I think your best bet is to pick up an iPhone programming book and do the first few chapters until you feel comfortable with the basics of XCode. The Apple documentation usually contains more than you really need to know and by the sounds of it, you just want to jump in and make a few simple apps.
After that, you can look at the Apple sample code here:
