Scrollview implementation with autolayout for a Universal App using xcode 6 - ios

I have been struggling past few days to implement a view that is scrollable using autolayout in Xcode 6.0 for Universal Apps. I have looked at many examples. However I am not able to get this working.
I am implementing this way:
---ContentView (This view has all the subviews)
----- Labels
----- TextFields
----- Buttons
----- TableView
----- ImageeView
Setting the constraints of ScrollView to the View as zero for all the four edges. And constraints for the ContentView to ScrollView similarly all zeroes. Then I am adding constraints to each control setting the height and width. And the first control has the Center Horizontally and the last Control has the constraint to the Content View.
I can get the screen working if I don't add the scrollview. It is pretty confusing..
Unfortunately this does not resize on the iPhone. I am using .Xib for the Builder Interface. Please help me with an example or please guide me to any information that I can use to resolve my issue. Thanks in advance.

You can't create the scrollView contentView in the xib file.
You need to add then dynamically.
After you set the scrollView autolayout constraints in code you add all the objects:
1) set the contentView size (this could be as big as you want,don't need to set constraints to the contentView)
2) add the objects you want (labels, views, button...) to the contentView by calling
[scrollView addSubView:<your subView>];


What are the correct constraints on UIScrollView from Interface Builder? Pure Autolayout from IB

I have been trying to get ScrollView to work for 2 days now, and it doesn't work at all. Most of the suggestions here on SO and other websites say that you need to pin the ScrollView to the root view and then place a ContentView (UIView) inside ScrollView and then pin it to all sides of the ScrollView (so that the scroll size can determine the contentSize... However this does nothing). There's also conflicting information out there, one video says that there needs to be a constraint from the bottom of the ScrollView to the ContentView. Neither solution has worked for me. Here is what I've been doing in most of the combinations I've tried:
UIView -> UIScrollView
Pin all sides of the UIScrollView to the UIView
Create a UIView (name it content view) and place it inside UIScrollView
Pin all sides of the UIView to the UIScrollView
Problem at this point: UIScrollView needs constraints for X or width AND Y or width. The only thing that seems to solve the complaint is setting the UIView inside the scroll view centered horizontally and vertically, but this does nothing to make scrolling work. Another option is setting the UIView equal height and width to scroll view, but again, that does nothing other than remove the complaint.
I don't understand. Isn't pinning the sides, setting the constraints? IB seems to think that this is not the case.
What are the correct constraints needed? All I need is a simple view with stacked controls (to fill out a form) and the screen needs to be able to scroll if the form is longer than the screen.
I'm using iOS for the first time, and building purely from IB for now... minimal code solution would be best.
You are half way there. First you need to decide what you are going to display in the scrollview, you have placed a content view, that needs to have an intrinsic size. You can choose to put there static or dynamic views. Static views will have their size defined at design time, and that will resolve the UIScrollView AutoLayout constraints. If instead you are doing it at runtime with dynamic views you will need to choose a default size for your content view, create an IBOutlet for the width and/or height of your views and then resize them at runtime altering the outlet in viewDidLayoutSubviews. The video you linked explains that quite clearly.

UIScrollView Getting stuck

I am working on application in which I have UIScrollView which contains 3 subViews(UIView) and each subView has different controls & has different height. This all works fine but when I added constraint to UIScrollView and subView then UIScrollView isn't working.
I also added constraint to all the controls in subviews.
So please suggest me how to solve this problem?
It happened because UIScrollView content height and width dynamic at run time.
So whenever you apply constraint on UIScrollView then add
1.X position
2.y Position
Take a View as SubView on UIScrollView now apply Constraint
1.Leading on UIScrollView
2.Trailing on ScrollView
Then it work fine
For constraints to work properly,
You need to add a child view to UIScrollView and add your 3 views to that child view.
The main UIView and child view should have equal width constraint set.
For reference see this

Scrollview with View loaded from xib

I have a problem here. For last 3-4 days I'm trying to the find the solution but no avail. I'm using a xib to load a view as a subview to scrollView.
I'm using iOS8 and size classes and auto-layout as well.
The problem is that the view gets added to the scrollview but scrollview is unable to go beyond a point. That is I'm not able to scroll till the bottom.
This is frustrating as I have just started to develop iOS apps.
I'm attaching the screenshots for the constraints that I have applied. Hope to get some help here.
The first screenshot is the actual view controller's view that holds the scrollview.And the Place Detail Info View is the placeholder where the view loaded from xib is added. The screenshot also lists the different constraints as well.
The second and third screenshots is of the xib file which i'm trying to load into scrollView.
Please let me know where I have gone wrong.
As said above, the issue is related with the content size of your scroll view. Just try adding width and height (either explicit or implicit: see explanation below) constraints to every direct subview of your scroll view and then define all distance constraints among those.
* By "implicit" width/height constraints I mean things like "aspect ratio", "equal width/height" relation between two views.
P.S. When dealing with scroll view-like controls and auto layout, there should be an exhaustive (some of which may seem redundant) set of constraints for subviews.
Hope this helps.
Your problem is with the view who is immediate subview of your scrollview.In autolayout,scrollView calculate its content size according to its subview.
follow these steps after removing all constarints from this view,i hope u will get your problem solved.
1.for your scroll view,set all 4 constraints i.e leading edge,trailing edge,superview and bottom constraints. for the view that is immediate subview to your scrollview,set all 4 constraints (leading,trailing,top and bottom),along with these set height constraints and make width equals to scrollview.
if your immediate subview's height is greater than your screen size or scrollview,it will scroll for sure.
run and check whether you are able to scroll and proceed furthur.
after step 2,all your constarints related ambgious type error will you can set all other constraints as usual.
for more clear understanding setting constarints in scrollview see this
In interface builder itself there is an option to preview your constraints for all the available devices. This will ensure you that the constraints work fine for all the available devices from Apple. Here is a quick tutorial that will help you with it.
Once that is verified and you are still not able to find a suitable solution, then probably there is something wrong in the content size for your scroll view. Try to increasing your scroll view content size.
I hope this should solve your problem.
Happy coding. Cheers :)

UIScrollView offsetting content in contentView

I am having a very frustrating issue. I know there are all kinds of issues with UIScrollView in iOS7 and XCode 5. I need to implement a scrollview and there are all kinds of tutorials showing you how to do it by switching off auto layout but that then messes with the rest of the views in my app.
I tried the fix of putting my subviews into a container UIView and placing that in the UIScrollView and setting the scrollview's content size to the size of the contained UIVIew. That didn't work. Now I am working with placing everything in the scrollview and it all works with one exception. When I load the view on the simulator or a device the content view is moved down but somewhere around 60 points or so. See image below.
That white space below the title bar on the right is still the scroll view as I can press and drag within it. Adjusting the contentOffset doesn't do any good as that just scrolls the view down slightly. I have no idea what to do here.
Just a little more info: I setup the scrollview and all the subviews in storyboard and the connected them up. Not sure if that has any bearing on it.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
I think your Scrollview top space constraint have 64 pixels. That's a problem. So, set your top space constraint value to 0.
You need to add the constraints before view displayed then contentsize will be set automatically.
Check UIScrollView's autoresizing mask. It has to be set like this.

Content of scrollview changes size when scrolling

I'm using iOS 6 and Xcode 4.6 and with the Interface Builder I added to my controller a UIScrollView that uses all the available space. In this UIScrollView I added some views (a UIImageView, a UITextView and a UITableView (I disabled the scrolling for the UITextView and the UITableView)).
In the :
- (void) viewDidLayoutSubviews;
method I resized all my views by increasing their height (to fit with their respective content).
Then, I set the contentSize of my UIScrollView so that it fits with its content (my 3 views).
The resizing works and I can see them in my application when I run it.
Also, the scrolling is good (the contentSize is correct as I can scroll).
However, I have one big issue : as soon as I scroll, my 3 views are resized to their initial size (instead of keeping the size I assigned them via the frame property).
All my views are added with Interface Builder to my storyboard.
Do you know what I did wrong? Why my UIScrollView's content is reseting its size when I scroll?
Thank you for your help
You have auto layout enabled in your storyboard. When you scroll the scroll view, auto layout runs and resets your subview frames based on the constraints in the storyboard.
There are a few ways to fix this. One way is to turn off auto layout in your storyboard. Another way is to connect outlets to the constraints in your storyboard, and update the constraints (instead of setting the frames) to make auto layout put the views where you want them.
