UIScrollView offsetting content in contentView - ios

I am having a very frustrating issue. I know there are all kinds of issues with UIScrollView in iOS7 and XCode 5. I need to implement a scrollview and there are all kinds of tutorials showing you how to do it by switching off auto layout but that then messes with the rest of the views in my app.
I tried the fix of putting my subviews into a container UIView and placing that in the UIScrollView and setting the scrollview's content size to the size of the contained UIVIew. That didn't work. Now I am working with placing everything in the scrollview and it all works with one exception. When I load the view on the simulator or a device the content view is moved down but somewhere around 60 points or so. See image below.
That white space below the title bar on the right is still the scroll view as I can press and drag within it. Adjusting the contentOffset doesn't do any good as that just scrolls the view down slightly. I have no idea what to do here.
Just a little more info: I setup the scrollview and all the subviews in storyboard and the connected them up. Not sure if that has any bearing on it.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

I think your Scrollview top space constraint have 64 pixels. That's a problem. So, set your top space constraint value to 0.
You need to add the constraints before view displayed then contentsize will be set automatically.

Check UIScrollView's autoresizing mask. It has to be set like this.


UIButton under UIScrollView not responding to touch

I am facing a very strange problem. Trying to implement constraints to my view controller makes my button inactive.
My view hierarchy is
There are many other views but just for simplicity. One thing is that there is an UIImageView object, which I am stretching to the view according to size but not objects are overlapping or similar, but might be related.
Basically all the constraints are in storyboard. Only for the image view I am using manual setting.
when I disable auto layout the button works just fine.
EDIT: Latest observation :Just found out that simulator iPhone 6+ works fine with the constraints. The same is happening with a similar view, which is smaller so all iPhone works just 4S.
So it is definitely issue related to screen size and manipulating with constraints.
Looks like all objects that are bellow screen view itself after creation, so you have to scroll it to see them are inactive.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
It seems you need to increase the frame Width or Height (whatever you need) of container view. The contentSize of scrollView only affects how it will scroll, which is irrelevant here.
If the button is outside the container view, it will still show up. However, it can't respond to any touch event.
All you need to do is set bunch of constraints for CONTAINER VIEW of scrollview. Start from adding leading, trailing, bottom, top, width equal and height equal. Now in my case, I need fixed contentSize of Scrollview, so i change priority of equal width constraints to 750. For dynamic contentSize, you need to set priority programmatically.
Comment below if you have any query..

Constraints in ios

I am learning constraints and spent whole day applying them to the following screen.It is not getting displayed properly in landscape mode.Basically i am not getting how to fix vertical space between ,say, label-Welcome to BBBB and textfield-username so that textfield always appears below the label yet the spacing between them is adjusted according to the screens of different size. If i go for Pin\Vertical space, it automatically fixes the constant value.
Remove the label (or just move it out of the way).
Fill the space that you want to resize with a view.
Constrain this view to the objects above and below and to the sides of the parent view.
Put your label into this view and constrain it to the top of this view and centred to it.
You may need to change the constraints on the objects above and below it to stop them from changing height in an unwanted manner.
This new view should now resize as the device changes orientation but the label should remain at the top of it.
Repeat on other areas of your layout (i.e put things that are not moving around as you want them into sub views and constrain these views to resize accordingly). Experiment with using variable heights, fixed heigh constraints and 'equal heights with' constraints on the views that you add to get them to resize as you need.
Edit: but you have a lot of vertically stacked items in that view - you may never get them all to fit into a horizontal orientation. You may need to remove a few, or add a scroll view or force that view only to layout in portrait mode or... Don't forget to check that it works on all devices you are targeting.
#Ali Beadle was right. Since i had a lot of vertically stacked items, lining them up in landscape mode was not possible. So, i went for scrollview.
I have taken a ScrollView first and then a UIView named ContentView on that ScrollView. I have made the width of ContentView equal to the width of parent UIView and kept its height fixed to 568. In my code i set
_contentViewHeight.constant = self.view.frame.size.height;
Now it scrolls in landscape mode while in potrait mode, it does'nt scroll.
I run into Autolayout problems all the time. But I finally figured out a way to overcome a lot of issues that arise from it.
I simply will use a container-View like ScrollView or even a plain old UIView, place all my controls in it. thats it. this makes things a lot easier for autolayout to figure out the constraints. in your case you could just use a UIView.
-start off by removing all the constraints you have I would start by selecting each control in the XIB and see if it has width/height constraint, select it then press the delete key then at the bottom of the project explorer you'll see all the constraints that auto layout has select each one then delete. that should get rid of any complaints that auto-layout might have.
-Place a UIView object inside your main View then
-move all the controls inside it. Then
-add the necessary constraints for the container view so it'll resize in different orientations and don't worry about any constraints inside the container view (auto layout will figure them out automatically).
that does the trick for me usually.

Scrollview with View loaded from xib

I have a problem here. For last 3-4 days I'm trying to the find the solution but no avail. I'm using a xib to load a view as a subview to scrollView.
I'm using iOS8 and size classes and auto-layout as well.
The problem is that the view gets added to the scrollview but scrollview is unable to go beyond a point. That is I'm not able to scroll till the bottom.
This is frustrating as I have just started to develop iOS apps.
I'm attaching the screenshots for the constraints that I have applied. Hope to get some help here.
The first screenshot is the actual view controller's view that holds the scrollview.And the Place Detail Info View is the placeholder where the view loaded from xib is added. The screenshot also lists the different constraints as well.
The second and third screenshots is of the xib file which i'm trying to load into scrollView.
Please let me know where I have gone wrong.
As said above, the issue is related with the content size of your scroll view. Just try adding width and height (either explicit or implicit: see explanation below) constraints to every direct subview of your scroll view and then define all distance constraints among those.
* By "implicit" width/height constraints I mean things like "aspect ratio", "equal width/height" relation between two views.
P.S. When dealing with scroll view-like controls and auto layout, there should be an exhaustive (some of which may seem redundant) set of constraints for subviews.
Hope this helps.
Your problem is with the view who is immediate subview of your scrollview.In autolayout,scrollView calculate its content size according to its subview.
follow these steps after removing all constarints from this view,i hope u will get your problem solved.
1.for your scroll view,set all 4 constraints i.e leading edge,trailing edge,superview and bottom constraints.
2.now for the view that is immediate subview to your scrollview,set all 4 constraints (leading,trailing,top and bottom),along with these set height constraints and make width equals to scrollview.
if your immediate subview's height is greater than your screen size or scrollview,it will scroll for sure.
run and check whether you are able to scroll and proceed furthur.
after step 2,all your constarints related ambgious type error will resoved.now you can set all other constraints as usual.
for more clear understanding setting constarints in scrollview see this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oCWxHLBQ-A
In interface builder itself there is an option to preview your constraints for all the available devices. This will ensure you that the constraints work fine for all the available devices from Apple. Here is a quick tutorial that will help you with it.
Once that is verified and you are still not able to find a suitable solution, then probably there is something wrong in the content size for your scroll view. Try to increasing your scroll view content size.
I hope this should solve your problem.
Happy coding. Cheers :)

UIScrollView zoom with Autolayout

I know there are a couple of questions around but I could not figure out how to do this (none of the answers there helped me), so here is my version of the question.
I have an UICollectionView which is set to scroll horizontally. Each cell has an UIScrollView inside and inside the UIScrollView I have an UIImageView.
Now, the images displayed by the UIImageView are loaded from the internet and I can't figure out a way to make the zooming work correctly using storyboards and autolayout.
If I set constraints that tie my UIScrollView to it's container everything is ok. The moment I tie the UIImageView to the UIScrollView XCode starts to complain that the UIScrollView's size is ambiguous.
If I don't make any constraints in InterfaceBuilder the images are not the displayed in the correct size (doh!).
So, I'm stuck. I don't know what kind of constraints to make and which view needs to be tied to what. I know that my perfect world result is a view controller that behaves like the native iOS Photos app. That is, the image is displayed as large as the screen (with a black band at top and bottom or left & right depending on image's orientation) and that you can zoom it in and pan it around.
Help please!
I did read these posts before posting my own question
UIScrollView zooming with Auto Layout
UIScrollView Zoom Does Not Work With Autolayout
“Pinch to Zoom” using AutoLayout
I don't know if it'll help you with your zooming problem but Apple provided a technical note about using scroll views with auto layout: Technical Note TN2154, UIScrollView And Autolayout
The important part with scroll views is, that the constraints of the subviews inside the scroll view are not bound to the scroll view itself, but to the scroll view's parent (in your case the collection view cell)
It works
You can easily do it. Well not really easily, i have been struggling for quite a while!
I managed to implement auto layout within the scrollable area. Just it is vertical only
Set intrinsic size to a "placeholder" (to scrollable view)
Don't set contentSize at all
Attach right constraints to the wrapper (so it will be relative to the parent view)
item:self.view, attribute:.Trailing,
relatedBy:.Equal, toItem:contentView,
attribute:.Trailing, multiplier:1, constant:0))
So, in your case, your contentView right side should be attached the right side of the image
Try it out, certainly you will have your zooming to work
Here is an example, it may help you

Resizing a UITextView in UIScrollView using Auto Layout issue

I really hate to ask here because I usually try to figure things out on my own. But on this one I've stuck for days and can't find a solution anywhere online.
I have a ScrollView containing multiple subviews. I've got an image view and two labels at the top with fixed heights. Then there is a UITextView and another ImageView (see pictures).
I add the text to the text view programmatically so it should have a dynamic height and the ImageView should move to the bottom so you can scroll. I don't want the TextView to be scrollable in itself but I want all the subviews to move as well.
I know I should be able to solve this issue using constraints. But I feel like I've tried everything and nothing worked yet. It worked when I disabled auto layout and moved the views manually. I'm wondering if there is a better way though.
As you can see I pinned the TextView to the ImageView above with a 1,000 priority and to the ImageView below with a 1,000 priority. The height constraint can not be deleted so I set it to the lowest possible priority. The ImageView on the bottom is pinned to the bottom of the superview with an absolute height. Its height constraint also has low priority. (I can post an image of the ImageView's constraints, if it helps)
I also tried adapting the frame programmatically but this is not working well in combination with auto layout. (If it helps I can of course post the code)
What am I doing wrong? Shall I just disable auto layout and do it manually? This seems unclean to me. Is it even possible to do?
I really appreciate your help :)
Make sure the Scrolling Enabled attribute on the UITextView is unchecked in Interface Builder. I believe that the Auto Layout system takes that into account when it calculates the intrinsic content size.
If somebody is struggling with a similar problem: This is what I ended up doing:
Remove all subviews from the ScrollView in IB
Programmatically add a single UIView to the ScrollView.
Add all the views to the UIView as subviews (move them using setFrame)
Set the Frame of the UIView appropriately to the subviews
Set the ScrollView's contentSize to the size of the UIView.
A little more work but it finally works. This follows Apple's mixed approach guidelines that can be seen here (look for UIScrollView): http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#releasenotes/General/RN-iOSSDK-6_0/index.html
The problem is the height setting. You somehow have to try to delete it. If you have added other constraints that are "sufficient", it should become deletable.
At the moment you have one user constraint for the height that is "Greater or equal" and an "Equals" constraint as well. Clearly, those are not working well together.
Maybe there is a conceptual error as well. The lower image view should not be fixed in position, so the distance to the lower image view will not be a "sufficient" constraint to let you delete the fixed height.
I think it should work if
the lower image view has a fixed height and
a fixed distance to the text view above, and
the text view has a minimum height as well as
a fixed distance to the image view above
(which should be fixed in relation to the superview).
