UIGestureRecognizer on UILabel inside UIView inside UIScrollview - ios

I have a programatically created UILabel that uses autolayout inside a UIView, inside a UIScrollView. Initially it is off-screen and then slides onto screen (by animating the change of the autolayout constraint constants). I am trying to add a gesture recognizer (single tap) to the UILabel but the gesture never gets recognized. If I add one to the UIView, the gesture recognizer works. Does anyone know what the solution to this would be? Is this a problem caused by autolayout?
This is definitely to do with the scrollview swallowing touches. I've just created the same label outside of the scrollview and the gesture recogniser works fine!
I can create the label within the scroll view using Interface Builder, but programmatically it doesn't work...

You have to check User Interaction Enabled in the UILabel
If you are adding a UITapGestureRecognizer programmatically:
In viewDidLoad i added the following code:
let gesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: Selector("myaction"))
with the selector:
func myaction() {
println("Label tapped")
where self.label is the reference outlet of the label being tapped.

Turns out the label was embedded within 2 views, within the view in the scrollview. Taking it out of this seemed to solve them problem...


Can I drag imageView gestureRecongnizer to .m file as Action?

First of all, I have open the image's User Interaction Enabled.
But why I can't drag the gesture ?
The gestureRecognizers in Outlet Collections is a outlet to the gesture recognizers of that view, not an action of its gesture recognizers.
What you need to do is adding a gesture recognizer to the image view by dragging one from the Object Library and adding its action
You can drag the gesture like this:
Drag a TapGesture Recognizer to the ViewController in storyboard:
You should write a IBAction method in the ViewController.m:
-(IBAction)tapGesture:(id)sender {
Drag the TapGesture Recognizer to ViewController, then choose the delegate and the tapGesture: method:
Then you can drag the imageView's gestureRecognizers to the gesture:
The function you write in ViewController.m is what you want.

Swift - Scroll a UIScrollView by tapping button inside a ViewController inside the ScrollView

I have a UIScrollView that contains a bunch of view controllers, and in each view controller there is a button that if pressed, should scroll the UIScrollView to a certain position. How do I go about connecting the viewController IBAction for the button to set the scroll position of the UIScrollView?
I know I'll call contentOffset at some point, but I'm struggling with getting the ViewControllers to control the Scroll View.
One way you could do it... When you add each UIViewController.view to the UIScrollView you could also set a var in each UIViewController that references the UIScrollView.
For example, for some UIViewController, we'll call it X, put
var scrollView: UIScrollView?
in it. Then in your class that controls the UIScrollView, when you add view X to the UIScrollView, also do the following:
viewControllerX.scrollView = self.theScrollView
Now, when your IBAction method is called in viewControllerX, you have a reference to the UIScrollView and as you said, can do self.scrollView.contentOffset.y = someValueHere to change its position.

Recognize swipe gesture in view not in subview

I have added a subview to a View Controller's view. This subview is the view of QLPreviewController.
What I am trying to achieve is to recognize swipe gestures on the subview in the parent view, i.e. the View Controller's view. In the end, I want to be able to swipe left /right on the view to load the next document for preview.
I'm aware of hit testing and understand that by just attaching a gesture recognizer to the parent view, those will not be recognized, since the subview will be the "hit-test" view.
Now what is the best (or easiest) way to recognize those gestures?
Note: I didn't manage to attach the gesture recognizers to the subview, this doesn't seem to work.
To make this more clear - this is the code from my ViewController. vContent is just a view in my ViewController, where I add the view of the QLPreviewController:
let pvVc = QLPreviewController()
pvVc.dataSource = self
I tried adding the swipe recognizers both to the vContent and the pvVc.view. In both cases no event was fired.
let sgrLeft: UISwipeGestureRecognizer = UISwipeGestureRecognizer(target: self, action:Selector("handleSwipe:"))
sgrLeft.direction = UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirection.Left
sgrLeft.delegate = self
On some other view the code works fine.
Any hint is appreciated!
Well, the responder chain, the unknown animal … ;-)
You can subclass the superview and override -hitTest:forEvent:.
You rarely need to call this method yourself, but you might override it to hide touch events from subviews.
Gesture Recognizers Get the First Opportunity to Recognize a Touch, so even the subview is hitTest view. the gestureRecognizer attached on superView can recognizer touch event.

Detect touch event on UIScrollView AND on UIView's components [which is placed inside UIScrollView]

I have UIViewController on my simple storyboard IPad project which contains UIScrollView which is placed over entire surface (1024 x 768). I have created 3 XIB files which are UIViews which my application loads on start in viewDidLoad and add them into UIScrollView. Each of these 3 XIB files contains only one UIButton.
This is hierarchy:
~ UIViewController (UIViewControllerClass is class for this
~~ UIScrollView (contains 3 identical UIViews)
~~~ UIView (UIViewClass is File's Owner for this XIB file)
~~~~ UIButton
I would like that my UIViewControllerClass becomes aware of both: touch anywhere on UIScrollView component AND if UIScrollView is touched, if UIButton inside of UIView in UIScrollView is touched, to have information that exactly that button is touched.
I made IBAction inside UIViewClass for touch on UIButton inside UIView in UIScrollView and when I set User Interaction Enabled = YES on all elements (UIViewController, UIView and UIScrollView) this method is called as it should.
But at this point my UIViewControllerClass isn't aware that touch occurred inside UIScrollView on that UIButton. I made touch recognizer like this:
UITapGestureRecognizer *touch = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:#selector(handleTouch)];
touch.numberOfTouchesRequired = 1;
and added it to UIScrollView component. In this way I am able to detect touch event on UIScrollView component in UIViewControllerClass, but touch event handler for UIButton in UIView which is inside UIScrollView isn't called anymore.
So, I need to have these two informations in UIViewControllerClass:
Touch on UIScrollView component was made
Touch on UIButton in UIView which is inside UIScrollView (if this button was touched) was made
I suppose that attaching touch event recognizer to entire UIScrollView component isn't solution, since it disables all touch event handlers I wrote inside UIViewClass.
I think solution is that somehow touches which are made on components in UIView inside UIScrollView should be sent up to UIViewControllerClass, but I didn't found a way to do this.
If anyone can help me, I'd be very grateful. Thanks in advance.
[edit #1: ANSWER by Zheng]
Tap gesture must have cancelsTouchesInView option set to NO!
For my case above, this line solves everything:
touch.cancelsTouchesInView = NO;
Many thanks to Zheng.
I don't know if this works for you or not, but I've given an answer about touch events for views inside scrollview here:
Dismissing the keyboard in a UIScrollView
The idea is to tell the scrollView not to swallow up all tap gestures within the scroll view area.
I'll paste the code here anyways, hopefully it fixes your problem:
UITapGestureRecognizer *tapGesture = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:#selector(hideKeyboard)];
// prevents the scroll view from swallowing up the touch event of child buttons
tapGesture.cancelsTouchesInView = NO;
[pageScrollView addGestureRecognizer:tapGesture];
[tapGesture release];
// method to hide keyboard when user taps on a scrollview
[myTextFieldInScrollView resignFirstResponder];
You can subclass your UIScrollView and override the method - hitTest:withEvent: which is called by the system to determine which view will handle the event. Whenever it is called, you can assume that a touch event occurred inside the scroll view, and by calling the super implementation, you can get the view which would normally process the event.
you can capture any kind of gestures in the UIscrollView. Make sure you also handle some of the default properties as well like set cancelsTouchesInView property to false, it is true by default. Also give some tag nos to your sub views to distinguish in selectors. & also enable their User interaction to true.
let tap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action:

touches methods not getting called on UIView placed inside a UIScrollView

I have a Custom Scroll View, subclassing UIScrollView. I have added a scroll view in my viewcontroller nib file and changed its class to CustomScrollView. Now, this custom scroll view (made from xib) is added as a subview on self.view.
In this scroll view, I have 3 text fields and 1 UIImageView(named signImageView) added from xib. On clicking UIImageView (added a TapGestureRecogniser), a UIView named signView is added on the custom scroll view. I want to allow User to sign on this view, So I have created a class Signature.m and .h, subclassing UIView and implemented the touches methods (touchesBegan, touchesMoved and touchesEnded) and initialised the signView as follows:
signView = [[Signature alloc]initWithFrame:signImageView.frame];
[customScrollView addSubview:signView];
But when I start signing on the signView, the view gets scrolled and hence the touches methods don't get called.
I have tried adding signView on self.view instead of custom scroll view, but in that case the view remains glued to a fixed position when I start scrolling. (Its frame remains fixed in this case)
Try setting canCancelContentTouches of the scrollView to NO and delaysContentTouches to YES.
I see that similiar question was answered here Drag & sweep with Cocoa on iPhone (the answer is exactly the same).
If the user tap-n-holds the signView (for about 0.3-0.5 seconds) then view's touchesBegan: method gets fired and all events from that moment on go to the signView until touchesEnded: is called.
If user quickly swipes trough the signView then UIScrollView takes over.
Since you already have UIView subclassed with touchesBegan: method implemented maybe you could somehow indicate to user that your app is prepared for him to sign ('green light' equivalent).
You could also use touchesEnded: to turn off this green light.
It might be better if you add signImageView as as subView of signView (instead of to customScrollView) and hide it when touchesBegan: is fired). You would add signView to customScrollview at the same place where you add signImageView in existing code instead.
With this you achieve that there is effectively only one subView on that place (for better touch-passing efficiency. And you could achieve that green light effect by un-hiding signImageView in touchesBegan:/touchesEnded:
If this app-behaviour (0.3-0.5s delay) is unacceptable then you'd also need to subclass UIScrollView. There Vignesh's method of overriding UIScrollView's touchesShouldBegin: could come to the rescue. There you could possibly detect if the touch accoured in signView and pass it to that view immediately.
When ever you add a scrollview in your view hierarchy it swallows all touches.Hence you are not getting the touches began. So to get the touches in your signon view you will have to pass the touches to signon view. This is how you do it.
We achieved this with a UIScrollView subclass that disables the pan gesture recogniser for a list of views that you provide.
class PanGestureSelectiveScrollView: UIScrollView {
var disablePanOnViews: [UIView]?
override func gestureRecognizerShouldBegin(_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
guard let disablePanOnViews = disablePanOnViews else {
return super.gestureRecognizerShouldBegin(gestureRecognizer)
let touchPoint = gestureRecognizer.location(in: self)
let isTouchingAnyDisablingView = disablePanOnViews.first { $0.frame.contains(touchPoint) } != nil
if gestureRecognizer === panGestureRecognizer && isTouchingAnyDisablingView {
return false
return true
