Git management with iPhone development [closed] - ios

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Closed 8 years ago.
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In working on an iPhone application, what is a good method for working with multiple developers? I have run into several git conflict from simultaneous modifications to the Storyboard file. Is there a good method around this?

The storyboard files are stored as XML so you're going to run into the same types of issues that XML files have when tracked with git.
Check out this answer for more technical info on using git attributes and custom merge drivers
Storyboard XML is not that hard to read from a human perspective (compared to old XIB files) so if the changes are small and not on the same object it can be trivial to use the merge tool in Xcode to resolve conflicts.
To avoid the conflicting situations as much as possible you could set up your project to use multiple storyboard files to split things up and minimize the chances for conflicting changes to a single large storyboard. Use +storyboardWithName:bundle: to load the storyboards when needed.


Data model in Swift [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm learning Swift and I have a question about data model or the Model folder in Xcode. During a project 'Quiz app' we opened a new swift file in Model folder and started to write some code in it.
What is Data model and why instead of writing all the code just in the ViewController file we need to write a separate one in the model folder?
You could, technically, have all the code for your app in a single file. But it would quickly become really hard to find somethig and keep it readable. Also, when working in bigger teams, having a lot of code in few files results in merge conflicts, which could quickly get out of hand.
It is simply a good practice to keep all your classess in separate files, grouped in folders.
As for what a „data model” is - it’s just a representation of your domain problem in code. These classess will most likely represent data you retrieve from web, or create in app to perform some further operations on them or to use them as input for views to present them to the user.

Modular iOS app [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm considering a way to make an easy extensible iOS app. Let me explain, a client want's an app which is easy extensible with modules, so we can make separate modules and add them as wished to a base app. It have to be a possibility to make de modules in a new Xcode Project (it may be that inheritance of an interface is necessary). So in the end, de modules have to be added tot the Xcode Project of the base app and the new added module (UIView) is automatically added to the tab bar menu (or any other menu structure).
I'm not asking for code snippets but just your opinion of how to solve this problem or what the best way is to do it.
It sounds like you need to develop a framework. Find the pieces of the app that you want to be shared among other apps. Make that into its own, standalone entity.
On my projects, I have similar apps with different UI's. So the core of how data is retrieved and manipulated is all the same code. What differs is the UI.
That's the approach I would take.

How to include all images in the Xcode project [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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In an iOS project, if I wanna use an image, I should add a file reference to project navigator, it's not so convenient when there are many images to be included, is there any way to include all images automatically ?
If you are targeting iOS 7+ there is really one answer - you really should
use assets catalogs. You might find this tutorial and of course the primary source.
Is a way to include all your images automatically? Well if you have all you images in one directory, you can drag&drop it to “assets catalog” view and that should be it - they all will be organised nicely so you will see what is missing, given that you named your assets properly (“~ipad”, “#2x”, “#3x” suffixes etc.). Although assets catalogs allow you much more.

Has Apple said anything about depreciating xib in favor of storyboards? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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At my company, we're trying to evaluate between using storyboards (the more recent Apple supported tool) and xib files (the older tool). Technical differences aside, a concern that has popped up, is that since Apple appears to be pushing for using storyboards in new development, they will drop support for xib files in the future.
At this time (January 2014), is this a valid concern for iOS development?
To avoid this from becoming an opinion-based question, let me also ask - has there been any official indication from Apple on the matter?
Apple usually gives a notice period before they drop support for something, so if they haven't said anything, I guess it's reasonable to conclude that they will continue to support the xib approach.
No, Apple has not officially stated anything when it comes to deprecating XIBs in favor of storyboards. Chances are both will remain for the time being, as they're both useful (sometimes you don't really want or need a storyboard and a standalone XIB will suffice). Anything beyond that would be speculation that seems better left to bloggers.

What steps are required to swap an existing app in the App Store? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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That question makes no sense... so let me try to explain.
I have two apps already on the App Store. Let's call them Pro and Free. In short, I would like to copy Pro, change the copy slightly (removing a few features), and update Free by uploading the copy in its place.
(If anyone's curious, I want to handle it this way because I made a LOT of changes to Pro, all of which I need to make to Free as well. But it will be faster to copy Pro, strip out the Pro features, and rename this copy as Free.)
My question: Besides changing the Bundle Identifier of the copy to match Free's ID, are there any other changes that will be required to make this work?
Thanks for your consideration!
You just need to change the bundle identifier and the product name of your target.
For the future, if you have a free and pro version of the same app, and they share a big portion of code, you should consider just using one project, and create two targets instead. This way you can decide in the project which resources to bind to target Pro and target Free, and that's pretty much it. On deploy you just have to select the right target. Check this link

