Coffeescript loop simplifying - ruby-on-rails

Sended data is Ruby format:
mob = {id: 1, xpos:100, ypos:150, xposDest:150, yposDest:100, attacked:0}
WebsocketRails[:channel_name].trigger(:event_name, mob)
How could i make this loop simpler? (it's coffeescript)
get_all_mobs: (mob) -> // getting "mob" with Websockets
mob_list[].id =
mob_list[].xpos = mob.xpos if mob.xpos?
mob_list[].ypos = mob.ypos if mob.ypos?
mob_list[].xposDest = mob.xposDest if mob.xposDest?
mob_list[].yposDest = mob.yposDest if mob.yposDest?
mob_list[].health = if
mob_list[].level = mob.level if mob.level?
mob_list[].max_health = mob.max_health if mob.max_health?
mob_list[].attacked = mob.attacked if mob.attacked?
mob_list[].steps = mob.steps if mob.steps?
Was tryed something like this, but its wrong:
get_all_mobs: (mob) -> // getting "mob" with Websockets
for attribute in mob
mob_list[].attribute = mob.attribute

This should do:
get_all_mobs: (mob) -> // getting "mob" with Websockets
for own key, value of mob
mob_list[][key] = value if value?


bad argument #1 to 'for iterator' (table expected, got string)

have a data like this
result = {
[1] = { ["identifier"] = MMK18495,["vehicles"] = {"vehN":"Caracara 4x4","vehM":"caracara2","totals":3},["id"] = 1,} ,
[2] = { ["identifier"] = MMK18495,["vehicles"] = {"vehN":"Sandking SWB","vehM":"sandking2","totals":3},["id"] = 2,} ,
[3] = { ["identifier"] = MMK18495,["vehicles"] = {"totals":5,"vehN":"Caracara 4x4","vehM":"caracara2"},["id"] = 3,} ,
trying to sort this data to a menu like this
for i=1, #result, 1 do
local ownedcars = result[i].vehicles
for _,v in pairs(ownedcars) do -- <- the error is here
menu[#menu+1] = {
header = " Model "..v.vehM.." Name "..v.vehN.." quantity"..v.totals,
txt = "",
the output of ownedcars
{"vehN":"Caracara 4x4","vehM":"caracara2","totals":3}
but here is the error
As others have commented, this is not a Lua table. When inputting JSON tables, Lua reads them as strings. You will first need to convert your given JSON string into Lua. Thankfully, others have already done this. I will refer you to this question which has answers that solved this problem.
Once you've converted your JSON string to a Lua table, you should be good to go.

ELKI CSV parser problems

I have changed an .arff file to a .csv file in a tool in Weka.
But now I can't use the arffparser as parser in ELKI.
What parser should I then use? The default is NumberVectorLabelParser. But it gives me a ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:
Running: -verbose -verbose /home/db/lisbet/Datasets/without ids/try 2/calling them .txt using another parser/Lymphography_withoutdupl_norm_1ofn.csv -dbc.parser NumberVectorLabelParser -algorithm outlier.lof.LOF -lof.k 2 -evaluator outlier.OutlierROCCurve -rocauc.positive yes
Task failed
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 47
at de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.parser.NumberVectorLabelParser.getTypeInformation(
at de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.parser.NumberVectorLabelParser.buildMeta(
at de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.parser.NumberVectorLabelParser.nextEvent(
at de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.bundle.MultipleObjectsBundle.fromStream(
at de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.parser.AbstractStreamingParser.asMultipleObjectsBundle(
at de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.InputStreamDatabaseConnection.loadData(
at de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.StaticArrayDatabase.initialize(
at de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.workflow.InputStep.getDatabase(
at [...]
My .csv file looks like this:
'Lymphatics = deformed','Lymphatics = displaced','Lymphatics = arched','Lymphatics = normal','Block_of_affere = yes','Block_of_affere = no','Bl_of_lymph_c = no','Bl_of_lymph_c = yes','Bl_of_lymph_s = no','Bl_of_lymph_s = yes','By_pass = no','By_pass = yes','Extravasates = yes','Extravasates = no','Regeneration_of = no','Regeneration_of = yes','Early_uptake_in = yes','Early_uptake_in = no','Changes_in_lym = oval','Changes_in_lym = round','Changes_in_lym = bean','Defect_in_node = lacunar','Defect_in_node = lac_central','Defect_in_node = lac_margin','Defect_in_node = no','Changes_in_node = lac_central','Changes_in_node = lacunar','Changes_in_node = no','Changes_in_node = lac_margin','Changes_in_stru = faint','Changes_in_stru = drop_like','Changes_in_stru = stripped','Changes_in_stru = coarse','Changes_in_stru = diluted','Changes_in_stru = grainy','Changes_in_stru = no','Changes_in_stru = reticular','Special_forms = vesicles','Special_forms = no','Special_forms = chalices','Dislocation_of = no','Dislocation_of = yes','Exclusion_of_no = yes','Exclusion_of_no = no',Lym_nodes_dimin,Lym_nodes_enlar,No_of_nodes_in,Outlier
There are 11 parsers available. But maybe it is my data, that is to large for the parser.
Thank you, this is a bug in the ELKI CSV parser.
It did not expect the class column to have a label.
So if your remove the ,Outlier part of your first line (or the first line completely), it should read this file just fine.
I will push a change that makes it more robust here (it will still lose the label though, because ELKI currently has support column labels for numerical columns but not for string label columns).

Error in erlang when using records

I have created a simple program that should simulate an address book:
%% API
createAddressBook() ->
Test = #entry{nameAndSurname = {"Marcin", "Majewski"}, n_phone = [997], email=[""]},
checkIfExist(_,_,[]) -> false;
checkIfExist(Name,Surname,[H|L]) ->
H#entry.nameAndSurname == {Name,Surname} -> true;
true -> checkIfExist(Name,Surname,L)
case checkIfExist(Name,Surname,L) of
true -> io:format("Entry already exist, nothing was created!");
_ -> newEntry = #entry{nameAndSurname = {Name,Surname}, n_phone = [],email = []},lists:append(L,newEntry)
But when I invoke:
I am getting an error:
** exception error: no match of right hand side value
in function addContact
I do not understand what causes this problem.
You are tryin to assign record to atom:
newEntry = #entry{nameAndSurname = {Name,Surname}, n_phone = [],email = []},lists:append(L,newEntry)
Since newEntry starts from lowercase letter, erlang treats it as atom, but not variable. Just change it:
NewEntry = #entry{nameAndSurname = {Name,Surname}, n_phone = [],email]},

FedEx Webservice for printing Multiple shipping labels

I am trying to connect to the FedEx shipping webservice v8.
Everything works fine when I only have one RequestedPackageLineItems set. When I add two items I get the following error.
"Invalid package count or invalid package sequence number."
My Code is as follows
ProcessShipmentRequest request = CreatePendingShipmentRequest();
ShipService service = new ShipService();
ProcessShipmentReply reply = service.processShipment(request);
private static ProcessShipmentRequest CreatePendingShipmentRequest()
ProcessShipmentRequest request = new ProcessShipmentRequest();
request.WebAuthenticationDetail = new WebAuthenticationDetail();
request.WebAuthenticationDetail.UserCredential = new WebAuthenticationCredential();
request.WebAuthenticationDetail.UserCredential.Key = "XXX";
request.WebAuthenticationDetail.UserCredential.Password = "XXX";
request.ClientDetail = new ClientDetail();
request.ClientDetail.AccountNumber = "XXX";
request.ClientDetail.MeterNumber = "XXX";
request.TransactionDetail = new TransactionDetail();
request.TransactionDetail.CustomerTransactionId = "*** Ground Domestic Shipping Request v8 using C# ***";
request.Version = new VersionId();
//Inside this method I set request.RequestedShipment.PackageCount = "2";
return request;
private static void SetPackageLineItems(ProcessShipmentRequest request)
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems = new RequestedPackageLineItem[2];
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0] = new RequestedPackageLineItem();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].SequenceNumber = "1";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Weight = new Weight();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Weight.Value = 50.0M;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Weight.Units = WeightUnits.LB;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].ItemDescription = "Item";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions = new Dimensions();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions.Length = "108";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions.Width = "5";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions.Height = "5";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions.Units = LinearUnits.IN;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences = new CustomerReference[3];
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[0] = new CustomerReference();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[0].CustomerReferenceType = CustomerReferenceType.CUSTOMER_REFERENCE;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[0].Value = "[LOT NUMBER]";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[1] = new CustomerReference();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[1].CustomerReferenceType = CustomerReferenceType.INVOICE_NUMBER;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[1].Value = "45646";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[2] = new CustomerReference();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[2].CustomerReferenceType = CustomerReferenceType.P_O_NUMBER;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[2].Value = "456446";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1] = new RequestedPackageLineItem();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].SequenceNumber = "2";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].Weight = new Weight();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].Weight.Value = 50.0M;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].Weight.Units = WeightUnits.LB;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].ItemDescription = "Item";
Found out how to do this.
In order to get multiple shipping labels into one pdf the process is as follows.
Create a request
Fill in the shipping info
Post and get a reply.
Save that replay and the byte array and MasterShippingID
Create a new request and assign the master shipping id to it.
Added shipping weight and dimensions
Post and get reply
Save byte array with the other
Continue until all shipments are generated (max 200 per master shipping id)
Merge all the pdfs returned from FedEx into one pdf.
Do a happy dance.
A simpler approach, (though there is a cost) is the Shiprush SDK. It lets you build a single XML block and let ShipRush do all the funny stuff with fedex (or whoever).
They also support their tool.

Is there an easier way to modify a value in a subsubsub record field in Erlang?

So I've got a fairly deep hierarchy of record definitions:
-record(cat, {name = '_', attitude = '_',}).
-record(mat, {color = '_', fabric = '_'}).
-record(packet, {cat = '_', mat = '_'}).
-record(stamped_packet, {packet = '_', timestamp = '_'}).
-record(enchilada, {stamped_packet = '_', snarky_comment = ""}).
And now I've got an enchilada, and I want to make a new one that's
just like it except for the value of one of the subsubsubrecords.
Here's what I've been doing.
update_attitude(Ench0, NewState)
when is_record(Ench0, enchilada)->
%% Pick the old one apart.
#enchilada{stamped_packet = SP0} = Ench0,
#stamped_packet{packet = PK0} = SP0,
#packet{cat = Tag0} = PK0,
%% Build up the new one.
Tude1 = Tude0#cat{attitude = NewState},
PK1 = PK0#packet{cat = Tude1},
SP1 = SP0#stamped_packet{packet = PK1},
%% Thank God that's over.
Ench0#enchilada{stamped_packet = SP1}.
Just thinking about this is painful. Is there a better way?
As Hynek suggests, you can elide the temporary variables and do:
update_attitude(E = #enchilada{stamped_packet = (P = #packet{cat=C})},
NewAttitude) ->
E#enchilada{stamped_packet = P#packet{cat = C#cat{attitude=NewAttitude}}}.
Yariv Sadan got frustrated with the same issue and wrote Recless, a type inferring parse transform for records which would allow you to write:
-compile({parse_transform, recless}).
update_attitude(Enchilada = #enchilada{}, Attitude) -> = Attitude.
Try this:
update_attitude(E = #enchilada{
stamped_packet = (SP = #stamped_packet{
packet = (P = #packet{
cat = C
})})}, NewState) ->
stamped_packet = SP#stamped_packet{
packet = P#packet{
cat = C#cat{
attitude = NewState
anyway, structures is not most powerful part of Erlang.
