Amazon Simple Workflow - Choosing Worker From Same Activity Type Nodes Based on System Usage - amazon-swf

I have four servers which are classified under the same activity type. All four servers are consistently polling from SWF. I start one workflow and one of the nodes start a processing routine. This routine will take an hour long and 80% of the CPU resources of the server.
How do I make sure that the next workflow I start does not utilize this same server? And so on for the third and fourth workflows I start? Is there any logic I can put in my decider to do this?

I think it is better handled on the level of the activity worker. The basic idea is that after a poll returns an activity task the next poll is not issued until the task is completed. By monitoring the depth of the task list you can support autoscaling of worker nodes if necessary.


Is it possible to assign worker resources to dask distributed worker after creation?

As per title, if I am creating workers via helm or kubernetes, is it possible to assign "worker resources" ( after workers have been created?
The use case is tasks that hit a database, I would like to limit the amount of processes able to hit the database in a given run, without limiting the total size of the cluster.
As of 2019-04-09 there is no standard way to do this. You've found the Worker.set_resources method, which is reasonable to use. Eventually I would also expect Worker plugins to handle this, but they aren't implemented.
For your application of controlling access to a database, it sounds like what you're really after is a semaphore. You might help build one (it's actually decently straightforward given the current Lock implementation), or you could use a Dask Queue to simulate one.

Grails non time based queuing

I need to process files which get uploaded and it can take as little as 1 second or as much as 10 minutes. Currently my solution is to make a quartz job with a timer of 30 seconds and then process and arbitrary job whenever it hits. There are several problems with this.
One: if the job will take less than a few seconds it is wasteful to make things wait 30 seconds for the job queue.
Two: if there is only one long job in the queue it could feasibly try to do it twice.
What I want is a timeless queue. When things are added the are started immediately if there is a free worker. Is there a solution for this? I was looking at jesque, but I couldn't tell if it can do this.
What you are looking for is a basic message queue. There are lots of options out there, but my favorite for Grails is RabbitMQ. The Grails plugin for it is quite good and it performs well in my experience.
In general, message queues allow you to have N producers (things creating jobs") adding work messages to a queue and then M consumers pulling jobs off of the queue and processing them. When a worker completes it's job, it simply asks the queue for the next job to process and if there is none, it just waits for the queue to give it something to do. The queue also keeps track of success / failure of message processing (you can control this) so that you don't give the same message to more than one worker.
This has the advantage of not relying on polling (so you can start processing as soon as things come in) and it's also much more scaleable. You can scale both your producers and consumers up or down as needed, decoupling the inputs from the outputs so that you can take a traffic spike and then work your way through it as you have the resources (workers) available.
To solve problem one just make the job check for new uploaded files every 5 seconds (or 3 seconds, or 1 second). If the check for uploaded files is quick then there is no reason you can't run it often.
For problem two you just need to record when you start processing a file to ensure it doesn't get picked-up twice. You could create a table in the database, or store the information in memory somewhere.

Erlang: Job Scheduling Over a Dynamic Set of Nodes

I need some advice writing a Job scheduler in Erlang which is able to distribute jobs ( external os processes) over a set of worker nodes. A job can last from a few milliseconds to a few hours. The "scheduler" should be a global registry where jobs come in, get sorted and then get assigned and executed on connected "worker nodes". Worker nodes should be able to register on the scheduler by telling how many jobs they are able to process in parallel (slots). Worker nodes should be able to join and leave at any time.
An Example:
Scheduler has 10 jobs waiting
Worker Node A connects and is able to process 3 jobs in parallel
Worker Node B connects and is able to process 1 job in parallel
Some time later, another worker node joins which is able to process 2 jobs in parallel
I seriously spent some time thinking about the problem but I am still not sure which way to go. My current solution is to have a globally registered gen_server for the scheduler which holds the jobs in its state. Every worker node spawns N worker processes and registers them on the scheduler. The worker processes then pull a job from the scheduler (which is an infinite blocking call with {noreply, ...} if no jobs are currently availale).
Here are some questions:
Is it a good idea to assign every new job to an existing worker, knowing that I will have to re-assign the job to another worker at the time new workers connect? (I think this is how the Erlang SMP scheduler does things, but reassigning jobs seems like a big headache to me)
Should I start a process for every worker processing slot and where should this process live: on the scheduler node or on the worker node? Should the scheduler make rpc calls to the worker node or would it be better for the worker nodes to pull new jobs and then execute them on their own?
And finally: Is this problem already solved and where to find the code for it? :-)
I already tried RabbitMQ for job scheduling but custom job sorting and deployment adds a lot of complexity.
Any advice is highly welcome!
Having read your answer in the comments I'd still recommend to use pool(3):
Spawning 100k processes is not a big deal for Erlang because spawning a process is much cheaper than in other systems.
One process per job is a very good pattern in Erlang, start a new process run the job in the process keeping all the state in the process and terminate the process after the job is done.
Don't bother with worker processes that process a job and wait for a new one. This is the way to go if you are using OS-processes or threads because spawning is expensive but in Erlang this only adds unnecessary complexity.
The pool facility is useful as a low level building block, the only thing it misses your your functionality is the ability to start additional nodes automatically. What I would do is start with pool and a fixed set of nodes to get the basic functionality.
Then add some extra logic that watches the load on the nodes e.g. also like pool does it with statistics(run_queue). If you find that all nodes are over a certain load threshold just slave:start/2,3 a new node on a extra machine and use pool:attach/1to add it to your pool.
This won't rebalance old running jobs but new jobs will automatically be moved to the newly started node since its still idle.
With this you can have a fast pool controlled distribution of incoming jobs and a slower totally separate way of adding and removing nodes.
If you got all this working and still find out -- after some real world benchmarking please -- you need rebalancing of jobs you can always build something into the jobs main loops, after a message rebalance it can respawn itself using the pool master passing its current state as a argument.
Most important just go ahead and build something simple and working and optimize it later.
My solution to the problem:
"distributor" - gen_server,
"worker" - gen_server.
"distributor" starts "workers" using slave:start_link, each "worker" is started with max_processes parameter,
"distributor" behavior:
* put job to the queue,
* cast itself check_queue
* gen_call all workers for load (current_processes / max_processes),
* find the least busy,
* if chosen worker load is < 1 gen_call(submit,...) worker
with next job if any, remove job from the queue,
"worker" behavior (trap_exit = true):
handle_call(report_load, ...)
* return current_process / max_process,
handle_call(submit, ...)
* spawn_link job,
handle_call({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, ...)
* gen_cast distributor with check_queue
In fact it is more complex than that as I need to track running jobs, kill them if I need to, but it is easy to implement in such architecture.
This is not a dynamic set of nodes though, but you can start new node from the distributor whenever you need.
P.S. Looks similar to pool, but in my case I am submitting port processes, so I need to limit them and have better control of what is going where.

How should I schedule many Google Search scrapes over the course of a day?

Currently, my Nokogiri script iterates through Google's SERPs until it finds the position of the target website. It does this for each keyword for each website that each user specifies (users are capped on amount of websites & keywords they can track).
Right now, it's run in a rake that's hard-scheduled every day and batches all scrapes at once by looping through all the websites in the database. But I'm concerned about scalability and swarming Google with a batch of requests.
I'd like a solution that scales and can run these scrapes over the course of the day. I'm not sure what kind of solution is available or what I'm really looking for.
Note: The amount of websites/keywords change from day to day as users add and delete their websites and keywords. I don't mean to make this question too superfluous, but is this the kind of thing Beanstalkd/Stalker (job queuing) can be used for?
You will have to balance two issues: Scalability for lots of users versus Google shutting you down for scaping in violation of their terms of use.
So your system will need to be able to distribute tasks to various different IPs to conceal your bulk scraping which suggests at least two levels of queuing. One to manage all the jobs and send them to each separate IP for subsequent searching and collecting results and queues on each separate machine to hold the requested searches until they are executed and the results returned.
I have no idea what Google's thresholds are (I am sure they don't advertise it) but exceeding them and getting cut off would obviously be devastating for what you are trying to do so your simple looping rake task is exactly what you shouldn't do after a certain number of users.
So yes, use a queue of some sort but realize that you probably have a different goal from the typical goal of a queue in that you want to deliberately delay jobs rather that offload word to avoid UI delays. So you will be seeking ways to slow down the queue rather than have it just execute job after job as they arrive in the queue.
So based on a cursory inspection of DelayedJob and BackgroundJobs it looks like DelayedJob has what you would need with the run_at attribute. But I am only speculating here and I am sure an expert would have more to say.
If I'm understanding correclty, it sounds like one of these tools might fit the bill:
I've used both of them, and found them easy to work with.
There are definitely some background job libraries that might work.
delayed_job: (beware of the unmaintained branch from tobi!)
However, you might think about just scheduling a Cron job that runs more times during the day, and processes less items per run.
SaaS solution: "Launch delayed jobs with scheduled http requests" - disclaimer a) in beta b) I am not affiliated with this service

General question about information a scheduler 'dashboard' should have

Sorry for another non programming question, but I'm using Quartz.NET, a scheduler for .NET applications, for a Windows Service which allows users to schedule transferrig of files that match a regular expression from various sources - for example the user may schedule a job to occur every day at 6pm that transfers the files from a network path to a FTP server.
The adding jobs and management is done using an ASP.NET project, and I'm creating a Dashboard to display useful info to the user. I have the following information on the dashboard so far:
Total number of jobs
Windows Service status
Time since scheduler active
I know it's a very general question, but what other snippets of info can I add to the dashboard, as it's very sparse at the moment.
I've worked as a product manager on a few schedulers. Here are some common requirements for these types of things, but I urge you to talk to some target users to find out if they are applicable to your application.
The use cases:
1. Trying to identify if the jobs are running okay.
2. If jobs are not running okay, give the user clues as to the cause. Give user tools to debug and fix.
General requirements:
1. Table with info on last N jobs:
- Time started, time completed. Status of completion (success / failure). Length of time. Any errors. User who scheduled job. Any dependencies this job has on other jobs or other events. Specific machine the job ran on (if in a cluster).
Might be nice to include links in this dashlet that would allow you to cancel a job that might be hung.
Priority of the job (if you have priorities).
Compare all jobs: %succeed, %failure. Avg time to complete job.
Compare jobs by the scheduling user: avg time, %success, %failure.
This is by no means a comprehensive list or something. Just my trying to give you a few ideas, based on what I can remember off the top of my head.
