Inter app communication on IOS - ios

In IOS, it is possible to launch another app from your app using a URL scheme.
But is it possible to have it then return to the calling app if the home button is then pressed?
What if Guided Access is enabled?

No sorry, The Home button will always lead to the users home, there is no way for developers to override that.
You can however have a button in the "called" app that will take the user back to the app that opened it. Facebook does this when going back and forth between their main app and their messages app.
edit Good answer from #shim about guided access in the comments. Basically if its on, you won't be able to leave the app so it doesn't do any good with this problem. /edit


Is there a way to get back to your application from the settings page of iphone

I have designed an app where the app needs to enable the GPS. There is a page for the user which ask use GPS? To this answer there are 2 options YES and NO. Now my concern is when user clicks on YES he should be directed to settings page and that part is done but now after enabling the GPS from this page the user should redirect to the app again but unfortunately there is no way as there is no back button in the setting page.. Please suggest what I can do in this regards?
As far as I know, the only way to open your app (aside from user tap your app or a related notification) is to do some custom url handling. but unfortunately you can't do such a thing. The other thing you can try is to:
Setup a background thread when your app goes to background
check for location service availability
if it changed to your desired value, open a custom url which in turn will open your app (you should register for hat particular url in your info.plist and such)
but There are some things to keep in mind:
Such Behavior will almost surely get your app rejected by Apple.
in iOS 9+ Apple added a new feature that will help you in this particular problem. when an app gets opened from another app ( for you here) it will add a Back to xxxx in place for network indicator to help user get back were he was.
So, IMHO leave the user experience be as it is for all other applications and don't worry about how he would get back to your app.

Phonegap how to come back to app screen and exit from app iOS

I am creating a phonegap application that posts the login information to my website. When user signs off I want to come back to my app. Do I just send the url location along with the post data so that I can come back? or there is another elegant way?
Also when user clicks on the iphone home button, I want the application to exit. Currently it just saves the session and the page and goes back directly to the page if I start the application again.
I am using adobe phonegap site to build and test the application
From your description, I assume that you are navigating the Phonegap WebView (which is running your app) to the URL of your website?
If so, at this point you no longer have an app to navigate back to - the WebView has lost its handle on your app. In order to "navigate back" to your app, you should use the InAppBrowser plugin to navigate to your website. This will allow you to return to your app after the user logs out from your website. You'll need to somehow communicate the logout from your website in the InAppBrowser WebView to your app in its WebView. You may be able to achieve this with cross window messaging.
You can't "exit" an app in iOS - the OS does not allow you to do this. The best you can do is use the resume event to detect when your app has been restored from the background, then manually reset your app to its initial state.

Prevent IOS to shutdown an app when it app switch to facebook for login and permission request

I am really stuck on this problem and I need your help!
I'm doing an ipad game with unity and the social network plugin from prime31.
The situation:
When you arrive to the end of level, the game gives you your score and ask if you want to submit it to facebook. If you do, In my script I've done a system that checks if you are logged in, if you aren't it ask you to login and then the system checks if the app has the publish permissions and if not it ask you the permission. If all theses if are true it posts a message to your wall straight. So hopefully the login/asking part needs to be done only once.
The problem:
When the ipad swap between the game and the facebook app to login, the ipad shutdown the game for saving memory. I've tried to reduce the scene, but it's hard to reduce it more than it is. So I thought maybe I should open that facebook login and authorisation inGame. For that I tried working with this:
And it does exactly what I want, it opens a small window in game, doesn't crash all good really. But the problem, in this solution, is that it only works for the login, and when I ask the publish permission it switches back to the facebook app to ask the permission and therefore crashes.
After more research, it seems that it's not doable to control the ask permission behavior.
So back to square one, how can I prevent IOS to shutdown my game while the user connects to facebook. I'm still looking to reduce the scene.
I heard of using the app url and sending data for the app (my game) launch after leaving the facebook app and therefore ask the ipad to relaunch the app at a specific scene. But that would be really the last solution because it's going to take a lot of rework to make that happened.
If you have another suggestions to work around this problem I'm up for it. All I need is login -> ask for publish permissions -> post and come back to the end of level screen of my game.
Thanks for the help
Put simply, once your app is backgrounded, if iOS wants to shut it down, you can't prevent that from happening.
The best thing you can do is save the state of your app before handing over to the facebook app for the authentication side of things, and then reload your state when the app starts up again. You'll want to handle applicationWillResignActive:, applicationDidEnterBackground:, applicationDidBecomeActive: and applicationWillBecomeActive:.
The App States and Multitasking section of the iOS App Programming Guide explains how you can do this.
I think you should check for FBDialog for iOS 5 and beneath. And FBNativeDialogs for iOS 6.
These will pop a window on the top of your app, so I guess it will still be running. And for iOS 6's FBNativeDialogs
Provides methods to display native (i.e., non-Web-based) dialogs to
the user. Currently the iOS 6 sharing dialog is supported.

IOS - how to open a website after application is removed from device

I am new to programming for iOS and need some guidance on how to link to a website after an app gets deleted. For example, when a user clicks the "X" button, removes the app and any data it stored, the code should open a website.
Is this possible?
No, Apple does not allow you to hook in the SpringBoard to detect app deletion.
There is no work around, it's not possible.

iOS returning from safari (or another app)

My problem is the following: in my app, I need to switch to safari for a login; however, when the user is redirected to my app, I want a specific action to be executed. Is there a way to do that? ViewWillAppear doesn't work, since it's called only the first time the views shows up....
Thanks for the help :)
You could register your iOS app to handle URL scheme 'foo', then invoke or have a link pointing to 'foo://my_custom_launch_action' from your website. When your app launches, you may read the launch options and act accordingly.
I think the official Flickr app for iPhone implements this mechanism to authenticate users through Safari from outside the app.
