AdMob using in splash screen - ios

Bview=[[ADBannerView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0,320, 100)];
[Bview setBackgroundColor:[UIColor redColor]];
[self.view addSubview:Bview];
The Above code i used for displaying iAds.
Is this possible to adding AdMob or iAds or any other advertisement portions can able to adding / inserting of splash / launch screen using Xcode 6.0.

You can use splash screen as a rootview controller.
Add background image of splash screen on that view controller.That means your view controller will act as splash screen. Here you can add your code for admob.Otherwise it is not possible.
One more thing, if ad takes much time to display on splash screen, apple can reject your app.
Reference from apple document-
"As much as possible, avoid displaying a splash screen or other startup experience. It’s best when users can begin using your app immediately."


When app comes back to foreground it shows splash screen

When my comes back to the foreground, it shows splash screen for a while, like this.
This only happens on iPhone 6 and later.
If you have ever had this experience, sharing the solution would be appreciated!
That the splash-screen shows up for a moment before your app's UI comes up is normal. That is the whole purpose of the splash screen, to fill the small moment before your UI is ready.
What is not normal is the black screen with the red "background" text on it that comes up for a moment. That is not your desktop wallpaper, because that does not have the text on it. So that is likely something that you do in your app yourself.
I suggest that you concentrate your debugging efforts on where the black screen comes from:
set breakpoints in applicationWillEnterForeground: and
applicationDidBecomeActive: to see at what time the black screen
comes up
check your xib for any (hidden) black screen
enable slow-motion animations in XCode to better see what is happening
Thanks guys, I found the reason.
[[UIBarButtonItem appearance] setBackButtonTitlePositionAdjustment:UIOffsetMake(NSIntegerMin, NSIntegerMin) forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];
[[UIBarButtonItem appearance] setBackButtonTitlePositionAdjustment:UIOffsetMake(0, -60) forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];

Five Finger Pinch to Close (Pinch to Home) Black Screen

What is my app supposed to do (or might it currently be doing incorrectly) to support correct visuals when a five finger pinch to close gesture is executed by the user?
When the five finger pinch to close app gesture is performed on my iPad app, the image of my app UI that is used for the shrinking transition is a black screen. There is one exception; when my app is first launched the gesture uses the correct snapshot of my app UI as long as I do not navigate away from the initial screen.
As a test, I added the code below to see if I could get a red screen in all cases. The result was a red screen in the case that used to show my app UI, and still get a black screen in the failure case.
- (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application
UIView *aView = UIApplication.sharedApplication.keyWindow.subviews.lastObject;
UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:aView.bounds];
imageView.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
[aView addSubview:imageView];
I realize this question is vague, but what I am hoping for is insight into where iOS is getting the screen it uses during the pinch to close gesture. Based on the above code there is more to it than applicationWillResignActive.
I am building with Xcode 5.1.1, iOS 7.0 deployment target, problem occurs running on iOS7 and iOS8 (all versions up to and including public release of 8.1).
If I continue the shrink gesture by pinching further and further, when the thumbnail image of my app gets to about 25% of the screen size, the empty black image snaps to a correct image of my app UI. At that point I can reverse the gesture (spread my fingers apart) and the correct image grows all the way to full screen. During this process, the image is crisp and not scaled.
If I have focus in a text field and tap and hold with one finger to bring up the magnification loupe, then drop my other four fingers and start the shrink, the black screen shows my UI in a circle where the loupe was (rest is black).
As I mentioned in the comments below, a double tap on the home button always yields a correct snapshot for fast app switching.
My app does not have any background threads running and is not requesting specific permissions to run long running tasks in the background.
Any change your app uses -drawViewHierarchyInRect:afterScreenUpdates:YES anywhere? I'm seeing the same issue when using that API. It seems like there are quite a few GPU bugs related to setting afterScreenUpdates to YES.
Changing my app to use renderInContext (cpu instead of gpu) fixed the problem, but doing that introduces other issues, so it's a toss up.

IOS Splash screen/popup display from closed library

We own proprietary library built for IOS, used by our customers in their application. Basically the library has no UI related functionality, but When they call our library init api, we want to add a splash screen or a popup(containing our company logo) to be displayed on top of their UI.
This splash screen might be called anytime, during or after the application launch time.
Also it is possible that proprietary library init API may not be called from main thread.
Would like to know if there is a reliable/feasible solution with some direction/examples?
Create UIImageView and add image and then
[self.window addSubview:uiimageview];
[self performSelector:#selector(dismissPopover) withObject:nil afterDelay:3];
and then remove the image
[popover removeFromSuperview];
check this iPhone app: avoiding white screen after splash screen. Let splash screen linger, hide it after UIWebview loads? Splash screen not hiding properly

iOS 7 - Display user wallpaper as UIWindow background

How would it be possible to have an iOS app display the user's wallpaper? Apple uses this in places like the tab view in Safari and the keypad in Phone. Setting the transparency of UIWindow proved to no avail...
This is no longer available. Too bad, because it allowed a sweet native looking effect
there are a few things you need to do to show the user wallpaper
1 - set UIApplicationIsOpaque to false in the project plist
2 - In the app delegate load function
self.window.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
self.window.opaque = NO;
3 - set the UIViewController.view background color to [UIColor clearColor]
This works for us currently. If you try to do a screen capture or actually use the wallpaper it just returns solid black (so privacy concerns don't apply since you can't do anything with the wallpaper).
This functionality is not available to third-party developers due to privacy concerns.
If you could do this in a third-party app, you could capture the background image without asking the user.

Can I place iAd ADBannerView middle of the iPad app?

I could place iAd ADBannerView as a subview of a view , which sits at the middle of the screen.
So effectively the ad view will be at the middle of the ipad app.I did not change the size of the ADBannerView.
My questions are
1, will apple reject my app?
2, Can my ADBannerView receive ads from iAd network..
Thanks in advance
You should try it out. After you open your app, you will see a test ad, if you click it it will tell you if it is working ok.
Otherwise, three is no rule that I know of about the placement of the ad, you can place it wherever you like, the middle is fine.
