Application design is not display properly in simulator after updating xcode 8 - ios

I have updated xcode 8 and then tested application in iphone 6 (ios 10) simulator.
Application desiging is not showing properly as it should be.
In xcode 8, storyboard designing is not proper.
Storyboard showing designs properly but runtime it's now showing properly.
I'm not able to get any solution.
If anyone know the answer please suggest me.

from storyboard, Select your view controller and set proper device from View As button. If your storyboard is designed using previous version of Xcode, try selecting iPhone SE from "View As" as shown in below image.


Xcode Storyboard Changing Preview

I am using Xcode 13.3 and I cannot change my devices preview like I desire. I mean there are some different types of model but the model that I desire does not seem on the list. I attached the picture below.
Storyboard Screen - Click
On the previous XCode version, I used to do this easily, but not for XCode 13.3. I can change the simulator's view and add new devices but storyboard.
Is there any solution?

iOS Simulator is not displaying objects

I'm completely new to iOS and Swift development and trying to write hello world program by following this tutorial.
When I ran my code I cannot see components. Seems like they are located on top of the simulator but I can't see.
Xcode version 6.2
target iOS 7.0 and later.
I execute simulator iPhone 6. This is what I can see:
Can someone point me where should I change to get this interface fit to phone size? Any help would be appriciated.
Follow these steps
Open the storyboard.
Select the View Controller
Select the fourth icon in the right side.
In simulated Metrics we have an option for size. Change it to iPhone
4 inch or as per your requirement.
For more reference see the screen shot:

iPhone 5 storyboard still shows padding when running on iPhone 5

I have made a new app with storyboard, where the storyboard is currently just for iPhone 5. But the issue is, when I run this on iPhone 5 device/simulator, it shows padding at the top and bottom of the screen as if an iPhone 4 application is being run. Please see the screenshot I have attached. And help where did I go wrong.
EDIT : Actually its still not working. In iOS 8 its coming fullscreen but in iOS 7 for some reason the black padding is coming. PLease hellpppp.
EDIT - I got the issue.Apparently, in xcode 6, when Launchscreen.xib is given, it does not work for ios 7 and it works perfectly normal for ios8.
Previous answer - The issue was, in Xcode 6.0, the new project generates a LaunchScreen.xib file, but apparently you manually have to go to the General settings for the target and select the launch screen File options from the drop down. This solves the issues. :)

Using iPad and iPhone storyboards in Xcode

I have created an app with a storyboard in Xcode and I now want to create an iPad version. I successfully created an iPad storyboard, but it currently runs with the code from the iPhone version.
The issue I am having is that the code for the iPhone is still running with the iPad storyboard. I would like to duplicate the iPhone code and adjust it for the iPad.storyboard, but I am not sure how to do that. Thanks.
I took a screenshot for you:
So switch the tabs and assign the appropriate storyboard. and make sure it is set to universal.
If I understand your problem, you now have two storyboards, one for iPhone and one for iPad, which are both working properly, but you want to modify part of the code just for the iPad version.
You should duplicate the classes you want to edit for the iPad version of your app and assign those new classes to the corresponding ViewControllers of the iPad storyboard.
Of course, you are still making a single, universal app.

iOS Development Simulator view squashed

I have just started iOS programming and am following a tutorial on iTunesU from Stanford.
In the first tutorial we were shown how to build a simple RPN calculator. When I built and compiled in the simulator launched as normal but everything was "squashed". I figured this was because the View in XCode is bigger than the iOS simulator. How can I resize the view in Xcode or am I missing something.
Here is the iOS simuator view compared with the one from xcode
Looks like your view in Xcode's Interface Builder is a 4" view, and the simulator is running a 3.5" device. You can change either one.
The view size in Xcode is changeable by selecting the entire view, and in the attributes inspector, you can change the size between Freeform, 3.5, 4.
You can change the device in the simulator by going to Hardware>Device> Select your device
However, the overlapping buttons, etc, are more related to using Auto Layout, or misused struts. You can either turn off Auto Layout and use struts, or take the challenge to learn Auto Layout.
Here's a start for Auto Layout: What is Auto Layout?
It's not 'squashed' you are using the device simulator for the latest iPhone, which has a 4 inch display instead of 3.5 inch. To change device go to Hardware->Device in the simulator bar. And the iPhone frame does not show in the latest version of the simulator so to press the home button you go under Hardware->Home.
