Current road's speed limit - ios

Is it possible to get the current speed limit of a road? I’m not sure if this would be done using the ‘Maps' app as I don’t think its holds speed limit data.
Is anyone able to point me in the right direction?

There is no functionality in MapKit for retrieving speed limits.
You may be able to get it by querying Google directly, or by querying some other third-party speed-limit database. However, it's probably unlikely that you'd find a service offering that kind of data for free.
Figure out where from where you going to get the data and then someone can likely help with how you'd retrieve it.

I have found an open data project that might be of help to you as well as many others:


Use both GPS and Scan function in same channel with Junaio AR

As the title says, im simply wondering if it is possible to use the GPS tracking and POI part of junaio, and att the same time use the scan functionality to scan and recognize images. Im working with a group at a project which demands that we use both functionalities, and we are at the moment stuck on trying to send 2 XML documents, causing the server to return nothing at all. I simply want to know if it is possible to use both functionalities in the same channel, and I would greatly appriciate if someone would point me in a direction which could help me solve our problems, since I've been able to find absolutley nothing on my own. Thanks beforehand!
Scan + GPS/compass is not possible at the moment.
However, it's possible to use GPS/compass tracking and continuous visual search at the same time. This might be the closest thing to your requirements.
You might find more information on

Best way to loop through indexDb using ydn-db

I'm using ydn-db as a shim for mobile dev but am experiencing some poor performance with IOS and record retrieval.
My question is, what is the best way to loop over a data store?
Right now I use
db.values() and set the limit to the number of items in the list ( usually about 200, but it has a hard limit at 100 )
Anyhow was just wondering what the best way to go about looping over the results might be.
I have read the docs, and while they are extensive they are also confusing, hence why I'm posting here.
Anyhow, any help would be appreciated.
The best way to loop through is It iterate one record at a time and very memory efficient.

how to check data usage

Hi take days looking information about this and I have found absolutely nothing, is there app like Onavo using a proxy, but some do not and I need to know how much data I'm consuming at one point to see if it is producing for such a shock, I need a lot of help if they have some information please help. for example:

How to aggregate iOS location data on server?

How do I send location data from an iPhone to some webserver?
Is a web server the best way to store that data?
If so, what kind of server?
EDIT: Since people were getting confused about the question, understandably, I'm really looking for best practices on how to store location data in a web server. I don't know if the server would be SQL or no-SQL, I have very little experience in the way of web servers.
So here's what I do know:
I know how to get the location of a user.
I know to use CoreLocation.
My questions:
How do I send the location data from the application to a server, both SQL and non-SQL?
On the server side: How to I store that data? I'm familiar with SQL a little bit but all I'm trying to store is GPS coordinates so I'm not sure if a table is the best way to do that.
Please try to expand your question it will help others to help you.
However, I suggest you firstly read the iOS Location Awareness Programming Guide - this will tell you how to get the location of the device.
Next, read about REST/web server/web frameworks etc and check out the AFNetworking framework for sending data from iOS to a web server.
Then you need to decide how to store the data: in a SQL/no-SQL database? It really depends on what you want to do with the data and what, if any, web servers you have access to/experience with.
I'm afraid your question in it's current form simply raises more questions!
Ya, guessing you want to do something with it that's not in the app otherwise just use a database.
Be lazy use something like cloud code.(free 1million api request a month)
Not a great question can you give us a context. What are your doing with the location and why do you need it online.
Although this answer doesn't necessarily promote learning how to do backend stuff yourself, there's this amazing service called Parse that handles almost everything for you. It's incredibly awesome and saves a ton of time. Plus it's free for up to 1,000,000 API calls and 1GB of storage. Absolutely perfect for a small-time business/startup.

Big SQLITE database in iOS

In my ios app I have got an sqlite database with more then 800.000 rows. More or less only text in the rows. At the moment my select statement needs more than a minute to perform. Is that normal or do I something wrong.
Is there any possibility to speed that task up?
My problem is, that I cant do it with a webservice or something else. It should be performed right on the iPad without any connection to the internet.
Any idea is highly appreciated.
It's difficult to offer advice in the abstract, but in general:
Measure. Find where and why there are bottle necks
Improve code / database scheme
Go to 1
The best tool for (1) is the "explain plan" feature of SQLite. This tells you how it's going to get your results. If it's taking over a minute I think you'll see lots of full table scans.
The answer for (2) depends on what you find on (1). You might be able to improve the query; you might need index(es).
Point (3) is important. Don't guess at what makes the best performance improvemets. Measure.
