Metadata Rejected because ads are supposedly not being displayed - ios

I'm in the middle of getting my very first iOS app pushed out and have been having some trouble with the review process. The app itself is good, but it was recently rejected as Metadata Rejected for the following reason:
Your iTunes Connect settings indicate that your app serves
advertisements. However, we were unable to locate ads in your app.
The thing though is that when I run the app on simulators and my test device (an iPhone 4S), the test ads are coming through fine and are consistently located on the bottom of each screen. I've made sure to include the iAd framework in the binary and have signed/agreed to the iAd contract, but when I asked for more information, all I got for a response was
Your app is metadata rejected as we have asked where to locate ads in
your binary, as your app uses IDFA.
Has anyone else encountered something like this before? Is there a final step that I'm missing to have the real ads show up for the Reviewing process? All other topics close to this that I've found seem to refer to options that are no longer on iTunes Connect.

After sending them a screen capture showing the test ads being shown, it's suddenly been approved. How very odd...


AdMob Diagnosing Banner Not Displaying

I have an app in iOS TestFlight. It has AdMob ads. I originally deployed the app with the demo unit id and the app showed demo ads. So far, so good. I got my AdMob account approved and I added the real unit ID to my app as per the instructions. I ran the app on the simulator and the banner shows up, albeit with demo ads. So, I deployed this version to TestFlight, and now the app in TestFlight doesn't show any banner.
I don't know what is going wrong. It should at least display the demo banner. I would have to add some kind of logging to diagnose the issue.
So, I checked the documentation here and here.
I added my physical iPhone as a Test Device in the AdMob console, but my device still doesn't display any ads and the shake gesture does nothing.
The documentation says that I need to have the app in the store before I can serve ads, but it's a chicken-and-egg scenario. I want to make sure the ads are working before I deploy them to the store. I would at least like the demo banner to display, but even that won't display right now.
I also followed this documentation. If I add this test Swift code, the banner shows up. But this doesn't really help me much because it requires that I put the specific device id into the app.
GADMobileAds.sharedInstance().requestConfiguration.testDeviceIdentifiers = [ "[DEVICE ID]" ]
My two options are to roll back to the demo ad unit id which displays the incorrect demo banner or just hope for the best. Can anyone recommend advice here, or at least explain how I can get the ads to display on the test device?
Edit: The app works fine with the demo advert but it got rejected from the Apple store because the ad says "Test". It's a chicken and egg scenario.
verify all below points
First visit admob console and read the warning at top. add payments information if not added and approve your account.
Verify once, you replaced your production ads IDs properly in your app code for production environment.
For production Advertising your app need to add for review first from admob console too. checkout this documentation.
app-ads-txt correctly updated with status or not. checkout this link
If your Ads working in development environment Ads will work for production too if above all steps correctly done. some times on
New production ad IDs takes few hours or requests to load ads in user's
device. checkout below links
Common reasons for ads not showing - link
Take time too load production ads - link
For iOS TestFlight app rejection, your app contains any test keywords (test, lorem ipsum...) in app store listing content (screenshots or app contains testing data). for resolve this go-through app store review guidelines.

Unity Codeless IAP IOS build rejected

I have a problem using Unity's codeless API in conjunction with IOS.
Apple keeps rejecting the build with the following message:
Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness
We found that your in-app purchase products exhibited one or more bugs
when reviewed on iPad running iOS 12.1 on Wi-Fi.
Specifically, no action takes place when we initiate the purchase.
Some notes:
I succesfully built and published the app on android.
The IOS version works with the uploaded build. I can make in app purchases when i run the app on my iphone.
I have filled in all the required legal/ financial information and have a valid contract for purchases as defined in the ios docs.
The build is set as "release" and "development build" is NOT checked.
After rejection by apple, all the in app purchases in the developer console are marked as requiring action.
Specifically it is now showing that the localizations are invalid. However no further information is given. I suspect this is just because the build is rejected?
So, has anyone had a similar problem? Having the app run fine when using the development build on a local phone, but still having it rejected because of the aforementioned reason?
In the end i requested i call with Apple to discuss the rejection of my IOS build(s).
It had been rejected 3/4 times with the same reason.
The reason: A problem on their part. They suspect they had a misconfigured environment on their side, which resulted in a not working build on Ipad.
I did not have to upload a new build, they reused the last rejected one and it was approved within hours of my call.
I suspect that the developers might have been confused, seeing that the app was entirely in dutch. This can seriously cause some confusing, because the representative on the phone had trouble locating some IAP functionality himself like the restore button.
So should you have the same problem:
If your app is in a non-english language, specificy where the reviewers have to click for In App Products, where the Restore button is and similar key parts of your app.
Request a call with Apple if you are sure that you did everything correctly. Talking on the phone with them really helps speed up the review process and clarify any misunderstandings.

App Store Binary rejected for white screen displayed unable to review

I was uploaded the build to App Store first time on three month ago. It got published successfully.(Ionic App for iOS)
Now I made small changes in the app and try to update the app without affect the existing functionality. But App Store review team has rejected my build for the following reason:
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPhone and
iPad running iOS 12.1 on Wi-Fi.
Specifically, upon review we have found the White screen is displayed
on device and unable to review.
The steps to reproduce are:
1.) downloaded app
2.) launched app
3.) white screen displayed and unable to review
However, we checked the app thoroughly and there is no such white blank screen appeared.What would be the reason for rejection and how to solve this issue?

App rejected from app store

I have submitted an app on Appstore.
The app got rejected and here is the Apple Response
"We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPhone running iOS 9.3.1 on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks.
Specifically, the app loads indefinitely upon launch. Please see the attached screenshots for additional details."
I have tested it in multiple ways as told by Apple but unable to reproduce the issue. Moreover Apple says it "the app loads indefinitely upon launch" well the screen shot they have send is not of launch screen but that is of a view controller which comes after launch screen.
Please guide me to overcome this issue.
It sounds like the tester was confused by the contents of the post-launch view controller. You should provide some guidance to the user on how to use the app once it launches with no data. For example, you might have a UILabel that appears to new users explaining how to start using the app. Effective user onboarding is practically a whole discipline. You can seem some good (and entertaining) analyses of user onboarding processes at

iAd is not displaying ads in my approved game

I just finished an update to an iPhone app which included ads. I have signed the contract on iTunes Connect and have integrated the iAd framework with my app. When running the simulator I got test ads running in my app.
However, now that the app is on the app store (it has been about a week since I put ads into it). Whenever I go to the app on my phone there are no ads. Additionally I have around 300 downloads so far.
When I got iAd Workbench and try to view the information on my apps I get something like this:
iAd Network is temporarily unavailable
Sorry: We were unable to locate information relating to your account. Please try again later. If the problem persist please contact us.
Am I missing something? Do I just need to wait for them to review something? I have contacted iAd but have not had a response.
I found out the problem. So I had been making individual instances of adViewBanner in each of my view controllers. I replaced that by making an adViewBanner in my AppDelegate and then put an instance of that on each of my pages. Once the update was accepted with this change iAd workbench started working and the error message went away.
