App Store Binary rejected for white screen displayed unable to review - ios

I was uploaded the build to App Store first time on three month ago. It got published successfully.(Ionic App for iOS)
Now I made small changes in the app and try to update the app without affect the existing functionality. But App Store review team has rejected my build for the following reason:
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPhone and
iPad running iOS 12.1 on Wi-Fi.
Specifically, upon review we have found the White screen is displayed
on device and unable to review.
The steps to reproduce are:
1.) downloaded app
2.) launched app
3.) white screen displayed and unable to review
However, we checked the app thoroughly and there is no such white blank screen appeared.What would be the reason for rejection and how to solve this issue?


Xamarin app does not start after update in Apple App Store

I released version 1.1 of my app in App Store a few days ago. In this version I added a splash screen and shell and changed the name of the app bundle to info.plist. With this, the name of the app is displayed differently than version 1.0. Also i added a support e-mail button to send the user email to me. Before releasing the update app, I tested it on physical iphone and simulators. Everything worked wonderfully. Now the app update is published in the store and when I update the app and start it, the splash screen loads but nothing more. The app just crashes and I can't see why. My question:
How can I find out why the app crashes? Are there logs from App store? Does someone have an idea where the reason can be?
Many Thanks

Invoke scan QR code app clip experience for Testflight beta version

I am new to app clip experience and currently struggling to deliver my demo app to my client with full app clip experience (including scan QR code to open app clip).
My question is that can we have scan QR code to open app clip card for testflight beta version? I tried to add an invocation URL for the specific testing build, but not working at all.
Here are things I have done so far:
Scan QR code is working as expected for local registered experience, which means you must have app clip cached in your device via building from Xcode
App & clip is submitted to Testflight for testing. I can see the open app clip from Testflight App, and my app clip works perfectly.
I did a set of configuration about aasa file, and I can see it is configured properly
Any help would be very appreciated.
For testers, they launch through Testflight. Documentation says:
Users don’t install App Clips, and App Clips don’t appear on the Home screen. Similarly, testers don’t install the beta version of your App Clip, and it also doesn’t appear on the Home screen either. Instead, testers launch the App Clip experiences you configure for testing through the TestFlight app on their device.
Testers can configure a local experience and then launch the app clip in that way.
Testers can also configure a local experience to launch the App Clip you distribute with TestFlight. However, you must still associate your App Clip with your website. In addition, testers must launch the App Clip from an App Clip experience for testing you configure in App Store Connect at least once to ensure that the App Clip is cached on the device.
That same documentation mentions how to setup a local experience.

Apple store rejection due to App Icon

I have submitted an update for my already approved app on Apple store yesterday. It got rejected with this message
"Your app icon and screenshots include content which is too similar to
iPad and iPhone, which creates a misleading association with Apple
The app is available on iPhone as well as iPad. I did not get this issue when I submitted the app the first time as well as 5 updates after that. I can change the screenshots but do I need to have seprate App icons for iPhone and iPad?
How can I resolve this?
They are complaining that your icons look too much like Apple's own icons. Make entirely new ones.
Yes, as apple says:
Every app must supply both small and large app icons. The small icons are used on the Home screen and throughout the system once your app is installed. The large icon is used by the App Store.
You can read more about it here:

Apple Watch app rejection for "Booting to White Screen"

My app just got rejected, and the reason was that the Apple Watch Extension was "Booting to White Screen" on Apple Watch. They sent me a screencapture of Apple Watch screen that just has white screen. Not much information.
I honestly have no clue where I went wrong... seeing that the app runs fine on both iPhone and the Simulator.
I don't have an Apple Watch to test this with or any logs on real device to show you although I wish I could give as much information on this question.
I don't have any info I can supply other than the fact that they rejected the app, and app doesn't seem to run on real device.
I don't think it would be a code issue seeing that the First Screen in my app is just a few buttons for menu, without much things happening.
Could anyone give me any insight to how to approach this problem? or has anyone had a similar issue?
Here's the response from Apple.
2.2 Details
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPhone
running iOS 8.2 on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks.
Specifically, upon review we found the Apple Watch app will boot to
white screen display upon launch.
Next Steps
Please run your app on a device to identify the issue(s), then revise
and resubmit your app for review.
For new apps, uninstall all previous versions of your app from a
device, then install and follow the steps to reproduce the issue(s).
For updates, install the new version as an update to the previous
version, then follow the steps to reproduce the issue(s).
If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to
this message in the Resolution Center to provide information on how
these features were intended to work.
Just in case anyone is wondering or having the same issue... it was really a stupid mistake.
I didn't put the images used for Apple Watch in the correct asset catalog with correct target membership. That's why it was displaying the images correctly on simulator, but not on real Apple Watch, since images weren't embedded within the app.
These kind of things needs to be double-triple checked before submitted to app store because it doesn't show on the simulator.

Metadata Rejected because ads are supposedly not being displayed

I'm in the middle of getting my very first iOS app pushed out and have been having some trouble with the review process. The app itself is good, but it was recently rejected as Metadata Rejected for the following reason:
Your iTunes Connect settings indicate that your app serves
advertisements. However, we were unable to locate ads in your app.
The thing though is that when I run the app on simulators and my test device (an iPhone 4S), the test ads are coming through fine and are consistently located on the bottom of each screen. I've made sure to include the iAd framework in the binary and have signed/agreed to the iAd contract, but when I asked for more information, all I got for a response was
Your app is metadata rejected as we have asked where to locate ads in
your binary, as your app uses IDFA.
Has anyone else encountered something like this before? Is there a final step that I'm missing to have the real ads show up for the Reviewing process? All other topics close to this that I've found seem to refer to options that are no longer on iTunes Connect.
After sending them a screen capture showing the test ads being shown, it's suddenly been approved. How very odd...
