Is there any notification which can capture Reachability event on iPhone 6? - ios

iPhone 6/6 Plus have new feature named "Reachability" (Touch twice on TouchID to interact on the larger screen). But I don't find any API in iOS8 SDK documentation.Perhaps I have to wait for the next version of iOS SDK.
I think my App can do something interesting or make some surprise when Reachability active. So anyone has idea for it?

From my reading of the iOS 8.x SDK changes, it's not possible for an app to detect that the user has activated Reachability. I think that Apple want (and expect) that this feature will simply allow access to the top half of the screen, and handles the relocate of the base view completely transparently to the app. I can't point you to any specific documentation on this, as it's a case of the absence of proof being itself proof.
Oh, and I don't think Apple wants any apps doing anything "surprising" when Reachability is activated! ;-)


Apple Rejecting App - "Content cut from display and doesn't fit the iPad"

I am just really mind-boggled as to why my app has for the 10th time been rejected.
Apple states, that data/display has been cut off when using my app on an iPad. (It is optimised for iPhone, but I know Apple's policy). The keep saying the same thing. But I have attatched a picture of my app's main-screen which users will be fussed about the most. And I don't see any data cut off.
Here is a side by side comparison of my apps, on both iPad and iPhone 6S+:
I know what you're thinking, yes, the data has been, as Apple put it "cut off" but the data I am displaying is all within a UIScrollView. You simply need to scroll up in order to see all data. Regardless off the device whether it be iPhone 8+, iPhone SE or even an iPad. I just don't understand where the data is "cut-off".
This what Apple have always replied, (starting from latest reply to oldest)-
Thank you for your reply.
However, we noticed your main screen is still not optimized to be
displayed on iPad. iPhone apps must run at iPhone 2X resolution and
still be fully functional on an iPad. The user should be able to
access the same features and content without it being cut off from the
Additionally, your app does not provide a back button on the search page, >which contributes to a lower quality user experience.
We hope you will make the necessary changes to your app and resubmit for >review. We look forward to reviewing your revised app.
Best regards,
App Store Review
Thank you for resubmitting your application. Upon further review, we
found the following issues:
We noticed that your app did not run at iPhone resolution when
reviewed on iPad running iOS 11.0.1.Specifically, we noticed portions
of your app overlapped or were cut off when displayed on an iPad.
Please see attached screenshots for details.
The screenshots they have attached so not show any "over-lapping" or data being "cut-off". For instance, they screenshot me the UITableViewController. Which boggles my mind.
Either I am missing something or it's going over my head or there is a genuine issue here?
Could someone help me out?
Thank you. It's just really infuriating.

AppStore - iPhone 6S or iPad Pro or ForceTouch device only [duplicate]

Is there a way to write an app's "Required device capabilities" such that the app runs only iPhone 6s and above (due to a requirement of force touch)?
You normally use the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key, which can require certain features to be present. However at this time it doesn't seem like 3D Touch has been added.
A large warning will have to suffice for now, while waiting for apple to add 3D touch as a thing you can require. Otherwise there might be some features only the new iPhones models have, such as the arm chip, you could require. I haven't looked into this though.
On apples page for documentation you can see available keys for the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities, where 3D Touch doesn't seem to be present.
No, at this time it is not possible.
It is likely that Apple will introduce a new value to use with the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key.
Until that time, the best you can do is require one of (arm64, metal or opengles-3), and one of something like telephony or sms (until iPads get 3D Touch). This will at least restrict your app to the iPhone 5S and up.
And put a notice in the app description that your device requires 3D Touch.
Keep an eye on this document for all the possible device capability values:
Also, this is handy:,7,19,26#chart

iOS 9 Split screen support for iPhone/iPod app

Is it possible to support iOS 9's multitasking (e.g. split screen) for iPhone/iPod apps as opposed to a Univeral app?
My existing app would need a full UI redesign to look good on an iPad screen, but it would look fine right away on a split screen, which is only half as big.
In my own tests I've only been able to get it to work with a Universal app, but I haven't been able to find any Apple documentation on this yet, so I'm hoping someone here might have some info.
Is it possible to support iOS 9's multitasking (e.g. split screen) for iPhone/iPod apps as opposed to a Universal app?
I haven't been able to find any Apple documentation on this yet
They're not explicit about it, because it seems obvious on its face, as I think you understand. You can infer it from a few places though. For example this documentation says:
In your project’s Info.plist file, in the “Supported interface orientations (iPad)” array, declare support for all four device orientations, as shown here:
It should be obvious that the “Supported interface orientations (iPad)” array won't be read on an iPhone-only app.
This is about device/iOS capabilities (so it's not a dev question per se).
Multitasking is supported on all devices. However, the iPad also adds Slide Over, Split View and Picture in Picture.
On your iPad, you can use multitasking to switch between apps using gestures, use two apps at once, answer emails while watching a video, and more.

What happens to a WatchKit app when iPhone is turned off?

Let's say I want to create a WatchKit app that shows the seconds for the current time.
What happens if iPhone gets turned off (e.g. battery drained), then user starts the app on the Watch device?
As far as I know, every (!) code runs on the iPhone (extension app), so my method that "fetches" seconds probably won't respond either. It is hard to imagine, but seems that I cannot get / display the current time on the Apple Watch if iPhone is turned off.
Any experiences on this?
Firstly, you can't do watch faces in the current developer kit.
All current WatchKit apps are extensions of iPhone or iPad apps. As you suggest, if the iOS device is not contactable, nothing will happen.
Apple say that native Watch apps will be coming later.
Your app will be killed immediately.
As you mentioned before, WatchKit Extension runs on iPhone, and you're absolutely right. There is only storyboard on Apple Watch.
So, the answer is very simple - "No code - no App"

An app that pops up on top of any other app on iOS

For example, the built-in alarm clock app launches when it's time to ring (it doesn't just show a notification) even when another app is running.
At WWDC 14 Apple showed off the Extensibility feature. You shouldn't be able to do it on iOS 7 but in the future(iOS 8) you can use the extensibility in third party applications.
For more information read the mashable blog :
Not on an iOS device :D.
Only 1 app can be presented on the screen at one time.
Maybe in iOS 8 with split screen feature perhaps?
Although that isn't quite exactly what you want.
