Memory Warning in Xcode - What does one do in didReceiveMemoryWarning? - ios

I have asked this before but I think my question was not understood, so here goes again:
We do not handle memory anymore, since ARC does that. We cannot even invoke memory release commands etc.. So what CAN one do programmatically at RUN TIME to address a memory warning issue if the delegate receives the memory warning notification?
I do NOT want to know how to fix my code!!!
Code cannot fix itself at run time.
Assuming I have coded correctly, BUT still receive a memory warning, what can be done ..
ie Can you give an example of what to code into the
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.

Of course you still have control over memory. You're just operating at a higher abstraction level with ARC.
You can use: object = nil to clear a strong reference. When all strong references are cleared, the object is deallocated.
If you are familiar with manual reference counting:
object = nil; << ARC
is like this when doing your own reference counting:
[object release], object = nil;

Maybe too naive, but what I do is log present values of variables so I can track down errors or what may be causing the warning.


Mark an object un-AutoRelease in ARC

As we all know, object will not dealloc immediately in ARC when no variable refer it. eg,
NSObject* obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];
obj = nil;
obj will dealloc after a time.(auto release pool drain).
Now, I want the obj dealloc right after it's been set to nil, which means the obj is not in auto-release-pool. But all other obj should work well as before, which means the program is still in ARC mode.
Is there a way, maybe macro or compiler flag, to do this?
First of all: You should not care about early deallocation. This is a strong code smell.
Second: Are you really, really sure, because -init does not put an object into ARP. Maybe the expression causes a retain autorelease combination, but compiling in release mode should optimize that away.
However, if it is in ARP you can close the ARP as mentioned by Hermann Klecker or – I think this is better – find the reason for being that object in ARP. There is no need for that.
Amin is right: the object is not in an autorelease pool. alloc, which created the object, does not engage a pool. On the other hand, you're right: ARC may not release the object immediately.
There is indeed an annotation you can use to force the release: objc_precise_lifetime. Adding that to the variable declaration will cause ARC to send release as soon as the object is no longer valid in the current scope.
However, Amin is also right that this is not very likely to be what you want. ARC knows what it's doing -- there are optimizations it can't make when you use this annotation -- and unless you know what it's doing too, you should strongly consider just letting it do its job.

Asynchronous methods called inside `-dealloc` could generate unwanted zombie objects

As I was walking through some line of codes I stumbled upon this problem a couple of days ago,
- (void)dealloc {
[self.postOfficeService deregister:self];
Where the de-registration from the Post Office Service is an asynchronous operation, even if it's not self evident from the interface as there's no block or function passed to the postOfficeService.
The internal implementation of postOfficeService's -deregister method is something like that
// -deregister:(id)formerSubscriber implementation
//some trivial checks here
// deregister former subscriber
dispatch_asynch(_serialQueue, ^{
[self.subcribers removeObject:formerSubscriber];
The container, self.subscribers, does perfectly its job and contains only weak references. I.e. it is a NSHashTable.
As long as the deregistration method got called within the dealloc method, I keep on getting a crash while postOfficeService is trying to remove the former subscribers from its list inside that asynch block, which is used for thread safety purposes I guess.
Adding a breakpoint on [self.subscribers removeObject:formerSubscriber], it's possible to notice that the formerSubscriber object is always a NSZombieObject. That's the reason for crashes.
I know that it's possible to get thread safety for deregister method without incurring in this problem - I figure it should be enough use the dispatch_synch in lieu of the dispatch_asynch version
I think this is one of the reason why asynchronous methods shouldn't be called within dealloc methods.
But the question is how's possible to constantly get NSZombie objects even if we are in an ARC environment and the container objects is a NSHashTable (so it should be working I guess)?
The rule is: When dealloc is called, the object will be gone once dealloc returns to its caller (whoever called release when the reference count was 0), and nothing is going to prevent this.
Before ARC, you might have tried to retain an object inside dealloc - doesn't help; once dealloc is called the object will go (and dealloc will be called only once for it, in case you do a retain / release inside dealloc). ARC does the same, just automatically.
Using ARC doesn't means all your memory problem magically disappeared.
What happened is
[obj release] called by ARC
[obj dealloc]
[obj.postOfficeService deregister:obj]
[obj retain] - sorry you can't cancel the deallocation process
free(obj) - from this point, obj is a zombie
GCD scheduling tasks
dispatch_async execute task
use obj - crash
The correct solution is use dispatch_sync to make sure you not trying to use object after it is deallocated. (be careful about dead lock)
Don't call asynchronous cleanup methods from dealloc. It's just not a good idea. Your -deregister should be synchronous.
NSHashTable stores pointers - it's the equivalent of __unsafe_unretained or assign - UNLESS it was created using +weakObjectsHashTable or the equivalent set of options (NSHashTableZeroingWeakMemory and NSPointerFunctionsObjectPersonality). If it was not created that way, it is quite likely you will have values pointing to zombie objects.
The question of "why am I getting zombies" is best answered by profiling your application with the Zombies template in Instruments and stimulating the required behavior.
I agree with the others that you should probably avoid asynchronous cleanup in your -dealloc method. However, it may be possible to fix this by making the parameter to -deregister: __unsafe_unretained. That method would then have to treat the pointer purely as a opaque value. It must not dereference it or message it. Unfortunately, you don't control the implementation of NSHashTable and can't guarantee that. Even if NSHashTable could be relied upon, the interface of -removeObject: takes an implicitly strong object pointer, so ARC might retain the pointer when it's copied from the unsafe unretained pointer.
You might use the C function API for hash tables (e.g. NSHashRemove()) as suggested in the overview for the NSHashTable class.

Proper memory management when invoking a delegate callback that may cause object to be released

I'm trying to figure out the best practice for memory management around invoking a delegate callback.
One issue I had seen in the past is that invoking a delegate callback may cause the object to be deallocated before returning, which may cause it to crash if the object tries to access its own properties after invoking the callback.
For example, an object (e.g. A) may do something like this:
- (void)doStuff
[_delegate done];
NSLog(#"msg = %#", _msg);
If invoking done leads to A getting deallocated, the subsequent attempt to access _msg will result in a BAD_ACCESS crash.
It is possible to get around this by, say, delaying the invocation of done till the next run loop (e.g. by doing a dispatch_async), but that would force us to have to make it asynchronous. Alternatively, we can retain self prior to calling done and releasing right after, but that just seems like a hacky workaround as well. Does any one have a recommended style for dealing with this issue?
I'm not sure this question really has anything to do with 'delegates' to be honest but more just memory management in general.
If you're not finished with an object make sure you are still 'retaining' it. When you're finished with it 'release' it and don't access it any further.
Also try and move to ARC if possible and life becomes much easier! :)
It's crashing because the delegate you want to call refers to a deallocated object.To fix this crash you need to set Delegate = nil; in your dealloc method.
You can not set property of delegate as retain as it will cause issue in memory management.
It shouldn't be possible, that the delegate method releases the sender. What let you run in this situation?
It is always possible to pair +1 with -1 methods in one (C) block.
If you work with MRC:
Anyway, I would prefer a retain + autorelease on sender in the delegate method before causing the deallocation over a retain + release in the delegate. Therefore the sender should be added as a parameter to the delegate method as usual:
- (void)senderIsDone:(Sender*)sender
[[sender retain] autorelease];
[sender release]; // Something like this in your code
But at all: This should not happen.
Another strategy is to delay that code that causes the deallocation. In the example above
- (void)senderIsDone:(Sender*)sender
[sender performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector( release ) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO]; // Whatever make the sender disappear

Guarantee a deallocation in ARC

I'm currently developing a game for iOS and we have a memory leak. Our project is ARC set up. I was wondering on how to ensure memory deallocation. One of the steps I was thinking of taking was convert code of the form:
Object* o = [[Object alloc] init];
// Some logic
Object* o = [[Object alloc] init];
// Some logic
o = nil; // Explicit nil assignment
Is there a difference between the two? What other measures should I take to ensure a dealloc in an ARC setup?
We're using the Sparrow Framework.
Both methods do the same thing. Local objects are set to nil by ARC when they leave scope, so putting in a manual nil does nothing.
If you want to find a leak - you are far better off actually running it through Instruments with the Leaks tool and finding out what is being leaked, which will give you a better idea of what is going on. It's quite handy for finding retain-cycles.
As pointed out by Abizem, both methods lead to the same results, and require careful passes through Instruments. The results are not always easy to interpret.
In ARC, you should never see a leak - in the usual obj-C meaning -. Sometimes, iOS instruments can report a leak, but most if not all, this comes from the runtime, and I tend to regard them as beyond my control. What you can see however, is uncontrolled memory increase, which is typical of memory retention. Keeping strong pointers on objects is the obvious reason, which in my case has always been the consequence of : retain cycles in code blocks, and incorrect data structure cleanup, i.e. objects are created, then filled into arrays, dictionary, page control etc... but the later were not emptied properly during the app lifecycle.
Also image processing functions still use standard malloc/free directives embedded into internals UIGraphics lib, so in that case you explicitly need to free the memory (CGImageRelease, etc...). ARC will not help here.
hope this helps narrow down the problem, which as Abizem pointed out, should start with Instruments.
the following is unnecessary but (at least for me) the discussion in the comments was helpful and that's why I leave it
wrap the method in an #autoreleasepool. that will make it 99% percent sure it is being deallocated
#autoreleasepool {
Object* o = [[Object alloc] init];
// Some logic
Both are the same.
A better solution to test your class:
- (void)testDealloc
__weak CLASS *weakReference;
#autoreleasepool {
CLASS *reference = [[CLASS alloc] init]; // or similar instance creator.
weakReference = reference;
// Test your magic here.
// At this point the everything is working fine, the weak reference must be nil.
This works creating an instance to the class we want to deallocate inside #autorealase, that will be released (if we are not leaking) as soon as we exit the block. weakReference will hold the reference to the instance without retaining it, that will be set to nil.

Verifying Object Release

In my app at a certain point I'm releasing on of the objects I created using:
[myObject release];
I have a feeling something is not really working over there (I have a bug which I cannot catch, and I have an assumption it has something to do with the memory allocation). I'm trying to look it overt in the Debugger and it seems that the object still have the same values after the "release" line was running.
Am I missing anything?
Is the memory still allocated and being dismissed someplace else? If so, where?
When memory is being released, it’s usually not zeroed out. That means that objects appears to keep their status quo even after deallocated – but you can’t use them anymore, since the memory contents could be reused and overwritten by something else at any moment.
One common simple trick is adding a logging statement to dealloc:
- (void) dealloc
NSLog(#"Say bye to %#, kids!", self);
[super dealloc];
This is so simple that it can’t go wrong. Which is a good thing when you’re debugging and want to be 100 % sure about something.
Another nice tool is zombies. When you set a special environment variable, the machine will guard access to all objects and will scream when you try to access a deallocated one. It’s also quite a dependable tool.
And then there’s retainCount. It’s probably quite close to what you are looking for, but it’s not very dependable, as there are many things going on in the background. You should only use it if you know what you’re doing.
Instead of releasing it try,
NSLog(#"Retain count of myObject is %d", [myObject retainCount]); // Since retainCount returns an integer, we use %d to display it
You will see that its retaincount is 0.
You can also check myObject value
NSLog(#"myObject Value after NULL = %#", myObject);
myObject Value after NULL = (null)
