How can i persist my logs/data to local filesystem in docker - docker

have an application running inside docker container. the application writes log messages into local log files. how can i make the log file persistent in case the docker container stops or crashes?
Since the container are run time entity ,when i stop the image my logs/data is gone.

You can do this using docker volumes:
For example:
docker run -v /var/log/docker:/var/log your-image
will mount the log directory on your local file system. You can also get much fancier, creating containers just for data. It's all explained in the above link.


I want to write a docker file where my container can load db file from a directory and past it to application directory and on exit wrtie it back

I am working with Golang application that saves the information inside sqlite file and that resideds inside the data/sqlite.db same directory as docker file. My docker file is something like this
p.s: guys it's my very first docker file please be kind to me :(
FROM golang:1.16.4
ENV GIN_MODE=release
ADD . /go/src/multisig-svc
WORKDIR /go/src/multisig-svc
RUN go mod download
RUN go build -o bin/multisig-svc cmd/main.go
ENTRYPOINT ./bin/multisig-svc
I deployed this application to the Google cloud plateform but somehow the container gets restarted there and after that my db is vanished. So i researched and try to use volumes.
I build the container using this command docker build -t svc . and then run it with docker run -p 8080:8081 -v data:/var/dump -it svc but i can not see the data folder is getting copied to /var/dump directory. My basic idea is , Whenever the container start it loads the db file from dump and then past it to data directory so application can use it and when it exits it copy it back to dump directory. I don't know if i am on right track any help would really be appreciated.
The issue is when no request arrives for 15 minutes GPC shut down the container and start it when there comes a request again. Now the issue is to somehow fetch the db file from dump directory update it and write it back to the dump dir when container goes down for future use.
For a local run and if you are running on a VM, you need to specify the absolute path of the directory you want to mount as a bind mount into your directory. In this case something like that should work
docker run -p 8080:8081 -v $(pwd)/data:/var/dump -it svc
When you don't specify the absolute path, the volume you're mounting to your running container is a named volume manage by the docker daemon. And it is not located in a path related to your current working directory. You can find more information about how work docker volumes here
However there are multiple environment on GCP (app engine, kubernetes, VMs), so depending on your environment you may need to adapt this solution.

docker volume over fuse : Transport endpoint is not connected

So I have this remote folder /mnt/shared mounted with fuse. It is mostly available, except there shall be some disconnections from time to time.
The actual mounted folder /mnt/shared becomes available again when the re-connection happens.
The issue is that I put this folder into a docker volume to make it available to my app: /shared. When I start the container, the volume is available.
But if a disconnection happens in between, while the /mnt/shared repo on the host machine is available, the /shared folder is not accessible from the container, and I get:
user#machine:~$ docker exec -it e313ec554814 bash
root#e313ec554814:/app# ls /shared
ls: cannot access '/shared': Transport endpoint is not connected
In order to get it to work again, the only solution I found is to docker restart e313ec554814, which brings downtime to my app, hence is not an acceptable solution.
So my questions are:
Is this somehow a docker "bug" not to reconnect to the mounted folder when it is available again?
Can I execute this task manually, without having to restart the whole container?
I would try the following solution.
If you mount the volume to your docker like so:
docker run -v /mnt/shared:/shared my-image
I would create an intermediate directory /mnt/base/shared and mount it to docker like so:
docker run -v /mnt/base/shared:/base/shared my-image
and I will also adjust my code to refer to the new path or creating a link from /base/shared to /shared inside the container
The problem is that the mounted directory /mnt/shared is probably deleted on host machine, when there is a disconnection and a new directory is created after connection is back. But, the container started running with directory mapping for the old directory which was deleted. By creating an intermediate directory and mapping to it instead you avoid this mapping issue.
Another solution that might work is to mount the directory using bind-propagation=shared
--mount type=bind,source=/mnt/shared,target=/shared,bind-propagation=shared
See docker docs explaining bind-propogation

Using Persistent Volumes in Docker

I have a Docker container running on my Mac. This Docker container has a home folder like:
It is based on a Ubuntu OS image and running on my Mac. When I run this container, the container constantly updates a folder under the my_project folder. Now when I stop and remove this container, it just gets erased and when I start a new instance of the container, the process has to begin all over again, i.e., the container starts writing into the my_project folder, but the old files which it already wrote is completely lost.
How can I make the data written by the container be persistent even after a container delete / restart?
Docker persistent volumes is what I understand that I need, but how can I mount a local folder on my Mac such that the data is written and persisted? This container could run on a Windows machine, so how can I make a persistent volume across different OS?
You need to start your container with the -v flag. So if you were to mount the /home/my_user/my_project directory from the container onto the host to /srv/my_app/data for example, you'd need to use it as follows:
docker run -v /srv/my_app/data:/home/my_user/my_project IMAGE_NAME
There's also a difference between volumes and bind mounts, which I explained here

how to sync mac local directory with native docker container?

i am using native docker for mac and i have a small application running with docker container .
currently i am manually copying the data from my mac to docker container using docker cp command.
i want to make it dynamic, i want to put the data in my local directory which should get sync with docker container .
mac local dir : users/vishnu/data/
which should get sync to
the container is already running ,i should not release the running container . i can only stop and start . is there a way ?? Thanks in advance
host mounted volume.
when you docker run you add a -v /Users/vishnu/data:/opt/deploy parameters.
if you need to add a mounted volume to your existing container, use the Kitematic UI. it's easier that way. but in general, you should add this when you docker run.
also, FYI - the idea that you can't delete a container is an anti-pattern with Docker. if you can't delete your container, because it would cause too many problems, you're doing something wrong.

How to save config file inside a running container?

I am new to docker. I want to run tinyproxy within docker. Here is the image I used to create a docker container: "".
For some unknown reason, when I mount the log file to the host machine, I can see the .conf file, but I can't see log file and the proxy server seems doesn't work.
Here is the command I tried:
docker run -v $(pwd):/logs -p 8888:8888 -d --name tiny
If I didn't mount the file, then every time when run a container, I need to change its config file inside container.
Does anyone has any ideas about saving the changes in container?
How to save a change committed by/into a container?
The command docker commit creates a new image from a container's changes (from the man page).
Best Practice
You actually should not do this to save a configuration file. A Docker image is supposed to be immutable. This increases sharing, and image customization through mounted volume.
What you should do is create the configuration file on the host and share it at through parameters with docker run. This is done by using the option -v|--volume. Check the man page, you'll then be able to share files (or directories) between host and containers allowing to persists the data through different runs.
