Unable to determine value for user.home: No error - fortify

I have installed fortify and when I run below from CLI , I get below error :
Unable to determine value for user.home: No error
Could someone please advise.
Vishal Chugh

When you get this error, Fortify is not able to acquire the path to the Desktop folder. Instead of using the proper way of looking this up, either Fortify or the provided JRE is looking at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Desktop for the path. This is a deprecated method and should not be used.
The fix is to populate the above registry key appropriately. Once you do this, Fortify will start working.


Got TLS error trying to find package cupertino_icons at https://pub.dartlang.org

I am getting below error-
Got TLS error trying to find package cupertino_icons at https://pub.dartlang.org.
pub upgrade failed (69) -- attempting retry 2 in 2 seconds...
My understanding is I am on office network(VPN) thats why I am getting this error. I have tried multiple options and I have seen multiple multiple post but no post shows the exact way of doing things. So I will post my all questions here, if anyone help it will be really helpful for all persons who are going to start work on flutter
1) How to set and create a self-signed certificate?
Do we need to create a self signed certificate for pub.dartlang.org domain?
have tried to create a certificate by using this (https://www.akadia.com/services/ssh_test_certificate.html) use domain as pub.dartlang.org, is this a correct way or how to do it?
2)I have put DART_VM_OPTIONS=--root-certs-file=C:\Users\dev\certs\chrome.cer as my certificate but still issue not resolved.
3)If I have to set https_proxy? What are the values for hostname and port in VPN? How can i find these values?
Flutter app behind corporate firewall throws TLS error during packages get
4) To solve this issue I have seen the reference of this comment
How to implement this?
I have tried multiple things, if anyone can help how to bypass this error that will help many persons, I think.
I have same error on MACbook when running Flutter Create. When I opened the web-browser to access pub.dartlang.org, there is an error message that says: Your Clock is set incorrectly.
Somehow my date was set to a week ago. Fixing the date resolve the TLS issue.
It can be a network error or some kind of permission issue. I was facing same issue. In my case it was due to network permissions in our organisation. I tried with some another network which has full access and my issue was resolved.
It might be problem with restricted network.
You can set proxy
It might be a problem with the restricted environment variables sequence. You can set bash_profile:
export FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL=https://storage.flutter-io.cn
export PUB_HOSTED_URL=https://pub.flutter-io.cn
I was also getting the same error, after upgrading my flutter. I was connected to the internet but my clock was not on correct time. After I have corrected the time on my pc, the error was solved.

Couldn't get lock for .fortify/sca5.10/log/sca.log

I am moving fortify to new server and directory structure is slightly different than old server. When i run fortify on new server i get error
java.io.IOException: Couldn't get lock for /Old_directory_structure/.fortify/sca5.1/log/sca.log
Seems like i need to update "/new_directory_structure/.fortify/sca5.1/log/sca.log" in some configuration. Tomcat is sitting on top of Fortify. I am fairly new with fortify and do not know where i need to update this.
Please suggest !
Go to Fortify installation directory and locate fortify-sca.properties file under core-->config folder.
change the value of "com.fortify.sca.ProjectRoot" and add your new path here.
ALso change the following value in fortify.properties file :
Hope this helps....

Mailformed GitHub Plugin configuration (no protocol: )

Whenever I do save on Jenkins(Manage Jenkins-> Configure System), I am getting the above error.
Can you please suggest the possible reason.
I had the same issue.
In my case, the cause was wrong Jenkins URL setting.
Check Jenkins URL setting in http://{jenkins_server}/configure.
The issue above is the only solution I have ever found.
And the suggestion is following.
could you please run the following url :
Please go to your http://jenkins_server/configure and check the value
of Jenkins URL (located above Email Notification section). Normally
you should have your jenkins server url. If not, please fix it (unless
you need to keep the value ci/ and in that case, the plugin will not

promoting harvest package using jhsdk.jar

i am trying to connect to All Fusion Harvest using Java using jhsdk.jar,
I can able to connect to login into harvest and browse packages. But when I try to promote the package the next level using the below java code,
JCaMovePackage jPro = context.getMovePackage();
jPro.setToState("ACEDEV13.06.00.00", "Integration Test (AIT)");
I get exception.
E03090050: ERROR: Could not get Move Package Process from Context.
com.ca.harvest.jhsdk.hutils.JCaHarvestException: E03090050: ERROR: Could not get Move Package Process from Context.
Please help me with this, Thanks in Advance!
I used promotePackage() method and the process name should be created in the Harvest SCM server. Same process name to be set using setProcessName("promotePackages"). It worked.

Connection issue in JayBird

I am new to Firebird using its Java version Jaybird, But unable to connect from database (.fdb file). The problem comes like this:
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544375. unavailable database
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to initilize Jaybird native library. This is most likley due to a failure to load the firebird client library.
Using following code:
connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost/3050:C:/XLNKREPOS /FIRBIRDXA.FDB", "SYSDBA", "masterkey");
Having following files in build path of Eclipse project:
Also using the JVM arguments as -Djava.library.path="D:\Shared\Firebird\Jaybird-2.1.5JDK_1.5"
Tell me what is wrong in my approach?
Thanks RRUZ for giving repsonse.
Actually there was no space after "C:/XLNKREPOS" in my connection string, It was a copy past mistake. Again & again I got the following SQL Exception:
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544375. unavailable database
And that database is no where used in other program.
Hope my this post makes you understand my problem.
The OP is mixing two jdbc url formats supported by Jaybird.
Either use
{...} used to indicate optional part
I think the problem must be the connection string, there is a blank space after "C:/XLNKREPOS"
Try this
connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost/3050:C:/XLNKREPOS/FIRBIRDXA.FDB", "SYSDBA", "masterkey");
When I got this error it was because I was using x64 Firebird version instead of the standard x86 version. I thought since I was running a 64bit OS that those embedded binaries corresponded to me... Hopefully that fixes your problem.
Troubleshooting Tips:
I was also able to further diagnose additional Firebird problems by adding the latest log4j jar from apache's site to my project/classpath. I then added a log4j.properties file to my default/root src directory with the following properties set inside:
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=[%c{1},%p] %m%n
log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, stdout
log4j.category.org.firebirdsql=DEBUG, stdout
I also had to set System.setProperty("FBLog4j", "true"); in my code.
Another thing you can do is make sure you're running the latest and greatest from their repository at http://firebird.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/firebird/client-java/?view=tar
Just unzip the tarball and compile it using their supplied build script (build.bat/build.sh). After compilation look in the 'output/lib' directory and you'll find the latest version of the jaybird jar (as of right now it's 2.2.0). You'll also need the latest jaybird dll (as of right now it's 22) which is located in the 'native' directory. I went through a lot of pain trying to figure this crap out. The documentation on Firebird's site is very outdated and poorly written.
I had the same problem, it was caused by those slashes before localhost.
That URL should be:
