Instruments UIAutomation core js files location - ios

I'm trying to write some automated tests for my iOS application. Of course, I decided to use Instruments, but its pseudo-IDE sucks. The biggest problem is lack of code completion feature which, as you probably know, is very helpful. Recently I came up with idea, which might be useful. I want to write all these tests in separate IDE, where I can use all its features (like code completion). We can say that it works with one "but". I still don't have code completion for UIALogger, UIAElement, etc.. So I decided to find in my system js files in which these core UIAutomation objects have been defined. Without any success. Does anyone know where are these files? Are they even available in a pure js version?


Can I integrate my UIAutomation Tests with XCode and set automitically run them every night?

I need to know if I can do Continuous Integration with XCode server. In example: set run the tests every night or when someone commit changes, and more..
I am trying to decide one iOS Ui Automation tool to integrate with my Xcode server
There are a few problems here:
UIAutomation has no built in support in Xcode Server. I've filed bugs, I've chased down people at WWDC. Most I've ever gotten on this problem is basically "shrug." I'm not sure UIAutomation is a priority for Apple right now. So you're not going to get any official support.
As was noted, you might be able to use a trigger. The trigger won't be able to add anything to the Xcode Server report, besides possibly the error logging. But you're not going to get anything added to the nice report table.
Running on actual devices has traditionally been a problem (if you care about that.) The loading the app part has been a problem for us, but Xcode Server might be able to preload the app for you. In addition, it seems like this might have changed in the iOS 8 SDK.
There is just a lot of uncertainty around this sort of workflow. I'm hoping Apple eventually makes an announcement or adds a new tool, but the best answer I've gotten is if you want to go down this path, use UI Unit Tests. That's a shame because it requires knowledge of Obj-C or Swift, and means interacting with the app at an API level instead of an abstract level, but if you're looking for the direction Apple wants to see people go, that's it.
Edit 7/4/2015: As of WWDC 2015, there is a new UI Testing component as part of Xcode 7 that, in my experience, seems totally supported, and is promising Xcode Server support. I would very strongly recommend using that, and not using the Instruments UIAutomation tool.
With Xcode6 right around the corner they are adding some features to XCode Server specifically it looks like "Triggers" will be helpful for running iOS UIAutomation tools. Since you can run UI automation scripts from cmd line it should be possible to utilize triggers to run your scripts post builds. This along side the logic for when a bot should run will let you decide if it should be nightly or on every commit.
I wrote a framework around UIAutomation called Illuminator to handle tasks like nightly test runs, pull request tests, and other automated conveniences.
It provides a flexible and extensible command line that can execute any particular subset of tests that you'd like, and produces reports in JUnit format (used by Jenkins).

IOS: AOT ahead of time, what is it?

I have read an article from Xamarin, and came across a particular computer science word : Ahead of Time.
According to some google search result, this AOT does not allow for code generation during run time.
Does it mean, it does not support dynamic stuff?
I know this question may stupid and I have 0 knowledge in IOS, hopefully can get some answer from here. thanks
First, what is the definition of dynamic? For the general public, dynamic code mean the application can change functionality at run-time. For the iOS platform, the binaries are signed to prevent malware. And Apple don't like apps that can load functionality at run-time.
An ahead-of-time (AOT) compiler has nothing to do with dynamic code per se. It's has to do with intermediate language that are just-in-time compilation (JIT). The biggest example of intermediate language is Java bytecode; compile once, run anywhere. When a Java application is executing, the compiled code is JIT to native machine code. AOT compiler is just doing it ahead of time, to save time.
For the iOS platform, Xcode compiles Objective-C to a native binary for the device.
Another way of looking at this is with an example...
In .Net, you can use the Reflection.Emit namespace to generate and compile code at runtime.
Eg you could create an "IDE" with a textbox that accepts C#. When you click a button that C# could be compiled by the .Net framework into a custom library that's loaded dynamically or a fully-fledged executable which is launched as a new process.
This is insanely powerful when combined with the rest of the System.Reflection namespace. You can examine objects at runtime and compile custom code based on any criteria you like.
That said... The problems usually outweigh the benefits in most cases. Mainly, it's a massive security issue, especially when running on a consumer device.
It would be possible to create an app that wouldn't have anything close to malicious code, get it audited by apple, then have the app download code from your webserver, compile it, and execute it. This new code wouldn't be audited...
There really is no good reason to be doing this in a consumer app.

Is there a way to force Delphi to leave unused code in the executable?

The Delphi Linker strips out any functions that aren't actually used, thus reducing the executable size.
Is there any way to stop the Delphi Linker doing this? e.g. a compiler switch?
To those wondering "why?"...
I am trying to use the delphi-code-coverage tool, but it only reports on code that is actually compiled into the executable. Which makes it not very useful. If I could get Delphi to include all code, I'm hoping I could then get some useful code coverage statistics.
I should mention that I have DUnit tests in a separate project to my application. So even though the code is "unused" in the DUnit project, it is used in the actual application.
See here for more details.
Your code-coverage tool is measuring the wrong thing. It works off the map file instead of the source code, so it will only report on live code instead of on all code in a project. The linker already filters out the dead code, and in a blank unit-test project, all code is dead code. There is no way to tell Delphi to include dead code in an EXE.
Run the code-coverage tool on your application to get a list of functions that needs testing. Then, write code in your unit-test project that mentions all those functions. (It doesn't have to call everything yet, and it certainly doesn't have to test it all. We're just making sure it's linked to the unit-test project.) Now the coverage tool can get an accurate measurement of what's been executed and what hasn't.

ios Terms and scripting languages

i was looking at several lua/objective-c implementations that looked promising for a project i want to create ,but with an exception that i wanted to be able to download the scripts at runtime.Then i found the terms which state :
"An Application may not download or install executable code. Interpreted code may only be used in an Application if all scripts, code and interpreters are packaged in the Application and not downloaded. The only exception to the foregoing is scripts and code downloaded and run by Apple's built-in WebKit framework."
so clearly you cant download any lua scripts at runtime.
If i interpret correctly you can only run javascript files downloaded through UIWebView.
So if i wanted to create a objective-c/javascript bridge through uiwebkit(with stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString and url encodings) ,i dont see anything against apple's term right?do you think it would be an overkill in perfomance?
I have no experience about the performance of executing Javascript through UIWebView, but I suspect the toll is high if you plan to call stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString with fine grained code. On the other hand, nothing keeps you from loading a full HTML in your UIWebView with all the Javascript code that you need, and this approach would certainly ensure better performance.
actually, there is an alternative approach that you can try and follow. It is actually possible to directly embed the WebKit Javascript Engine (Javascript Core) into your app. This approach has already been "approved" by Apple and you can find it described here. (Dominic Szablewski, the creator of the JavaScript game engine Impact, is the guy who accomplished this).
In short, it comes down to compile the Javascript Core as a static library and then link this in your app. If you don't feel like compiling it yourself, at the link I posted you can also find more information as to how you can license the library from Dominic Szablewski. (I am not really suggesting anything at this respect, just summarizing information).

How can I load a package and keep the debugger working?

I'm using TJvPluginManager in the JVCL to create and load BPL-based plugins for my program. Problem is, one of the plugins isn't loading properly, and I can't debug it. Every time I try to trace into the loading sequence, it gets as far as the LoadLibrary API call, and then the debugger seems to forget what it's there for. It completely loses the ability to associate program code with source lines, give meaningful data in a call stack, or display local variables. It will still stop at breakpoints, but it breaks to the CPU window, with all the inline source code stripped out.
This happens on Delphi 2007 and 2009, and it's driving me nuts. Does anyone know how to load a plugin without it breaking the debugger? Does anyone even know why it's breaking it in the first place?
NOTE: I'm not looking for alternative methods of debugging. I know all about tracing and logging and all the rest. What I want is to understand what's going wrong and how to fix it. Surely I'm not the only person who's ever used TJvPluginManager?
Not quite the answer to your question: Have you tried to debug the package project, by setting the host application and putting a breakpoint into the package's startup code?
I've found Ray Kanopka's (Raize) CodeSite to be invaluable for debugging in situations where the integrated debugger is acting up. Thinking about the things I want to monitor using CodeSite actually helps me focus on what's important - it enforces good habits.
Another alternative to Codesite is Overseer which is part of the nexus project, but stands alone so does not require you to use their framework. Codesite is by far the better option, but in a pinch Overseer would work just as well.
I found that using packages for plugins can be problematic and many years ago switched to a completely COM based implementation for plugins and never had any problems. The other advantage to COM based plugins, they don't require Delphi to write, do not need to be recompiled when the main app switches to a new version of the compiler (my plugins compiled with Delphi 5 still run fine against the main application compiled in Delphi 2009!) and they are easier to write test applications to assist in debugging.
The only side effect I notice, is that shared code ends up in both executables and the plugins require registration into the registry.
Hmmmm... This is a stupid question, but I have to ask: the initialization function have the EXACT declaration syntax like the other plugins that work ?(from your question, I deducted you made some others that work)
Check your dependencies. Make sure each unit is compiled into one package only. Whenever a package needs to reference a unit from another package, use the requires clause to do so. Watch for compiler warnings about implicitly linked units.
