I finished my website and want to translate it in 3 other languages.
The question is not how to translate it, but how to handle the different languages, when you don't use a CMS.
I have all my script with English text in it.
I'm able to translate it in Dutch, French and German, so I'll have 3 folders: 1 folder for each language.
The problem is when I wan't to upgrade the website:
If I change code from the English folder, I'd like to juste copy-and-paste this code for the 3 other languages.
Problem is that I will always have to retranslate it to 3 other languages again.
How do big websites handle translation?
Having multiple folders, with every folder = 1 language, is the way to proceed?
Text coming from database is a better solution? With a table for each language?
Make a function with the parameters: string code, language
So for example:
that "would" return an specified error in German.
So you could create 3 .csv files with all the strings you would need.
And having multiple folders is rubbish.
On the bis pages it just seems as they use different folders but the "folder" is handled via. .htaccess and is changed to i.e. index.php?page=main&language=de_DE
For example if i have a languages table in the db, which contains culture id (LCID) and short name of a language, then in my view i have a dropdown where user can select either english language or french language. I have 2 Resource files in GlobalResources folder Resources.resx and Resources.fr.resx. Where english language is main.
Where i am stuck, is switching of languages itself, because i need a way to make a "connection" between Resource.resx and Resource.fr.resx files with cultureId or short language name from DB.
If it were possible to attach a cultureId (LCID) to a resource file it would be great, because then i just had to choose the file with the right LCID, but it doesnt seems possible.
I could ofcourse look for the Resource file with the "correct" short name and just pick it, but it seems like there should be better solutions.
I'm trying to join a bunch of pages that are in different languages to a single page whith multiple alternative page languages.
This way, instead of having 3 Home pages, each one with its own language, I have 1 with several alternative page languages. So I'll have one page but the content is in different languages, depending on the language record it uses.
The issue is that TYPO3 extensions should behave differently depending on the language, i.e: form fields should be translated.
For that I was thinking on having a local storage folder for each page language record in order to hold the extension configurations. Chinese language would have a separated storage folder from the english version and the extension running for the chinese version would use the correct storage folder.
But how can I specify which storage folder the extension in the chinese language record should use if I don't use a new page?
Because if I use a language record to differentiate chinese from english I can't have different typoscript configurations. The language record properties page doesn't have a ts config field and as such I can't tell that the extension should use a different storage folder (different pid) for this language.
For each language you can add a cObj plugin and thus edit the plugin configuration. You can also use a condition and getText to assign a new pid to the plugin. For example plugin.test_pi1.sysfolder < 666.
The first option is when you look in the mysql table language overlay you have a separate record ctype plugin of your plugin and thus you can edit the plugin configuration.
Due to timing constrains, I have developed a web application where a lot of language-specific strings have been directly hard-coded to large HTML/Javascript static files. Due to poor coding, code and content have not been properly separated.
To achieve quick and dirty localization, I am looking for some kind of text editor that would allow to "tag" the local elements of a file and turn them into "custom fields". These fields could then be stored in some resource file and translated independently from the shared structure, to generate multiple localized versions of the file.
I realize that I could do this myself through a "simple" templating mechanism, for instance by keeping a shared root file containing fields like {%welcome_message%} and a csv file for field translations, and then generate localized files.
But is there a text editor that could do this in a fast, user-friendly way ? For instance where we could see/modify the custom field values (as well as the root parts) directly when editing a file ?
What would be great for instance, would a a text editor feature/plugin allowing some kind of parallel file editing by distinguishing "root" and "localized" parts in a set of files.
(Note : currently I am using diff/merge tools to achieve this kind of results, but it will become increasingly cumbersome as we add more languages).
I think this could help you in parallel file editing http://www.sublimetext.com/.
I'm using Virtue Mart on joomla for catalogue features.And as I'm using joomla 1.7, I'm forced to use VirtueMart 2.0 that's still in RC state. I need to translate it to Ukrainian language because it's so new, that nobody have done it already.
Does anybody know where I should start? Because I've spent a lot of time looking for something like: "VirtueMart 2.0 translation guide" but I had no luck.
Uh… I've figured it out already. Her's what you should do:
Get the english files called en-GB.com_virtuemart.ini from /language/en-GB and /administrator/language/en-GB. First is for front-end "what the visitors see" and the second is for the back-end "admin panel".
Edit the file in any text editor. Just replace the words in quotes with what you need.
Change the beginning of the file to your language key and put it in the corresponding language directory in /language and /administrator/language. As for Ukrainian, the files will be renamed to uk-UA.com_virtuemart.ini and put in /language/uk-UA and /administrator/language/uk-UA.
I can also suggest using some version control to support translation, so you will see, what have you replaced with what.
If you want to make a package that could be installed with extension manager, you should read Creating language packs for extensions in Joomla_1.6
Dev.Express has changed quit some units in its last update (DevExpressVCLProducts-11.1.3).
So I decided to stop using my own translation components for on the fly translation of resource strings in the dev.express components (based on the Free DevExpress Addons code and translations).
In stead I now will use there cxLocalizer component.
So at the moment I am looking for ini-files with their resource texts translated into Frech, Spanish and German.
I already found the Dutch and German translations in the answer to one of their knowledge base articles.
Can anyone help ? Maybe we can compile a list to translations in this question.