How to translate Virtue Mart 2.0 (Joomla e-comerce plugin)? - localization

I'm using Virtue Mart on joomla for catalogue features.And as I'm using joomla 1.7, I'm forced to use VirtueMart 2.0 that's still in RC state. I need to translate it to Ukrainian language because it's so new, that nobody have done it already.
Does anybody know where I should start? Because I've spent a lot of time looking for something like: "VirtueMart 2.0 translation guide" but I had no luck.

Uh… I've figured it out already. Her's what you should do:
Get the english files called en-GB.com_virtuemart.ini from /language/en-GB and /administrator/language/en-GB. First is for front-end "what the visitors see" and the second is for the back-end "admin panel".
Edit the file in any text editor. Just replace the words in quotes with what you need.
Change the beginning of the file to your language key and put it in the corresponding language directory in /language and /administrator/language. As for Ukrainian, the files will be renamed to uk-UA.com_virtuemart.ini and put in /language/uk-UA and /administrator/language/uk-UA.
I can also suggest using some version control to support translation, so you will see, what have you replaced with what.
If you want to make a package that could be installed with extension manager, you should read Creating language packs for extensions in Joomla_1.6


How can we integrate resource file with any translation management tool

I am working on multilingual site developed in MVC. Currently we are managing the translation task using resource (resx) file and everything is working fine.
Now as per client requirement, they want to integrate our resource file to a TMS "phrase" through a webhook. So in future, if they create any new key or modifying the existing resource file. Its automatically reflects in application resx file and it should automatically reflects on dev/test/prod environment.
As I tried to update the resource file on API call, its get modified and changes are reflected on application.
But when we modified the resx file under app_GlobalResources folder then it restarts the whole application. so this is one of drawback to use this approach. Also when we deploy our changes then it makes the dll of app_globalreources. Post deployment, unable to add new or make changes in existing translation.
Can any one suggest a best approach, which we should consider to fulfill above requirement.
Can we use json instead of resx file in existing application.
A common way to do translations is through database instead resource files. You save the same information in your database: language, key (the resource name) and value (the translated text).
With this focus, you must develop a way to do translations (the typical CRUD operations) and some layer to get any key in each language.
Talk with your client and check how important is this feature. I worked in a project like this some time ago and, at the end, we never do translations in this way. We add more functionality, made changes, translations and, when iteration finished, we move to production everything. Maybe not your case but it's a pity work on something that later hasn't use.

handle translation of website

I finished my website and want to translate it in 3 other languages.
The question is not how to translate it, but how to handle the different languages, when you don't use a CMS.
I have all my script with English text in it.
I'm able to translate it in Dutch, French and German, so I'll have 3 folders: 1 folder for each language.
The problem is when I wan't to upgrade the website:
If I change code from the English folder, I'd like to juste copy-and-paste this code for the 3 other languages.
Problem is that I will always have to retranslate it to 3 other languages again.
How do big websites handle translation?
Having multiple folders, with every folder = 1 language, is the way to proceed?
Text coming from database is a better solution? With a table for each language?
Make a function with the parameters: string code, language
So for example:
that "would" return an specified error in German.
So you could create 3 .csv files with all the strings you would need.
And having multiple folders is rubbish.
On the bis pages it just seems as they use different folders but the "folder" is handled via. .htaccess and is changed to i.e. index.php?page=main&language=de_DE

Is there a clever way to pass a yml locale file to my client for translation?

I have finished a rails project using i18n and now I need to pass all the text in the website to our client so that he can translate them and we can include additional locales to our app.
The problem is our client is not a geek and if we give them the actual YAML file, they will use MS Word to edit it and we'll lose all the proper markup in the process ("\n" for new lines, one line text, etc...).
How would you handle this process?
Is there a better way than giving the client a .doc file and then loosing a day to clean the text afterwards and manually converting it back to YAML?
Thanks in advance,
This is exactly what Locale was created for : you upload your YAML files, your client/translator edits the content and you sync YAML back down. You don't email files and you don't have to deal with crappy file formats - check it out!
Full disclosure : I co-founded and develop Locale.
This sounds like a one-off thing where I you do the translation once and then be done with it.
What we do in these cases (we usually work with a Translator for these kinds of things) is that we export all the keys in the YAML to Excel and send them that.
Once we get it back we usually task a intern with fixing up the yaml (after it's been translated back into YAML - we do this manually at the moment but a little script should be easy to implement)
Other solutions could be (if you do this a lot) that you include the translations into your app and enable through some JavaScript and maybe something similar to Aloha Editor the user to simply click on texts and translate them in the app. But that's a bit excessive and only makes sense if there are really a lot of translations to be done and you want to crowdsource them (Facebook did this back in the day)

How do I simply send my rails website to my designer so he can finish the design?

Basically I need to send to my designer a non-finished rails website.
My Designer doesn't have ruby / Rails environnement installed and should be able to:
modify the CSS
add some html elements
I can manually check the diff after he worked.
Is there a way that I can make an easy extraction of my app or giving an access to the deployed one with capacity to re-root the css from his files?
Based on your question, your designer, in addition to the design, also writes code: he creates css files, and edit your views files. That makes him an integrator.
As such, he should learn the basics of source control management, such as git, svn or any system you prefer (my favorite is Bazaar, for its simplicity).
It is a best practice that will allow you to save some time and avoid a lot of headaches when merging your revisions. A nice side effect: he will be able to easily roll-back to a previous working version of the code, should anything bad have happened.

How to manage translations as they are added by release?

I work on a RoR website that is translated into a number of languages. It's a real pain to manage the "what's new to translate" for each release. We have to collect all the new keys and send them out in a spreadsheet to the translation team. So, my question is:
How do people structure their locales files and manage the addition of new keys so that it's easy and painless to communicate changes to the translation team?
This is really awesome though won't organise your languages translation yml's into any particular categorised structure. It will insert the word "missing" however, where necessary and remove orphaned entries.
You might also wish to look at the textmate bundle.
I wrote a gem to solve the "what's new to translate problem"
After you install the gem, you run the following command:
vocab init
This will save a reference to the current git master SHA to a file called .vocab
After adding strings to the site, you run:
vocab extract rails
This will generate a yml file containing all the english keys and strings that have been added since the commit represented by the SHA in .vocab. You can send this file to translators for translation.
When the translations come back from translators, you can run the command:
vocab merge rails
This will put the translated values in all the correct yml files under config/locales.
We recently switched to A great tool for managing our locales. Just push up the latest master locale yml file to their web service and it will flag all new string as untranslated and it even track changes on old strings and mark them as "Need Verification".
My colleague wrote a blog post about our translation workflow for a couple of days ago.
I would suggest some simple ways. We follow the first one -
Always maintain the entries in the locale files sorted on the key. This will help you to find out the extras/missing by doing a simple diff using any diff tool
Put a marker at the end of file after previous release and add new key-values at the end of the file
Easy actually... The best thing to do is to send the translation team your complete English language file. If they are professionals, they are using a translation memory tool such as Trados or Deja Vu. THey will import your file and the strings that they already translated will pre-populate, and they will be left with only the delta.
