I have installed Mantisbt 1.2.17 and it seems to be working correctly.
I have installed dokuwiki Release 2014-09-29a "Hrun" on a separate url on the same server and it seems to be working well.
I have followed the instructions for integrating Dokuwiki into mantis as shown here:
with this code in /dokuwiki/conf/local.php
$conf['title'] = 'Technical Wiki';
$conf['lang'] = 'en';
// $conf['authtype']='mantis';
$conf['license'] = '0';
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
$conf['superuser'] = '#admin';
$conf['disableactions'] = 'register';
When I click on the wiki link from the mantis menu, it takes me to the wiki, but I am not logged in and it will not allow me to create page/edit. The login link in dokuwiki is active and if I log in using a dokuwiki user, I am able to edit with no problem.
When I was following the integration instructions, it said to put the mantis.class.php file into dokuwiki/inc/auth folder, but there was no such folder after dokuwiki install. I created a folder and put it there and also included it directly in the inc folder
Looking at my error log, I get this type of error:
client denied by server configuration: /var/www/html/dokuwiki/data/security.png,
with this code in /dokuwiki/conf/local.php ('authtype' set to 'mantis")
$conf['title'] = 'Technical Wiki';
$conf['lang'] = 'en';
$conf['license'] = '0';
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
$conf['superuser'] = '#admin';
$conf['disableactions'] = 'register';
I get the dokuwiki logon screen with a message:
User authentication is temporarily unavailable. If this situation persists, please inform your Wiki Admin.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Ah actually, I can help you. The mantis page you linked describes the installation of an old style auth backend. Those are no longer supported since the introduction of Auth Plugins in DokuWiki Weatherwax. Someone needs to convert that class into a proper auth plugin.
I have an add-on that worked for years inside my domain/company until Google decided to change stuff.
I republished it and now I can run it but nobody else in the company can.
The error they receive is:
"Authorisation is required to perform that action".
I cannot pinpoint exactly where the error is because the GCP Log only tells me the function not the line, but it seems most of the times the error appears when showing a sidebar.
I do not use any kind of API, simply GAS but "just in case " I added in OAuth consent screen these scopes: .../auth/script.container.ui and .../auth/spreadsheets.
In Google Workspace Marketplace SDK OAuth Scopes I've just left the default.
Also I tried adding in appscript.json this (at top level):
"oauthScopes": [
What else can I try ?
Update: as requested in comments here's the offending code:
// clientside
.withFailureHandler(failureHandler) // failureHandler gets called
function aServerFunc(){
var docProp = PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties();
return docProp.getProperty(key)
So I guess the problem is nobody else but me can run google.script.run in an add-on !
Update 2:
I've removed the PropertiesService calls so it's just a blank function on the server. So it's clear that nobody but me can run google.scripts.run.
Update 3:
As required in the comments here's the procedures I did to publish the add-on:
I created a google cloud project, then configured the OAuth consentscreen (with the same scopes as appsscript.json - see above list), then in Google Workspace Marketplace SDK I've set the script ID and deployment number and the same scopes and published.
It turns out the add-on was just fine !
It's just this 4 years old bug that Google refuses to fix
If the user is logged in with multiple accounts the default one will be used.
If the default account is non-domain and the add-on is restricted to a domain the add-on will fail to authorise.
With Eclipse Che, I've recently been able to deploy the docker container without any issue as provided in the instructions.
I'm at the point where am trying to learn a bit more about extension development for Che, and I'm going through the small introduction on "developing your first plugin" located on the following page:
I'm stuck at the point where I can successfully build and deploy the sample project by executing the Traefik Start, Tomcat8-IDE Start, Deploy IDE and Deploy Workspace Agent commands.
But when it comes time to navigate to the newly created 2nd workspace by clicking on the link provided in the IDE to go to the newly created 2nd workplace instance...:
... I end up getting redirected to the following error page:
I suspect that there may be some kind of configuration problem with the sample plugin project, or configuration problem with keycloak, but I'm at the point where I don't really know how to proceed in terms of troubleshooting.
(Update: 2018/07/31)
At request of #kalrsson for more information, below is a screenshot of the che-public client configuration in my Keycloak instance.
(SOLUTION Update: 2018/08/01)
Thanks to #kalrsson for pointing me in the right direction.
At first I tried only adding the needed URL to the "Valid Redirect URIs" list. Doing so allowed me to get past the issue were I was receiving the error "Invalid parameter: redirect_uri". However, this only presented me with a blank page. On this blank page, when I inspect the web browser console, I noticed the following error:
From there, I also tried to add the needed URL to WebOrigins in KeyCloak as seen below.
Doing this finally allowed me to fully load and render the secondary workspace
Can you go to keycloak_ip:5050/auth, login as admin/admin, clients, che-public, and the IP you use to redirect urls and webOrigins?
So, you need to previewURL:port both to redirectURIs and webOrigins
I just finished Railstutorial.org. I now want to use that base application I built (a twitter clone) and build stuff on top of it. I cloned the code into a new directory and am making modifications, but one issue I can't seem to figure out. When I get the authentication email for the new app, when I click on the link in the email, it is still sending me to the original application. Any suggestions on how I modify my code so that the link points to the correct new application? I'm thinking it has to do with the authentification token and the database....
Check your config/envronments/production (or 'development')
You'll see a line like...
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: "example.com" }
Change it to the correct host.
I'd like to modify the page where the user ends up if he isn't recognized.
I'm using a token login system so they're redirected to /c/portal/login by a different system.
I'm having some issues with response.sendRedirect (posted another question for that), so I was hoping I could programmatically modify the url startpage, but so far I haven't found something that has the same function as last_path but then for the startpage in webkeys.
Any input would be appreciated.
Create a hook with a custom "Login Post Action". You'll find some outdated information here (it speaks about the ext-environment, but you should do it in a hook). Liferay IDE or Liferay Developer Studio will help with the generation of such a hook. The code you find in the Wiki should be ok. Otherwise google for more samples (Login Post Action is the keyword: This is code that will be executed just after a successful login)
I am trying to create a spsite of object for sharepoint search but i am getting exception in production as website not found
SPSite site = new SPSite("sitename");
ServerContext scon = ServerContext.GetContext(site);
SearchContext srchcontext = SearchContext.GetContext(scon);
Scopes sc = new Scopes(srchcontext);
It throws exception site not found i have checked the name of site it exixts.
Any Help??
Check that you are building against the correct target. I.e. x86 vs x64.
I get this error when I build against x86 and try and run against x64.
Do you have your permissions set up correctly? Check out this conversation...
You need to ensure (taken from the above) that:
The user is a server farm
The user has Read and Write permissions on the content database.
The user is a site collection administrator.
The user has permissions to access the Windows SharePoint Services site or the SharePoint Server 2007 site through which the code iterates.
You should also ensure that you are using an ip address you can hit from both your local box, and the server that you are running the program on.
Before executing the program, ping the webaddress from the cmd prompt.
Another way to test it is to open up the exact webaddress in a browser from the box that you are executing the program.
It's possible you are trying to hit an internal site from a server which is not on the same domain.
And finally, as it says in the MSDN Documentation you shouldn't be using "SiteName" but rather ensure that you are using "SiteAbsoluteUrl".
If you create a console application and try the same code there, the same code works. You have to add application to IIS and change the app pool identity. I did the same and it worked for me.