Inject bridge-code in JavaFX WebView before page-load? - webview

I want to load some content or page in a JavaFX WebView and offer a Bridge object to Java so the content of the page can do calls into java.
The basic concept of how to do this is described here:
Now my question is: When is a good time inject the bridge-object into the WebView so it is available as soon as possible.
One option would be after page load as described here:
But is there a way to inject this sooner (before the page content itself is initialized), so the bridge-object is available DURING page-load (and not only after page-load)?

Since no one has answered, I'll tell you how I'm doing it, although it is ugly. This provides the ability for the page to function normally in non-Java environments but receive a Java object in Java environments.
I start by providing an onStatusChanged handler to the WebEngine. It listens for a magic value for window.status. If the magic value is received, the handler installs the Java object. (In my case, it's more complex, because I have some more complex orchestration: I'm executing a script that provides a client-side API for the page and then sets another magic value on window.status to cause the Java object to be sent to an initialization method of the client-side API).
Then in my target page, I have the following code in the first script in the page:
window.status = "MY-MAGIC-VALUE";
window.status = "";
This code is essentially a no-op in a "normal" browser but triggers the initialization when running in the custom JavaFX embedding.

In Java 8, you can trigger event changing from SCHEDULED to RUNNING to inject objects at this time. The objects will present in WebEngine before JavaScript running. Java 7, I see the state machine quite differs in operating, no solution given for Java 7.
new ChangeListener<State>(){
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends State> ov,
State oldState,
State newState)
// System.out.println("old: "+oldState+", new: "+newState);
if(newState == State.RUNNING &&
oldState == State.SCHEDULED){
JSObject window = (JSObject)webEngine.executeScript("window");
window.setMember("foutput", foutput);


Vaadin 23: extending VaadinServlet with spring boot results in dual sessions (VaadinSession and SpringVaadinSession) and inconsistent behaviour

Vaadin 23
A little background, I have just converted an existing Vaadin 23 project to SpringBoot.
The existing code extends VaadinServlet for the following reasons:
Inject user object to all requests on a ThreadLocal
Supply custom SystemMessagesProvider
Provide a number of #WebInitParam
Add Session Create/Destroy hooks
If there is a way to achieve all of these functions without extending VaadinSession, that would be the preferred option.
I discovered the problem after a lot of debugging trying to load an image from a resource
StreamResource imageResource = new StreamResource("logo.svg",
() -> {
InputStream resourceAsStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/images/logo.svg");
return resourceAsStream;
logo = new Image(imageResource, "Logo");
So it turns out that the resource is associated with the VaadinSession, but when the browser requests the image the Vaadin code goes looking for it on the SpringVaadinSession - which does not contain the resource.
I have attempted to extend SpringServlet instead, but I have not been able to find any current examples of how to do this and my naive attempt results in Excepitons at runtime.

State garbage collection in Beam with GlobalWindow

Apache Beam has recently introduced state cells, through StateSpec and the #StateId annotation, with partial support in Apache Flink and Google Cloud Dataflow.
I cannot find any documentation on what happens when this is used with a GlobalWindow. In particular, is there a way to have a "state garbage collection" mechanism to get rid of states for keys that have not been seen for a while according to some configuration, while still maintaining a single all-time state for keys are that seen frequently enough?
Or, is the amount of state used in this case going to diverge, with no way to ever reclaim state corresponding to keys that have not been seen in a while?
I am also interested in whether a potential solution would be supported in either Apache Flink or Google Cloud Dataflow.
Flink and direct runners seem to have some code for "state GC" but I am not really sure what it does and whether it is relevant when using a global window.
State can be automatically garbage collected by a Beam runner at some point after a window expires - when the input watermark exceeds the end of the window by the allowed lateness, so all further input is droppable. The exact details depend on the runner.
As you correctly determined, the Global window may never expire. Then this automatic collection of state will not be invoked. For bounded data, including drain scenarios, it actually will expire, but for a perpetual unbounded data source it will not.
If you are doing stateful processing on such data in the Global window you can use user-defined timers (used through #TimerId, #OnTimer, and TimerSpec - I haven't blogged about these yet) to clear state after some timeout of your choosing. If the state represents an aggregation of some sort, then you'll want a timer anyhow to make sure your data is not stranded in state.
Here is a quick example of their use:
new DoFn<Foo, Baz>() {
private static final String MY_TIMER = "my-timer";
private static final String MY_STATE = "my-state";
private final StateSpec<ValueState<Bizzle>> =
private final TimerSpec myTimer =
public void process(
ProcessContext c,
#StateId(MY_STATE) ValueState<Bizzle> bizzleState,
#TimerId(MY_TIMER) Timer myTimer) {
public void onMyTimer(
OnTimerContext context,
#StateId(MY_STATE) ValueState<Bizzle> bizzleState) {
context.output(... ...);
There is not automatic garbage collection of state if you use GlobalWindows. Only if you use some non-global window will state be garbage collected after the watermark passes the end of a window plus the allowed lateness.
What you can do if you must work with GlobalWindows is to manually keep as state the last update timestamp. Then you would periodically set a timer where you check this timestamp against the current time and delete state if necessary. You would set this timer when encountering a key for the first time (which you can see from the absence of your timestamp state) and then re-set it in the #OnTimer method.

Vaadin "A connector with id xy is already registered"

Somewhere in my Vaadin application, I'm getting this exception as soon as I connect using a second browser
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: A connector with id 22 is already registered!
at com.vaadin.ui.ConnectorTracker.registerConnector(
It happens always in the same place but I don't know why exactly as the reason for this must be somewhere else.
I think I might be stealing UI components from the other session - which is not my intention.
Currently, I don't see any static instances of UI components I might be using in multiple sessions.
How can I debug this? It's become quite a large project.
Any hints to look for?
Yes, this usually happens because you are attaching a component already attached in other session.
Try logging the failed connector with a temporal ConnectorTracker, So the next time that it happens, you can catch it.
For example:
public class SomeUI extends UI {
private ConnectorTracker tracker;
public ConnectorTracker getConnectorTracker() {
if (this.tracker == null) {
this.tracker = new ConnectorTracker(this) {
public void registerConnector(ClientConnector connector) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed connector: {0}", connector.getClass().getSimpleName());
throw e;
return tracker;
I think I might be stealing UI components from the other session - which is not my intention. Currently, I don't see any static instances of UI components I might be using in multiple sessions.
That was it. I was actually stealing UI components without prior knowledge.
It was very well hidden in a part which seems to be same for all instances. Which is true: the algorithm is the same.
Doesn't mean I should've reused the same UI components as well...
Thanks to those who took a closer look.
Here is how I fixed it -
1) look for components you have shared across sessions. For example if you have declared a component as static it will be created once and will be shared.
2) if you are not able to find it and want a work around until you figure out the real problem, put your all addComponent calls in try and in catch add following code -
This will clear old connectors and will reload the page properly only when it fails. For me it was failing when I was logged out and logged in back.
Once you find the real problem you can fix it till then inform your customers about the reload.
**** note - only solution is to remove shared components this is just a work around.
By running your application in debug mode (add ?debug at the end of URL in browser) you will be able to browse to the component, e.g:
where 22 is id from your stack trace. Find this component in your code and make sure that it is not static (yes, I saw such examples).

Switching from Rhino to Nashorn

I have a Java 7 project which makes a lot of use of Javascript for scripting various features. Until now I was using Rhino as script engine. I would now like to move to Java 8, which also means that I will replace Rhino by Nashorn.
How compatible is Nashorn to Rhino? Can I use it as a drop-in replacement, or can I expect that some of my scripts will not work anymore and will need to be ported to the new engine? Are there any commonly-used features of Rhino which are not supported by Nashorn?
One problem is that Nashorn can no longer by default import whole Java packages into the global scope by using importPackage(com.organization.project.package);
There is, however, a simple workaround: By adding this line to your script, you can enable the old behavior of Rhino:
Another problem I ran into is that certain type-conversions when passing data between java and javascript work differently. For example, the object which arrives when you pass a Javascript array to Java can no longer be cast to List, but it can be cast to a Map<String, Object>. As a workaround you can convert the Javascript array to a Java List in the Javascript code using, Java.type("java.util.List"))
To use the importClass method on JDK 8, we need to add the following command:
However, this change affect the execution on JDK 7 (JDK does not gives support to load method).
To maintain the compatibility for both SDKs, I solved this problem adding try/catch clause:
Nashorn can not access an inner class when that inner class is declared private, which Rhino was able to do:
import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager;
import javax.script.ScriptException;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test test = new Test();;
public void run() {
ScriptEngineManager factory = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = factory.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
Inner inner = new Inner();
engine.put("inner", inner);
try {
engine.eval("function run(inner){\"test\");} run(inner);");
} catch (ScriptException e) {
private class Inner {
public void foo(String msg) {
Under Java8 this code throws following exception:
javax.script.ScriptException: TypeError: kz.test.Test$Inner#117cd4b has no such function "foo" in <eval> at line number 1
at jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.NashornScriptEngine.throwAsScriptException(
at jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.NashornScriptEngine.evalImpl(
I noticed that Rhino didn't have a problem with a function called 'in()' (although 'in' is a reserved JavaScript keyword).
Nashorn however raise an error.
Nashorn cannot call static methods on instances! Rhino did this, therefore we had to backport Rhino to Java 8 (Here's a short summary:
Nashorn on Java8 does not support AST. So if you have Java code that inspects the JS source tree using Rhino's AST mechanism , you may have to rewrite it (using regex maybe) once you port your code to use Nashorn.
I am talking about this API
Nashorn on Java9 supports AST though.
One feature that is in Rhino and not Nashorn: exposing static members through instances.
From : "
My conviction is that exposing static members through instances is a
sloppy mashing together of otherwise separate namespaces, hence I
chose not to enable it.
I think this is deeply wrong. As long as we have to use two different constructs to access the same java object and use package declarations unnecessarily in javascript, code becomes harder to read and write because cognitive load increases. I will rather stick to Rhino then.
I have not found a workaround for this obvious "design bug" yet.

Luaj - add JButton action listener from Lua

In the application I'm developing in Java SE I use Luaj to implement functionality (this is a data collector application). The Java app reads a COM port of a device and gives the data to Lua event handlers which are written by the user of the application. Part of the user interface is also constructed from Lua, however, I'm having problems adding ActionListener objects (implemented in Lua as well) to Swing components, like JButton.
The code I'm currenty stuck at:
button = luajava.newInstance("javax.swing.JButton","test")
This creates a JButton object and puts it on a JPanel component. I'd like to define the action listener for this button in Lua as well.
Any idea how I can do that?
I tried the following, but it obviously does not work.
al = {}
function al.actionPerformed(ev)
I come a bit late, but for the reference, the swingapp.lua script shows how to handle listeners:
actionPerformed = function (e)
print('Action', e)
Tested with Luaj-jse 3.0-alpha1
