How do I set a auto increment key in Realm? - ios

I have a unique msgid for each ChatData object.
#interface ChatData : RLMObject
#property NSInteger msgid;
But each time I create a new object I have to query all objects and get the last msgid.
RLMArray *all = [[ChatData allObjects] arraySortedByProperty:#"msgid" ascending:YES];
ChatData *last = [all lastObject];
ChatData *newData = [[ChataData alloc]init];
newData.msgid = last.msgid+1;
Is there an efficient way to replace this implementation?

Realm doesn't have auto increment behavior, so you'll need to manage that yourself. A question I'd encourage you to ask yourself about your data:
Is it necessary to have sequential, contiguous, integer ID's?
If not, then a unique string primary key might be sufficient. Then you can use something like [[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString] to generate unique string ID's. The nice thing about this is that these UUID's are more or less guaranteed to be unique, even in multithreaded scenarios.
If so, it might be more efficient to always keep the last number in memory, so that queries aren't required every time a new ID should be generated. If objects might be created in multiple threads, make sure to make your nextPrimaryKey() function thread-safe, otherwise it might generate the same number twice (or more!).

You are use this Code for Auto Incremental Primary Key in Swift :
var myvalue = realm.objects(ChatData).map{$}.maxElement() ?? 0
myvalue = myvalue + 1

Autoincrement id Realm in Swift 2.0:
insert code in class realm and object write use
import Foundation
import RealmSwift
class Roteiro: Object {
dynamic var id = 0
dynamic var Titulo = ""
dynamic var Observacao = ""
dynamic var status = false
dynamic var cadastrado_dt = NSDate()
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
//Incrementa ID
func IncrementaID() -> Int{
let realm = try! Realm()
if let retNext = realm.objects(Roteiro.self).sorted(byKeyPath: "id").first?.id {
return retNext + 1
return 1
in file write use:
let Roteiro_Add = Roteiro()
//increment auto id = Roteiro_Add.IncrementaID()
Roteiro_Add.Titulo = TituloDest
Roteiro_Add.Observacao = Observacao
Roteiro_Add.status = false
let realm = try! Realm()
try! realm.write({ () -> Void in

In Realm you need to manage auto-inc ID it self so there are many ways to manage it. Below is some of them.
func incrementID() -> Int {
let realm = try! Realm()
return (realm.objects(Person.self).max(ofProperty: "id") as Int? ?? 0) + 1
call this method every time when you adding record.

I used a creationDate in my Model, so I created a Unix timeStamp based on this date, and used it as the primaryKey of my object.
It's 99.99% guaranteed to be unique in my case (because the timestamp is precise to the second), but it may depend on your use case.
It's less robust than a UUID, but in many cases it's sufficient.
extension NSDate {
/** Returns a NSDate instance from a time stamp */
convenience init(timeStamp: Double) {
self.init(timeIntervalSince1970: timeStamp)
extension Double {
/** Returns a timeStamp from a NSDate instance */
static func timeStampFromDate(date: NSDate) -> Double {
return date.timeIntervalSince1970

This is essentially what is suggested in jpsim's answer, using UUID to generate unique keys. We query prior to inserting to ensure uniqueness. This will most often only incur one query; in the very rare case of a collision it will continue until it finds a unique id. This solution is a natural extension on the Realm type and is generic over classes that inherits from Object. The class must implement primaryKey and return the name of a String property.
extension Realm {
func createAutoUnique<T: Object>(_ type: T.Type) -> T {
guard let primaryKey = T.primaryKey() else {
fatalError("createAutoUnique requires that \(T.self) implements primaryKey()")
var id: String
var existing: T? = nil
repeat {
id = UUID().uuidString
existing = object(ofType: type, forPrimaryKey: id)
} while (existing != nil)
let value = [
primaryKey: id
return create(type, value: value, update: false)


Dictionary not appending values

I think I'm introducing some logic error and I might be missing something here.
Please consider the following code:
// Model
class MyModel: NSObject {
let month: Int
let destiny: String
init(month: Int, destiny: String) {
self.month = month
self.destiny = destiny
var datasource: [MyModel] = []
var dict: [Int : [MyModel]] = [:]
func fillDatasource() {
for _ in 0...20 {
let month = Int.random(in: 1...12)
let destiny = "Any"
let model = MyModel(month: month, destiny: destiny)
func fillDict() {
datasource.forEach {
let month = $0.month
print(dict) // always empty
Inside my fillDict function the array is always nil.
I think this is because the key doesn't exist , so the value cannot be appended to that specific key.
My question is: if the key doesn't exist, calling the append function would insert the key as well?
Am I missing something here?
Your assumption is incorrect and there is no reason to think that this would insert a new array.
It might seem intuitive for this case but it may be very wrong for some cases. How about something like this:
Should this construct a new garage for my car? I think not. But even if so; what if default constructor is unavailable and this is actually defined as a protocol:
protocol Garage {
func parkCar(_ car: Car)
var garages[String: Garage]
there is no way for Swift to fill in this object automatically.
Technically there would be a possible solution for this work that Swift would automatically construct an object for you in dictionary if this object had a default constructor and possibly the object type is a struct or a final class... But this would most likely only introduce more confusion than it would solve.
The most straight forward solution to your example is what #Sh_Khan wrote (but later deleted) which is:
if dict[month] == nil {
dict[month] = [$0]
else {
Probably some more feasible approach would be
dict[month] = (dict[month] ?? []) + [$0]
but as described in a comment there is already a method that does exactly that for you:
dict[month, default: []].append($0)
I hope we can agree that this is a more general approach and it fixes all cases. For instance
garages[myName, default: PublicGarage(parkingSpot: myName)].parkCar(myCar)
You can update your fillDict method to the following:
func fillDict() {
datasource.forEach {
let month = $0.month
if dict.keys.contains(month) {
} else {
dict[month] = [$0]
We need to check if the month key already exits in the dictionary, than append in it's array else we are assigning a new array against a month in the dictionary
Dic is empty because dic[month] is nil, the value has never been altered.
To group array by a property of the array elem, I'd use the following:
dic = Dictionary(grouping: datasource) { (model) -> Int in
return model.month

Swift: How to access variable element of an enum?

For hours I've been struggeling with getting an variable element of an enum.
The "Swifticons" - pod provides me with the following enum:
public enum WeatherType: Int {
static var count: Int {
return weatherIcons.count
public var text: String? {
return weatherIcons[rawValue]
case alien, barometer, celsius, owm300, owm301, owm302, and200moreOfTheseNames
private let weatherIcons = ["\u{f075}", "\u{f079}", and202moreOfTheseFontCharacters]
From an external API ( I just get an weather code (let's say "300") - and I want to access Icon "owm300".
But how do I access this element of the enum without knowing the rawValue (which would be - say - 198)?
Here's the plan:
We need to enumerate all of the enum cases. We'll do that by iterating over raw values (luckily, WeatherType is backed by Int).
We will store lazily initialized dictionary that maps String to WeatherType.
And finally, we declare a static function that returns an optional WeatherType? because we can encounter an unknown value.
Here's the code:
extension WeatherType {
// just some little convenience
private typealias W = WeatherType
// 1. define the sequence of all cases
private static func allCases() -> AnySequence<W> {
return AnySequence { () -> AnyIterator<W> in
var raw = 0
return AnyIterator {
// Iterates while raw value can be converted to an enum case
if let next = W(rawValue: raw) {
raw += 1
return next
return nil
// 2. Static properties are lazy so we'll use them to store the dictionary with String to WeatherType mapping
private static let typeMap = W.allCases().reduce([String: W]()) { acc, next in
var acc = acc
acc[String(describing: next)] = next
return acc
// 3. Declare the mapping function
static func from(string: String) -> WeatherType? {
return W.typeMap[string]
Here's a little test:
let str = "301"
let type = WeatherType.from(string: "owm\(str)")
print(type == .owm301)
One of the easiest way I can think of is create some kind of mapping dictionary, where you would keep track of weather response code and WeatherType that it maps to like so,
let weatherCodeMapping: [Int: WeatherType] = [300: .owm300,
301: .owm301,
302: .owm302]
With this in place, you dont need to know any specific rawValue, you can simply get code by,
let weatherType = weatherCodeMapping[weatherCode]
And then create some other mapping for your image based on the weatherType.
let weatherIcon = weatherIconMapping[weatherType]
or create a single mapping directly from weather code to icon.
Swift doesn't currently have enumerable sequences of enum cases. One option that you have is to copy the list of icon names, then search for your icon's name, and use that index as the enum's rawValue:
let weatherIcons = [...]
let iconName = "owm300"
let possibleIconIndex = weatherIcons.index {
$0.caseInsensitiveCompare(iconName) == .orderedSame
if let iconIndex = possibleIconIndex {
let weatherIcon = WeatherIcon(rawValue: iconIndex)!
// ...
} else {
// graceful fallback for when the weather icon is missing
Of course, you need to figure out your own mapping between the data you get from the service and enum names, but that could be as simple as "owm\(weatherCode)".
When Swift 4.2 lands, you will be able to make your enums conform to a new protocol called CaseIterable. Enums that conform to it get a synthesized implementation of an allCases static variable. You will then be able to use that enumeration to build a string-to-enum dictionary automatically:
let nameToEnum = { (String($0), $0) }
let mapping = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: nameToEnum)
That will however require WeatherIcon to be declared with the CaseEnumerable conformance, as adding it with an extension has no effect.

How to achieve object merging through generics in swift?

Imagine I have a class Number:
class Number {
var val: Double?
and have two instances of that class, A and B.
Now imagine I want to merge Binto Athrough a statement like
merge(B, into: A)
Now of course I could write the function like this:
func merge(from: Number, into: Number){
into.val = from.val
But that isn't reusable at all. Is there a way I could write a generic merge class?
UPDATE: Although some of the answers offer good and viable solutions, none of them are "generic" enough (generic here is meant in a non-technical way).So looking at the answers, I got some inspiration, and here is the solution I am now considering: make Number a NSObject subclass and declare all the properties that can be merged as dynamic. For example:
class Number: NSObject {
//Put the required init and initWithCoder: here
dynamic var val: Double?
Then declaring a protocol that mergeable classes must respect
protocol Mergeable: class {
var mergeablePropertyKeys:[String] {get}
And then declaring a global function that performs a merge:
func merge<U: Mergeable, Mergeable where U.Type == V.Type>(from: U, into:V){
for property in U.mergeablePropertyKeys {
V.setValue(U.valueForKey(property), property)
And I know that this will not work because the arguments to merge are not necessarily NSObjects.
How can I make sure that the arguments to merge are both NSObjects?
Can avoid having to specify the names of all my mergeable values by simply obtaining a list of my object's dynamic values?
It sounds like what you want is a generic function that uses reflection to merge properties. Reflection is limited in Swift, but it is doable using the MirrorType. I have used this method before to build a generic json parser in swift - you could do something similar but instead of parsing a json dictionary to properties map your two object's properties.
An example of using reflection to do this in swift:
func merge<T>(itemToMerge:T) {
let mirrorSelf = Mirror(reflecting: self)
let mirrorItemToMerge = Mirror(reflecting: itemToMerge)
for mirrorSelfItem in mirrorSelf.children {
// Loop through items in mirrorItemToMerge.
for mirrorImageItem in mirrorItemToMerge.children {
// If you have a parameter who's name is a match, map the value
// OR You could add any custom mapping logic you need for your specific use case
if mirrorSelfItem.label == mirrorImageItem.label {
// To set values, use self.setValue(valueToSet, forKey: propertyName)
self.setValue(mirrorImageItem.value as? AnyObject, forKey: mirrorImageItem.label!)
This assumes the object defining the merge method is a subclass of NSObject (so it can take advantage of NSKeyValueCoding). You could also make this a static method that could merge any 2 objects of any NSObject type:
static func merge<T1: NSObject, T2: NSObject>(itemChanging:T1, itemToMerge:T2) {
let mirrorSelf = Mirror(reflecting: itemChanging)
let mirrorItemToMerge = Mirror(reflecting: itemToMerge)
for mirrorSelfItem in mirrorSelf.children {
// Loop through items in mirrorItemToMerge.
for mirrorImageItem in mirrorItemToMerge.children {
// If you have a parameter who's name is a match, map the value
// OR You could add any custom mapping logic you need for your specific use case
if mirrorSelfItem.label == mirrorImageItem.label {
// To set values, use self.setValue(valueToSet, forKey: propertyName)
self.setValue(mirrorImageItem.value as? AnyObject, forKey: mirrorImageItem.label!)
Im not sure what you are expecting but there is generic solution:
class Number<T> {
var val: T?
protocol Merge {
func merge(from: Self, into: Self)
extension Number: Merge {
func merge(from: Number, into: Number) {
into.val = from.val
Lets define a HasValue protocol (available only for classes) like this
protocol HasValue: class {
typealias T
var val: T? { get set }
Now we can define a generic function
func merge<U: HasValue, V:HasValue where U.T == V.T>(from: U, into:V) {
into.val = from.val
The constraints in the function signature do guarantee that
Both params do conform to HasValue (therefore are classes)
val types for both params are equals
Scenario 1: params have the same type
class Number: HasValue {
var val: Double?
let one = Number()
one.val = 1
let two = Number()
two.val = 2
merge(one, into: two)
print(two.val) // Optional(1.0)
Scenario 2: params have different types but their values have the same type
I did not constrain the 2 params of Merge to having the same type, I am only checking that the val properties of the 2 params must have the same type.
So we could also merge different instances of different classes having val of the same type like
class Phone: HasValue {
var val: Int?
class Computer: HasValue {
var val: Int?
let iPhone = Phone()
iPhone.val = 10
let iMac = Computer()
iMac.val = 9
merge(iPhone, into: iMac)
print(iMac.val) // Optional(10)
Scenario 3: params have generic types
class Box<S>: HasValue {
var val: S?
let boxOfString = Box<String>()
boxOfString.val = "hello world"
let boxOfInt = Box<Int>()
boxOfInt.val = 12
merge(boxOfString, into: boxOfInt) // << compile error
let boxOfWords = Box<String>()
boxOfWords.val = "What a wonderful world"
merge(boxOfString, into: boxOfWords)
print(boxOfWords.val) // Optional("hello world")

Prevent Realm from overwriting a property when updating an Object

I've setup a REST API to realm object in iOS. However I've found an issue with creating a favorite flag in my object. I've created a favorite bool, however everytime the object is updated from the API it sets the favorite to default false again. Here I want this flag to not be updated, since the favorite only is stored locally. How can I achieve this?
class Pet: Object{
dynamic var id: Int = 1
dynamic var title: String = ""
dynamic var type: String = ""
dynamic var favorite: Bool = false
override class func primaryKey() -> String {
return "id"
let pet = Pet() = 2 = "Dog"
pet.type = "German Shephard"
try! realm.write {
realm.add(pet, update: true)
There are two ways to solve this:
1. Use an Ignored Property:
You can tell Realm that a certain property should not be persisted. To prevent that your favorite property will be persisted by Realm you have to do this:
class Pet: Object{
dynamic var id: Int = 1
dynamic var title: String = ""
dynamic var type: String = ""
dynamic var favorite: Bool = false
override class func primaryKey() -> String {
return "id"
override static func ignoredProperties() -> [String] {
return ["favorite"]
or you could
2. Do a partial update
Or you could tell Realm explicitly which properties should be updated when you update your Pet object:
try! realm.write {
realm.create(Pet.self, value: ["id": 2, "name": "Dog", "type": "German Shepard"], update: true)
This way the favorite property will not be changed.
There is one big difference between the two approaches:
Ignored Property: Realm won't store the favorite property at all. It is your responsibility to keep track of them.
Partial Update: Realm will store the 'favorite' property, but it won't be updated.
I suppose that the partial updates are what you need for your purpose.
If you want to be more explicit, there is third option:
3. Retrieve the current value for the update
// Using the add/update method
let pet = Pet() = 2 = "Dog"
pet.type = "German Shephard"
if let currentObject = realm.object(ofType: Pet.self, forPrimaryKey: 2) {
pet.favorite = currentObject.favorite
try! realm.write {
realm.add(pet, update: true)
// Using the create/update method
var favorite = false
if let currentObject = realm.object(ofType: Pet.self, forPrimaryKey: 2) {
favorite = currentObject.favorite
// Other properties on the pet, such as a list will remain unchanged
try! realm.write {
realm.create(Pet.self, value: ["id": 2, "name": "Dog", "type": "German Shephard", "favorite": favorite], update: true)
4. NSUserDefaults (or any other data store, really)
I ran into the same issue and I opted for the other, more traditional option of saving things to another data store (NSUserDefaults). In my case, I was storing the last time a user viewed an item and storing this data in NSUserDefaults felt appropriate. I did something like the following:
First, define a unique key for the object you are storing (self here is the model object being viewed and rendered):
- (NSString *)lastViewedDateKey {
// Note each item gets a unique key with <className>_<itemId> guaranteeing us uniqueness
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#_%ld", self.class.className, (long)self.itemId];
Then, when a user views the item, set the key to:
- (void)setLastViewedToNow {
NSUserDefaults *userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[userDefaults setObject:[NSDate date] forKey:self.lastViewedDateKey];
[userDefaults synchronize];
Later, I use it like this:
NSUserDefaults *userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSDate *createdOnDate = <passed in from elsewhere>;
NSDate *lastViewedDate = [userDefaults objectForKey:self.lastViewedDateKey];
if (!lastViewedDate || [createdOnDate compare:lastViewedDate] == NSOrderedDescending) {
As opposed to the above solutions:
1. There is no data persistence.
2. This creates yet another place where one has to define the properties of an object and will likely lead to errors if one forgets to update this list every time a new property gets added.
3. If you are doing any large batch updates, going back through every object is not really practical and will certainly cause pain down the road.
I hope this gives someone another option if they need it.

Storing an array of strings using Realm's RLMArray

Does anyone know how you can use Realm to store an array of strings? I'm trying to map the following response into Realm correctly:
"zoneInfo": {
"tariffInfoLines": [
"In this city you pay per minute."
We have a zoneInfo object that contains a tariffInfoLines array. This tariffInfoLines array contains strings. In Realm there are two different variable types for storing data. The first is RLMObject which allows your standard NSString, int, long etc.
The second type is RLMArray, which is used for arrays (as NSArray is not supported). You have to give the array a type, which must be a class that subclasses RLMObject. We have so far got around this by using a ABCRealmString object, as shown below:
#property RLMArray<ABCRealmString> *tariffInfoLines;
ABCRealmString contains an NSString property (it is basically a wrapper):
#property NSString *value;
However what this means is that when Realm tries to map the response to persist the data, it is looking for a value for the key "value" (the name of the property). It appears that it expects a response similar to the following:
"zoneInfo": {
"tariffInfoLines": [
"value": "In this city you pay per minute."
In the project, we have it working for the following structure:
"userOptions": [
"wantsEmailNotifications": true,
"wantsPushNotifications": false
This has an array, with objects inside that have clear key value pairs that Realm can map to. The zoneInfo structure appears to be the only place that we have an array with sets of values inside without them being inside an object or having any keys.
If anyone could shed some light on this, regarding if this is possible using Realm, or whether an API change is required to match a structure that Realm can map.
Cross posting from the github issue response: Although this example demonstrates how to store flat arrays of strings on a Realm model, you can extend this pattern to store anything from arrays of integers to native Swift enum's. Basically anything that you can map to a representable type in Realm.
class RealmString: Object {
dynamic var stringValue = ""
class Person: Object {
var nicknames: [String] {
get {
return { $0.stringValue }
set {
_backingNickNames.appendContentsOf({ RealmString(value: [$0]) }))
let _backingNickNames = List<RealmString>()
override static func ignoredProperties() -> [String] {
return ["nicknames"]
// Usage...
let realm = try! Realm()
try! realm.write {
let person = Person()
person.nicknames = ["John", "Johnny"]
for person in realm.objects(Person) {
print("Person's nicknames: \(person.nicknames)")
// Prints:
// Person's nicknames: ["John", "Johnny"]
UPDATE (most of the previous answers are no longer correct):
You can now store primitive types or their nullable counterparts (more specifically: booleans, integer and floating-point number types, strings, dates, and data) directly within RLMArrays or Lists. If you want to define a list of such primitive values you no longer need to define cumbersome single-field wrapper objects. Instead, you can just store the primitive values themselves.
Lists of primitive values work much the same way as lists containing objects, as the example below demonstrates for Swift:
class Student : Object {
#objc dynamic var name: String = ""
let testScores = List<Int>()
// Retrieve a student.
let realm = try! Realm()
let bob = realm.objects(Student.self).filter("name = 'Bob'").first!
// Give him a few test scores, and then print his average score.
try! realm.write {
print("\(bob.testScores.average()!)") // 93.0
All other languages supported by Realm also supports lists of primitive types.
For the Swift 3.0 here is the change (in my case the Xcode 8 compiler didn't offer auto fix when i switched to swift 3.0 so I had some pain to resolve it).
_backingNickNames.append(objectsIn: { RealmString(value: [$0]) })
The RealmString approach is good, but you end up with a new RealmString every time you update the values, leaving a ton of unused objects laying around if you don't clean them up.
I would suggest using something like:
fileprivate let separator = "\u{FFFF}"
class Person: Object {
fileprivate dynamic var _nicknames: String?
var nicknames: [String] {
get { return _nicknames?.components(separatedBy: separator) ?? [] }
set { _nicknames = newValue.isEmpty ? nil : newValue.joined(separator: separator) }
override static func ignoredProperties() -> [String] {
return ["nicknames"]
extension String {
func toStringObject() -> StringObject {
return StringObject(initValue: self)
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element == String {
func toStringObjects() -> List<StringObject> {
let list = List<StringObject>()
for s in self {
return list
extension Int {
func toIntObject() -> IntObject {
return IntObject(initValue: self)
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element == Int {
func toIntObjects() -> List<IntObject> {
let list = List<IntObject>()
for s in self {
return list
