Displaying image from video file on UITableview - ios

I have a video file from local server like this.
Before I play that video, I need to show image from video inside tableview. Is there an api to show image from video and when I click, it will play automatically?
My current method is I download video file and I extract image from video file. After that, I show inside my tableview. But I guess it is not quite good.


why my youtube video not displaying an image?

on this page, the video at the top of the page does not display an image unlike the video located on the side bar.
When play is pressed, there is no playback problem.
But my visitors may not click on the video thinking it doesn't work.
How can I make it appear?
the original video is here
The javascript code is here
The thumbnail sddefault isn't loading for an unknown reason for video VnWbJbtsyv4. However hqdefault seems to be working. So use https://img.youtube.com/vi/VnWbJbtsyv4/hqdefault.jpg instead of https://img.youtube.com/vi/VnWbJbtsyv4/sddefault.jpg.

iOS Media Player Thumbnail and M3U8

I like to know what I need to do to my m3u8 web video to present a thumbnail within the iOS player like the one attached. So far, I only get to see the web site‘s fav icon. The webpage also has an og:image and and the video tag has a poster image. This example shows my m3u8 video embedded in an html video tag:
My m3u8 playlist only contains videos. I tried the video tag‘s poster attribute, but that did not affect the player.
I would like to see something related to the video content like this:

How to get the preview images (css sprites) for the loaded video?

I can't find in the Youtube Player API reference the method(s) to receive the preview images for the loaded video.
I'm not talking about thumbnail, but the preview that image appears when the viewer hovers the progress bar on the player.
I'm fairly certain these are called storyboard on YT and are served as a giant image that gets sliced client-side. I don't think there is a legal, official API for this.

QLPreviewController fail to load video files

I am facing some issue while trying to open video file on QLPreviewcontroller.
While trying to open video file , i just see a thumbnail of video file loaded & dont see any playback controls or any controls. Neither video seems playing nor any audio sound.
I am adding previewcontroller view as subview to a view.
Any thoughts on what could be issue?

Creating video from scratch in iOS

I've got an app where the user shoots some video, enters a title for it, and picks a music track. I've got the music dubbing working with AVMutableComposition, but the titling is a bad hack -- just a view overlaid on the MPMoviePlayerViewController. And while the user can upload the dubbed video to YouTube, the title of course isn't included.
Are there iOS APIs that will let me access or create raw video frames, so I can either overlay the title on the video, or splice in new frames with the title before the start of the video proper?
For anyone coming along later: see, e.g., How do I export UIImage array as a movie?
