issue with dropdown menu on samsung phone - jquery-mobile

I have a site with a lot of drop downs (I know, that is what client wants). I'm using jquery mobile and responsive design, but I'm having some issues with one of the dropdowns on samsung galaxy S4. By default, when the dropdown is clicked, SGS4 opens its native interface to select one of the options. The problem is that it is way too narrow and all the options are truncated even before the point they starts to differ.
Question is, is there any way we can control how it is being displayed or at least make it x-scrollable?


IOS native controls invisible/hidden in PWA

We have a PWA (web app) that the user can add to the homescreen to make it look more like an app. Some users have reported a strange issue that only seems to appear on IOS sometimes when the following step has been made.
Open the app from the homescreen
Use the app for a while
Put it into background
Turn off the screen for a while
Turn the screen back on and put the app to foreground again
The bug is that nothing seems to happen when you click on a select or date input control. First I thought that there was some overlay in the app that was blocking the ui controls but the elements receive focus on click, but not options are shown.
Now it really becomes strange. When I tried to click a little bit under the select input an option was selected. The same thing occured with a time select. If I first clicked on the timeselect input control and then a little bit under, it updated the time.
So, the controls seems to be there but nothing is visible on the screen. I have only been able to reproduce this on my own once but multiple users have been reporting the same thing. The only way to work around the bug is to restart the app.
It seems to be for all native safari controls that shows some kind of modal/popover.
I've did an indepth investigation on this select dropdown problem and posted an issue at
It's a problem with dropdowns of several components (such as select, input file/date/month) where either the animation to have the dropdown appear or disappear seems to get stuck. You can sometimes see the dropdown being tiny and very transparent (if you zoom into a screenshot) and sometimes you'll be able to select an option even though you don't see the dropdown.

SelectMenu Widget data-native-menu attribute when in popup

When I use this setting I have one in a form in a dialog, and one in a form that is in a popup. The dropdowns look different.
When data-native-menu="false" the dropdown in the dialog appears in another dialog, which actually looks quite nice. I assume this will allow a more consistent look and feel accross devices.
However when I use this setting data-native-menu="false" on a Select in a popup it does not show the standard select, not the dialog.
There's a good reason for this.
As you can see there are 2 kinds of select widget. First one uses native looking select box (one showed with data-native-menu="true"). Other one still uses native select box but it hides it and shows custom jQuery Mobile select box widget (one showed with data-native-menu="false"). This jQuery Mobile widget is shown as popup. This is important point.
Second, mentioned problem is unsolvable, at least from the point of current jQuery Mobile framework, and here's why. In few words, when working with jQuery Mobile popups, one popup can't open another popup. Two popups can exist in the same time. Thou you can always close one popup before opening another one, but this is not usable in your case. Because jQuery Mobile select widget is popup it can't be used inside classic popup widget.
If you don' believe me you can find it in official documentation here, just search for text: "Chaining of popups not allowed". And you will see this text:
The framework does not currently support chaining of popups so it's not possible to embed a link from one popup to another popup. All links with a data-rel="popup" inside a popup will not do anything at all.
On the other hand, dialog is a variation of a classic jQuery Mobile page, just with large margin and semi transparent overlay. It can be used to show popup, just like normal jQUery Mobile page.

Create a drop down select box with dynamic options

I am trying to recreate a popular effect that all iPhone users have seen before on their settings page. Something like when selecting a wireless network. There is normally a title that says "Available Networks" with a blue arrow icon to the right. onClick there is an accordion style slide down effect to reveal the available networks.
I am trying to recreate this to use as a drop down input for my app's settings page since iPhone does not have anything like that in their storyboard builder interface. The other issue is the options will be dynamic (coming from a database).
Has anyone seen a tutorial on this or maybe an open source app I can use as reference.
I am using iOS 6.1 using Storyboards.
I should have spent a little more time researching I am sure I would have have this post that was very helpful regardind the actual code for the drop-down not so much the dynamic data. How to create DropDown in xcode?

Trouble with Non-Native Menu in jQuery Mobile

I have a select that I'd like to use the custom menu display (rather than native) in jQuery Mobile. However, I'm just getting strange behavior out of the non-native menu (jsfiddle link). In this case, the non-native menu is only showing one of my three options.
Found the issue right after I posted it. Every option needs a value attribute set (corrected jsFiddle).
Depending on how many options you have, radio buttons groups might be a better option. The problem with any select is that it requires the user to act before ever seeing what their options are. From a user experience perspective, if you don't have a vast amount of options, use radio buttons. This section of a blog post I wrote might help.

turning off form assistant in mobile safari?

When running on a touchscreen device (iPhone, in my case, but I presume it does this on others), when the virtual keyboard pops up for a form field, there are added navigation buttons at the top of the keyboard: "previous", "next", "done". (And sometimes "autofill").
This is apparently the Mobile Safari "form assistant".
I find this redundant, superfluous, and confusing. iPhone users aren't used to this in native apps, and it's unnecessary. It's a touch device. You touch what you want to change. There's no need for navigation buttons!
I suppose users may be familiar with this, IF they use their device often to fill forms on websites. I've had an iPhone since the 3G, and never noticed this. I don't think I've ever filled a form on Mobile Safari! (I would use my desktop...)
The form assistant is there for navigating forms on websites, which might not be designed appropriately for a mobile device. So, in that context it serves a useful purpose.
But when using JQuery Mobile, you ARE designing an interface for use on a touchscreen mobile device. There shouldn't be a need for the form assistant. I find it particularly annoying in a local app (PhoneGap, Rhodes, etc.).
I've done some searches, and haven't come up with a solution.
Does anybody know how to turn this off?
sorry, its not possible to remove the Form Assistant inside mobile safari.
There is no solution for mobile Safari, but for PhoneGap there certainly is.
As of 2.6.0 there is an option in the config.xml
<preference name="HideKeyboardFormAccessoryBar" value="true" />
For versions before 2.6.0, or more sophisticated use, there is the KeyboardToolbarRemover, which even allows to dynamically show and hide the keyboardAcessoryView.
In your Javascript, include the module
var toolbar = cordova.require('cordova/plugin/keyboard_toolbar_remover');
To disable the toolbar
To re-enable the toolbar
