iOS view height and auto layout - ios

I have a viewController, which is configured for the iPhone5 screen size. In red rectangle is the view.
To make this view show properly in iPhone4 - I used auto layout. But when I specify constrains such as: leading edge, trailing edge, bottom space and top space (in top space I even made constraint's priority to LOW ) - the view still goes partially down the screen as if my constraints don't work.
BUT if instead of top space constraint I specify view's heigh and delete top space constraint - everything works perfectly.
Does anyone can explain it please? Thank you.

Thats because when you set up the top space constraint it will move the view by the constant you provided. iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 screen height is different but the constant remains the same so obviously it will behave differently. One way to troubleshoot your interfaces is to switching between iPhone4 and iPhone 5 on storyboard device on storyboard (first button from left to right on the bottom right corner of interface builder).
Auto-layout is all about experience in my opinion. I struggled alot with it until i learned. If you want your view to be attached to the bottom of the screen you should set the BOTTOM SPACE to 0 and specify the view's height like you did or adjust constraints for it's subviews so that the height is set dinamically according to the views inside.


Trouble with layout on various screen sizes

My screen layout has elements placed correctly
but when I switch to another screen, eg. iphone 7 plus
or se
things change. I've set constrains, height and witdh when I suppose I should, but apparently it does not want to cooperate with me. Please tell me what constrains and heights, widths should I set.
Add below constraint
For the red and green View You need to give Equal Width Constraint.
For Blue View at the center you need to give Center Horizontally Constraint.
For the bar at the bottom You need to give Bottom distance from the Red/Green Top Constraint.

autolayout view gets overlapped on smaller devices

Basically I have one view with some height x
and 4 other views with same height y all these 5 views are vertically one after another with 10 px space
all these views have again some child views which depends on them.
For this scenario stackview is ideal but it support starts from iOS 9 unfortunately I have to support from iOS 6
so basically I fixed all the views with leading,trailing,top,bottom and height constraint...
it works good in iPhone 7s ... but in iphone 4s the view gets overlapped on each other
in iphone se the views are very much congested..
I was always thinking the height will change according to the screen size for iPHone 4s but that didn't happen
How can I work this out ?
There are two ways to solve the problem you are facing.
Instead of giving a fixed height to any of your UIView you can use a proportional height constraint. Select your UIView and control + drag from your UIView to the main superview. Select equal height constraint. Now, double click the height constraint and set the multiplier to 0.15 or any value you seem nice. This will ensure the view thus created is always 0.15 times the entire view's height. Now you can create your other views either proportional to this view following the same steps or to the superview.
(I prefer this approach as for items as sometimes you need to create forms the above approach might still push elements off the screen).
This will use a UIScrollView. To your main view add a UIScrollView and add a leading, trailing, top and bottom constraint to your superview. Add a UIView to this UIScrollView and give it a leading, trailing, top and bottom as well. Additionally give it a equal height and width constraints to the superview of the UIScrollView with a low priority of like say 250. Now add all your elements inside this UIView however you seem fit. With fixed height, proportional height whatever and happily run it. But ensure you add a bottom of >= a minimum value for your bottom most view.
The screen will automatically become scrollable if the content will go off screen otherwise it won't be scrollable at all.
fixed all the views with leading,trailing,top,bottom and equal height constraint instead of only height(not give fixed height to any view)

iOS - Autolayout - Increase/Decrease view size proportionally on orientation change

I went through ray wenderlich's tutorial about autolayouts (link) and then began working on a demo project thinking I've figured it all out but I was wrong. As shown in the screenshot below I have a navigation bar, 2 views and 1 button. The layout on portrait mode looks fine without adding any constraints on views or the button, and understandably in landscape mode views are messed up. I tried adding following constraints on views and those don't seems to work.
View#2: Select view 2 > Editor > Align > Horizontal center in container (hides view completely)
Add Top space to superview. Again view goes away from both landscape and portrait preview.
If I can display view#2 correctly I am planning to add vertical space between view#2 & view#3 and then between view#3 and button#4.
My main concern is to resize the views so that it shows all views and buttons in iPhone 4s landscape mode. Any advise or suggestions are appreciated.
EDIT: Here's the end result that I am trying to get:
The reason your views go away when you add constraints is because a UIView has no intrinsic content size, so its size is {0,0}. The view appeared when you didn't add constraints because the system adds constraints for you, if you don't add them yourself; the system added ones are top, left, width, and height. So, you need to set the size of the views somehow. You can give them explicit size constraints, you can pin them to the edges of the superview, you can give them relative heights based on other views, etc.
Since you want the 2 views to get proportionally smaller in landscape, you should give them heights that are relative to the superview. You do this by selecting the view and the superview, and choosing "Equal Heights" from the pin menu. Edit that constraint to change the multiplier to something like 0.25 for the blue view and 0.2 for the orange one (this assumes that orange or blue view are the first item in the constraint -- if they are the second, then you should use the inverse values of 4 and 5). You should also do the same for the widths, since it seems you want them to get proportionally smaller too.

Auto layout for uicollectionview

I have a UILabel in my storyboard which i want to align from bottom and whose width and height want to get adjusted in portrait and landscape.
For this, i dragged in a UILabel pinned its leading space, trailing space, bottom space to its superview.
I did not pin its width and height since i wanted its width and height to be changed during its landscape rotation.
With this i got a warning in story board where i have selected to update frame, which automatically adjusted the frame and made it work correctly.
Now i am trying to achieve same kind of behaviour with UICollectionView but this is not working as expected, instead it is giving out some errors saying 'misplaced view' and 'missing constraints'.
I am aligning buttons in 2 rows and 3 columns in the collection view in portrait mode and want to align all the 6 in single row in landscape mode, so if i pin the height here.
The problem is it will go good for portrait mode but in landscape the height will seem higher. Any help on how this could be achieved.?
You got errors because you did not added the constraint for the collection view top layout or height or aspect ratio. it is necessary to assign all side constraint so the view will automatically layout according to the constraint. if you miss one it will give you error or warning. Look you want dynamic height for collection view. If you want to achieve this for all the devices like for all iphones then you need to pin the height and make a outlet of the height constraint and change it in your viewDidLayoutSubviews method. select the collection view then go to size inspector and double click the height constraint. this will show you the constraint on the document outline. make outlet of that and change that constraint according to your need like on portrait or landscape you can calculate with logic. you might need to change the constraint according to the orientation change. follow
i know that will be great if all those stuff work only with some constraint but i found this way easier for me.

iOS Scroll View, Container View - auto layout issue

I'm using storyboards & auto layout. I have a Container View in a UIScrollView. The Container View allows me to layout a long (320, 1000) view in the storyboard. I set the content size of the UIScrollView to (320,1000).
I pinned the following constraints on the ContainerView to the ScrollView:
Width Equals: 320
Height Equals: 1,000
Top Space to: Superview
Align Center X to: Superview
Xcode insists on adding an additional Constraint. It adds a Bottom Space to: Superview Equals: -432. It will not let me delete this constraint! I'm not sure if this affects the issue below.
Everything works fine on the 4" screen of my iPhone 5 and Simulator.
My problem comes when I test it on the 3.5" screen in the Simulator & my iPhone4S. The scrolling content size becomes restricted to (320, 568), losing the bottom section of my ContainerView.
Can someone help me understand why this doesn't work on the 3.5" screens?
Received the answer from Apple Tech support. It still gives me an error in Xcode, but it functions on 3.5" screens now. Here's the answer:
I'm not sure why interface builder decided to relate the bottom of the container view to the bottom of the scroll view's content view minus 432. You can not remove this constraint because it is necessary for the layout to be fully defined [1]. However, if you promote that constraint to a user constraint, you can edit the constant value to zero. This will correct the issue where the bottom part of your content was being cutoff.
In Interface Builder:
1) Select the Container View
2) Switch to the Size inspector
3) Click the gear icon next to the "Bottom Space to: Superview; Equals: -432.0" constraint.
4) Choose Select and Edit from the menu.
5) Enter a value of zero in the constant field.
[1]: See the In Depth Explanation section of Technical Note 2154 for more information.
When you embed a view into a UIScrollView in InterfaceBuilder, then there's a constraint automatically set. If your view is "longer" than the screen in portrait, it wont scroll at all.
But if you rotate the screen, you'll notice the ability to scroll a little.
To get UIScrollView going in AutoLayout look into your constraints.
Find "Vertical Space - Scroll View - View" and set it from "constant" to "auto" - fixed everything for me.
