why jquery mobile pages are loading twice - jquery-mobile

I am using jquery mobile 1.4.2
The pages of our jquery mobile websites are loading twice.
When the scroll bar is at the bottom of the page then when i reload a frame the scroll bar is at the same position as it was before i reload a frame(withou JQM).
Here is jsfidlle without jquery mobile it works fine.
Here is a jsfidlle with jqm.
When the scroll bar is at the bottom of the page then when i reload a frame the scroll bar is not at the same position as it was before i reload a frame i mean its going up(with JQM).
I want this to work as a jsfiddle which works without jqm.


Angular material fullscreen layout broken by Google Sign-In button

I'm trying to use the Google Sign-In button in a fullscreen Angular Material layout (based on https://github.com/angular/material-start), but as soon as it renders, the page layout grows just slightly taller than full screen. For example you can scroll down just a little bit past the supposedly full-height side navigation and see its drop shadow.
What is the button doing to my layout, and how do I fix fullscreen layout while using the button?
This can be fixed by adding a style to the embedding page, to display: none the iframe, which is otherwise a 1-pixel affair shoved offscreen to the side. In my testing it still does its job when completely hidden.

Why does iPhone 6 automatically scroll down web page content 64px on page refresh?

On the iPhone 6 when I type in my site's domain in the address bar and hit enter/GO, everything loads fine and the page is displayed and scrolled all the way at the top (as expected). However, right afterwards, if I refresh the page by hitting the refresh button, whenever the page loads, it is automatically scrolled/offsetted 64px from the top (a scroll event is actually fired as well). This seems to be the same height as the address bar. Any ideas how to prevent this?

hide scrollbars when transitioning on android using jqm

im using Phonegap and jQuery mobile. ive got a standard page with tabs at the bottom as buttons. when i transition to a page the scrollbars appear at the bottom as the page slides in. can i hide the scrollbars when the page is sliding in?

prevent select menu to hide page in jquery mobile

Is there any way to stop selectmenu to hide active page if screen height is smaller as compare to height of custom selectmenu dropdown? i want to show consistent behavior
Thanks and regards

jQuery UI: Slider inside of a Tab?

I want my tab content area to have a vertical scrollbar to the right using the jQuery UI Slider API. The tab content area will have a fixed height, and the vertical overflow needs to cause a jQuery UI Slider to appear to scroll through the content.
The specific issue I'm having trouble with is how to structure the HTML and what to style each element with in CSS.
Why do you want to use slider as a scroll bar?
Normally, you should simply pick a scroll bar plugin and go with it, instead of trying to make a control to do what it is not designed for.
This page lists a few jQuery plugins for scoll bars. Here are a few of them:
jScrollPene (demo)
jQuery Custom Content Scroller (demo)
Tiny Scrollbar
But, if you insist using jQuery UI Slider, someone has already made this work, with a demo page.
