UIView not resizing correctly - ios

For some strange reason, every new UIViewController I add into my project is not resizing according to the screen.
As you can see here in Xcode I'm using Retina 3.5 Inch Full Screen and it's supposed to look like this.
But in the iPhone the lower part of the screen is not being shown. This is what I see in a real iPhone 4.
As you can see, the button in the inferior part of the screen is behind that white bar and I can't click it.
I've really tried everything and I don't know what I'm missing.
I'm also tagging Objective-C as this could be cross platform.

I fixed the issue thanks to Luca. I was using a component for a Menu Bar that made the screen not to resize properly to 3.5 inch. Removed it and now everything works.


Screens of an iPhone App have a fixed aspect ratio

I am adapting an iPad app (originally built on Objective C/Swift) for the iPhone.
I have removed all things from the UI, the only things left are:
Blue fill - the navigation bar
Red fill - the toolbar
The app appears to have the screen's aspect ratio somehow hard coded for the iPad. I am unable to make the app occupy the full screen using both the interface builder and directly editing the code of the UIViewController.
Doesn't work on iPhone X 11.4 and iPhone 5 9.3, works only on the iPad family.
The issue seems to be outside of the UIViewController or even the UINavigationController.
What project setting may be causing this issue?
iPhone is allowed in Xcode, Targeted Device Family is resolved as 1, 2 for the whole project
Requires full screen is checked for iPhone
The app on various iPhones:
Interface builder - all seems fine there:
Please check for launch images. You need to provide the all sizes of the launch image which are not provided.
You can also add missing sizes from the utilities bar.

Why is iOS simulator displaying blank screen when I rotate device?

Getting through some introductory swift and playing with Xcode and I basically just have a page with some color squares, background color etc. Doesn't do anything. Problem is when I compile the code it will run in simulator just fine and show everything perfect, BUT when I rotate the device, everything disappears and it only gives me a blank white screen. Rotating right or left does it. The only view that shows it is the original upright view (for all iPhone devices that I tested on through the simulator).
Xcode 6.1.1 and iOS Simulator 8.1 are being used on my MacBook Air with OSX 10.9.5.
In the App general page, I have already checked under Deployment info that Landscape Right and Left are both checked on. Storyboard is set on Any H and Any W.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong and it has been pretty difficult searching since I'm still new to iOS development I'm not sure I'm using the right words or whatever because I can't find an answer.
App displays properly in iOS Simulator, Portrait View but no other views work and will display blank white screen instead.
In order to see if your views are actually being drawn and just off screen as others have suggested capture the view hierarchy. Go to 'debug' in the menu, then in 'view debugging' click capture view hierarchy. This will pause your app and create a 3D representation of all view on your screen which you can move around by clicking and dragging.
Are your views actually being drawn? If yes are they drawing off screen? If yes then you need to fix your constraints.
It sounds like you haven't set your constraints appropriately. Try setting the top and leading constraints for each of your views to something less than 320 (should cover all device sizes). Fix your warnings, then try again. I believe the views are simply off the screen.
You don't have the correct auto-layout UIConstraints set in interface builder. Check the document outline view in interface builder and ensure that you have appropriate constraints set on each view.
Auto Layout issues occur when you create conflicting constraints, when you don’t provide enough constraints, or when the final layout contains a set of constraints that are ambiguous.
Check this Apple documentation out, it will show you step by step how to resolve your (common) issue.

Strange iPhone5 letterboxing

I have just installed Xcode 4.6.3 to test my OpenGL game (which was developed in Xcode 3) on Retina 4" simulator, and I have got two black bars on the screen's top and bottom.
I have added a Default-568h#2x.png image file with dimension of 640x1136 to my project, when I am testing on the iphone simulator, the Default image is displayed correctly with no bars at all, but once the game starts, the top bar is moved to the bottom of the screen, now I have a sum of two bars at the bottom and no bar at all at the top.
I have done some google search but it seems no one had the same problem before, I am getting this result on the iPhone simulator and have got no iphone5 to confirm this would happen in real device...
I would really appreciate someone could help on this.
Thank you.
I was having a similar problem and the solution I found was to stop using the asset catalog for the Launch Images. That allowed it to revert to using the properly named files it was looking for.

Fit an iOS application developed for 4 inch screen to 3.5 inch screen

I am writing my first iOS app and just realized a serious problem. I was using storyboard for a 4 inch iphone screen and forgot to take 3.5 inch screens into consideration. :( It seems that this could be relatively fixed easily if I have done everything in code. But unfortunately, I have used storyboard for some parts of my app. It seems that the table views are fit perfectly but the views with some fixed subviews fail. Could anyone please give me some suggestions on how to fix this? Any help is appreciated. Thank you very much!
This is exactly what auto layout exists for. You can create a UI, using storyboards, that works perfectly for both screen sizes. You can toggle a setting in the storyboard to have it display the two different screen sizes, so you can easily see how your views will move and resize. There is also a preview mode for the storyboard that lets you see how it will look. It also lets you see how it will look on both iOS 6 and iOS 7, so that you can make sure that your UI looks good on both assuming you still support iOS 6.
If you had done this in code, it would probably have been a whole lot more complicated, especially since you have to run it each time to see what changes when you adjust your code. Graphical layout tools such as Interface Builder (what allows you to view and edit storyboards and XIB files) make supporting multiple screen sizes very easy. Plus, generally it's not too hard to make a screen designed for a 4" screen work with a 3.5" screen, in some cases you just have to make things fit a little closer together, or perhaps have the content in a scroll view.

Simulator/device UI differs from storyboard

I am using Xcode 4.5.1 to create a very simple, single view iPhone app. I've laid out the view as you can see in the IB image. (UIViewController, UIView, UIButton, UITextView).
When I run the app in the simulator (or my phone) it looks like the second screen shot.
I don't understand why the simulator UI doesn't look like the one I created in IB.
What am I missing?
If you look you are using the iPhone 5 size layout in your storyboard file. To change the dimensions between iPhone 5 layout and the standard iPhone size
Click on the icon in the lower right hand corner of the storyboard:
Alternatively, if you want to see the layout in a iPhone 5 simulator. In the iOS simulator go to Hardware > Device > iPhone (Retina 4-inch). This is the iPhone 5 layout. However, if you do not have a retina displayed computer. The iPhone will look like a really big iPad.
It looks like you have an iPhone 5 sized layout in Xcode and a iphone 4 in simulator. Check the constraints on the dark grey vs bottom views and make sure that they'll resize how you want.
Hey so here is another method.
My Problem:
1.My Storyboard was showing a fat rectangle that didnt look anything like a iPhone. Then when I'd run the simulator all the element were cut off and not in the right position.
2.Simulator took up the whole screen.
1. Make sure you Storyboard is open and displayed, click on the frame so that it has a blue highlighted border. Then on the Utilities manager (on the right) click on "Show the Attributes menu". The very first item should be Simulated Metrics. Choose the size that best fits your screen/needs.
2.Follow Adjusting the XCode iPhone simulator scale and size I scaled it down to 33%
