How to add overview window on openstreet map - ruby-on-rails

I'd like to implement map quality tool,
i am using open street map and leaflet JavaScript for rendering map,
i want to implement overview window on bottom left corner of map like in Google map,
any one suggest me any solution from past experience ?
i am using this environment : ruby 2.0.0 and rails 4.1.0

You can start with this leaflet plugin MiniMap:
In my opinion, it is not as good as GoogleMap overview map and there are a few bugs.
However, it is a good start


How to find two anchor points in iOS8 for indoor map?

Hello every one i am trying to implement IOS8 new function indoor map from this link : Introduction
but unable to find right way to implement correct anchor points on map.
Is there any other steps which we have to follow for integration in the demo code or maybe someone know how to integrate indoor map function.

How to configure the zoom level in the Map?

I'm developing a BlackBerry 10 mobile application using the Momentics IDE (native SDK).
I want to display a map using the mapview qml element which seems that it belongs to the blackberry team (it's not a google map). [ Blackberry 10 mapview ]
All I want is to configure the zoom level like google do, but it looks like the blackberry map doesn't have any attribute which can guarantee that except the "altitude" element which can assign some sort of zoom .
Any one can help on this ?
The altitude property is indeed the one you use for zooming. The paradigm is "how much area is viewable from a given altitude?"
To zoom in and zoom out from the map uses the altitude property.
To create zoom in/out animation you can use a simple javascript function that manages the animation. (For example implementing Elastic or Circular animation. See the Blackberry Stock Curves documentation for more details).
Instead, if you want determinate the viewable area from a given altitude you should work with the map scale

Show particular area shaded in MapBox

I am using the MapBox iOS SDK for my project. Now I want to show shaded area in the Map for a particular area like any country, any continents etc. So how can I implement this feature.
Your suggestions and response will be helpful.
You can either do this client-side with something like RMShape or server-side by either shading things on the online editor or making a custom map to upload with TileMill. The Mapbox site has lots of documentation on doing these things.

What nice map can allow streets on top of polygons

I would like to use something like google, mapquest, bing, or openlayers to try and get something that looks like
where the major streets are unaffected by the polygon overlay.
Can someone point me in the right direction. From the google api documentation it would appear i cant get under the roads so... looking for some help.
You can do it with Google Maps by changing the order of the layers.
This is an API V2 example, but you can achieve the same result with the current version, which is V3.
We ended up using with background from open maps. Custom middle cache tiles from shape files stored in SQL, on top we have open street layer (or can use bing)

Phonegap IOS plugin

I need a plugin for phonegap that would make it possible to view the video with GPS coordinates and icons layered on top of the video. Sort of like AR. so when turning and moving around you'll pass the GPS coordinate once you're looking in its direction.
Is this possible?
If I understand the issue correctly this is a classic AR with an embed video between the reality background and the markers. As far as I know there is no phonegap plugin at the moment that covers your specific needs, you can see a list of existing phonegap plugins here: github phonegap plugins. How ever you can make your own plugin for your purpose. I would take a look to and consider embedding it as a project library. See also if the pricing fits with your project.
Another approach could be to get rid of the plugin and just process the GPS and accelerometer information on your own, but the data processing looks quite more complex.
