How to push entire view in iOS including navigation bar and toolbar - ios

I have 3 views connected together via a navigation controller. The middle view (#2) has special styling in that the navigation bar and toolbar are completely white to blend in with the white background.
When swiping to/from view 2 the navigation and toolbar transition is animated (as is the default) to slowly fade in the buttons and styling of the view being pushed/popped i.e. the navigation bar and toolbar remain visible during the transition.
This ends up not looking to great because of the white navigation bar and toolbar of view 2.
What I would like to achieve instead is to have each view pushed/popped in entirety i.e. including its navigation bar and toolbar. In other words, instead of the navigation bar and toolbar to persist during the transition, I would like them to slide in/out with the view they are part of.
I have attached screenshots of the 2 variants.
Would it be best to scrap the navigation controller and set up each view with its own navigation bar and toolbar? Or can this be achieved easily for my current setup.
It would be great if someone could point me in the right direction.
This is from the Apple Remote app showing the effect I would like to create.
This is from the Apple Mail app showing the default transition effect.

Use custom transitions between view controllers will give you a better effect than animating UIView's, though you can add physics behaviors to UIView objects to make it more interesting.
Apple uses interactive custom transitions (just look that up) for its own apps. Here is a good article about that too:

Create your view with the desired screen with navigation bar & tollbar.
On the action bring the view 2 or remove with the animation your want using view animation.
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.2
animations:^{set your fram(0,0,320,480/568) or (320,0,320,480/568)}
completion:^(BOOL finished){
You can add the view to keywindow.
Hope this will help you.

Why don't you simply use the hidesBottomBarWhenPushed property over the destination view controller?
// hide the bottom tabbar when we push this view controller
destinationViewController.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES;


IOS Custom View or Navigation Bar Controller

I am new to IOS Swift development. I have a navigation bar design which includes, increasing the height (thus increased text size with custom colors), custom UIButton for closing (instead of the usual back button)
and title at the left side (instead of center)
Basically a lot of customization to do. My question is, is it okay to do a custom UIView to act as a navigation bar or should I push through with a NavigationController and just customize it via code?
Thank you.
First of all the navigation bar offer the push navigation through different view controllers in a smarter way, it stacking all the view controllers pushed and it offers some useful features; for example pushing another view controller from storyboard you don't have the need to set the back button and you can come back to the main controller in a simple way.
You can set a custom image for left/right button, set custom fonts and also change the height without big problems; I suggest to keep the navigation bar and evaluate, you should discover in a short time if a nav bar is enough for your needs.

Transitioning between transparent navigation bar to translucent

In Apple's recently released Remote app I noticed the way in which the navigation bar behaves is unique and I haven't been able reproduce it. When popping the Now Playing view controller the navigation bar remains transparent for the Now Playing view controller and the navigation bar for the library view controller also stays translucent (Screenshot 1). I'm trying to figure out if they are using two navigation controllers or only one. Personally I feel they're using just one for two reasons (1) the interactive pop gesture is enabled; (2) when you press the 'Now Playing' button in the library view controller, just before the now playing screen has finished 'push view controller' animation the navigation bar becomes transparent (Screenshot 2). This is the behaviour I experience when pushing my view controller (which sets the navigation bar to transparent). So my question is: How does Apple present both navigation bars of the two view controllers as if they were individual (as with Screenshot 1), even the bar buttons, navigation title etc... are 100% in opacity when switching (usually when pushing/popping the buttons and titles of the previous view controller fade as the new controller is being pushed). I've tried playing around with the bar tint colour in viewDidAppear and viewWillAppear in both view controllers but cannot reproduce the same behaviour, and cannot prevent the bar buttons from fading.
Gosh I hope I've explained this well, I get confused just thinking about it!
Screenshot 1 (Popping):
Screenshot 2 (Pushing):
I just downloaded the application to make sure. Two different navigation bars are used. You can see this by using the interactive pop gesture. Notice how the navigation bar on the bottom view controller slides in and out. During normal push and pop transitions, the navigation items just fade in and out on the existing bar, while the bar is stationary. This is what happens up until the point where the now playing view controller is pushed.
If you look quickly, during the now playing view controller animation, you can see the bottom navigation bar disappear.
From my experience with UIKit behavior and what I see in the app, here is what I think happens:
album_vc = the bottom, list view controller
nowplaying_vc = the top view controller
On nowplaying_vc's viewWillAppear:
Set the navigation bar to hidden using [self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:YES animated:YES];. Since this is in animation block, this will make the navigation bar slide out during the push animation.
Set [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyleLightContent; Pretty sure about this, because notice there is no animation in the transition of the status bar styles. It just becomes white.
On nowplaying_vc's viewWillDisappear:
Set the navigation bar to shown using [self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:NO animated:YES];. Since this is in animation block, this will make the navigation bar slide in during the pop animation.
Set [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyleDefault; Again, notice how during interactive pop gesture, the status bar just changes with no animation.
To achieve the transparent look of the navigation bar of nowplaying_vc, you can use an empty image ([UIImage alloc]) with setBackgroundImage:forBarPosition:barMetrics:.
Since the application does not rotate, we can't be sure if the navigation bar on nowplaying_vc is part of another navigation controller or just a navigation bar on the top with a position of UIBarPositionTopAttached. For all we know, there isn't even a navigation bar there but just a back chevron image view (back bar button is comprised of an image view and a button).
I think the status bar style is changed in viewWillAppear: and viewWillDisappear: due to the unnatural feel there is during interactive pop gesture. I would recommend using an animated transition, or even better, use the new view controller-based status bar style, which the system animates transitions by itself.
Update for modern API:
You should use the animateAlongsideTransition:completion: or animateAlongsideTransitionInView:animation:completion: API, rather than relying on the implicit animations of viewWillAppear: and viewWillDisappear:.
Instead of hiding and showing the navigation bar, you can update the alpha for the navigation bar. It will animate smoothly during the transition. For the view controller with transparent nav bar, instead of modifying the nav bar, create a navbar (or just the back button and title etc.) manually in the second controller's view. We will then hide the navbar when transitioning from first view controller to the second one.
On your first controller's viewWillDisappear and on your second view controller's viewWillAppear:, set the navigation bar alpha to zero using self.navigationController.navigationBar.alpha = 0;. Since this is in animation block, this will make the navigation bar disappear during the push animation.
Set the alpha back to one in first controller's viewWillAppear and second controller viewWillDisappear.

How to fade whole screen

I am presenting a temporary view on top of my view controller when a user does some action.
I want it to fade the screen - including the navigation bar, like UIActionSheet does.
I am presenting the view via the root view controller of the navigation controller, so my only problem is to fade also the navigation bar and not allow touches on it.
How can I do that?
You can add a semi-transparent view on the whole UIWindow and it'll look just as you described it. You'd probably want to add your temporary view there, too, because all actions will be blocked by the semi-transparent view.

Slide viewController in navigation controller

I'd like to use a slide up / down effect to display various viewControllers inside a navigation controller. A few other apps do this like square, and every day. Basically when the app loads, I want to display a base view in the navigation controller. Then slide up another view controller over top of it. When then hit a button in the nav bar, I want to slide that down and show the base controller, all the while retaining the navigation bar, and changing up nav items.
Originally I tried to make this work by showing a modal but that requires using a new nav bar.
Has anyone done this, or knows of a good example that illustrates this UI pattern? Thank you!
You could have UIViews in a UIScrollView

Custom navigation controller and navigation bar?

I am well aware of how to implement my own drawing of a navigation bar. What I want to active is something similar to the Jetsetter iPhone application. Which has a very nice animation when swapping between view controllers (in a similar way you would push/pop view controllers in a UINavigationController stack).
Would this require a complete rewrite of the UINavigationController or could I somehow just override some vital parts?
I would be great full for any information right now.
In my opinion, they hide the navigation bar and roll their own view.
Please check this link.
On some views they are not using a navigation bar, they are just creating a simple view and adding buttons for popping and pushing, but on some views, they change the navigation bar background and initialize the backbarbutton and forward button items and title with their own views and then add gestures recognizers to these, its very simple.
