How to fade whole screen - ios

I am presenting a temporary view on top of my view controller when a user does some action.
I want it to fade the screen - including the navigation bar, like UIActionSheet does.
I am presenting the view via the root view controller of the navigation controller, so my only problem is to fade also the navigation bar and not allow touches on it.
How can I do that?

You can add a semi-transparent view on the whole UIWindow and it'll look just as you described it. You'd probably want to add your temporary view there, too, because all actions will be blocked by the semi-transparent view.


View Controller Transparent Background

How can I create a view controller with a transparent background that overlays another view controller where the bottom view controller is still visible in iOS 9? The way that works in iOS 8 no longer works.
First you can set overlaid view controller's background colour as clear colour.
You can use presentViewController method to overlay new view controller.
This from apple docs
When presenting a view controller using the UIModalPresentationFullScreen style, UIKit normally removes the views of the underlying view controller after the transition animations finish. You can prevent the removal of those views by specifying the UIModalPresentationOverFullScreen style instead.
So you can set overlaid view controller's modalPresentationStyle to UIModalPresentationOverFullScreen
I also hope this may be help
When using one of the full-screen presentation styles, the view controller that initiates the presentation must itself cover the entire screen. If the presenting view controller does not cover the screen, UIKit walks up the view controller hierarchy until it finds one that does. If it can’t find an intermediate view controller that fills the screen, UIKit uses the root view controller of the window.
To solve this problem you just have to change the Alpha information of your View. To get this view on top of others, change the Transition Style of the ViewController.
FYI: The syntax is now:
childVC.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.OverFullScreen

Unable to set a dim background to a modal view

I'm developing an app targeting iOS 7 and above. I'd like to present modally a view with a dim background that partially shows the previous view below. I've read several posts dealing with this scenario, and I did:
Created a view controller scene in storyboard and set a modal segue to navigate to it.
Set the Presentation value of that modal segue to Current Context.
Set the view controller's view background color to clear color.
Added a full-screen view above the parent view, with black color background and 50% opacity.
Transition to the modal view is default and animated. While the animation, I see the view being presented as semi-transparent, but once the transition animation ends and view finally occupies the full screen, the view becomes opaque black.
What I'm doing wrong? How could I solve this?
As #luk2302 said, when you present a view controller modally, iOS removes the view controllers underneath it from the view hierarchy so is nothing underneath it except the app window, which is black. Anyway, iOS 7 has a new modal presentation style, UIModalPresentationCustom, that forces iOS not to remove the views underneath the presented view controller. But you must provide your own transition delegate to handle the presentation and dismiss animations
Check this link how to implement custom transition delegate.

How to push entire view in iOS including navigation bar and toolbar

I have 3 views connected together via a navigation controller. The middle view (#2) has special styling in that the navigation bar and toolbar are completely white to blend in with the white background.
When swiping to/from view 2 the navigation and toolbar transition is animated (as is the default) to slowly fade in the buttons and styling of the view being pushed/popped i.e. the navigation bar and toolbar remain visible during the transition.
This ends up not looking to great because of the white navigation bar and toolbar of view 2.
What I would like to achieve instead is to have each view pushed/popped in entirety i.e. including its navigation bar and toolbar. In other words, instead of the navigation bar and toolbar to persist during the transition, I would like them to slide in/out with the view they are part of.
I have attached screenshots of the 2 variants.
Would it be best to scrap the navigation controller and set up each view with its own navigation bar and toolbar? Or can this be achieved easily for my current setup.
It would be great if someone could point me in the right direction.
This is from the Apple Remote app showing the effect I would like to create.
This is from the Apple Mail app showing the default transition effect.
Use custom transitions between view controllers will give you a better effect than animating UIView's, though you can add physics behaviors to UIView objects to make it more interesting.
Apple uses interactive custom transitions (just look that up) for its own apps. Here is a good article about that too:
Create your view with the desired screen with navigation bar & tollbar.
On the action bring the view 2 or remove with the animation your want using view animation.
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.2
animations:^{set your fram(0,0,320,480/568) or (320,0,320,480/568)}
completion:^(BOOL finished){
You can add the view to keywindow.
Hope this will help you.
Why don't you simply use the hidesBottomBarWhenPushed property over the destination view controller?
// hide the bottom tabbar when we push this view controller
destinationViewController.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES;

Show UITabBar while presenting a modal view

When a user taps on a UITabBar item, I would like to present a view controller modally, but I would also like the UITabBar to remain visible. When the user is finished with the modal view controller I want to dismiss it modally. Basically, I want to show one view controller on top of another and dismiss the top view controller with a modal animation, while keeping the UITabBar visible. I am thinking I have to do some sort of custom animation, but I cannot figure out how to make that work.
Anyone know how to do this for iOS 6 and iOS 7?
Modal segues coverup the previous navigation controller stack, so any existing tab, navigation, and tool bar controllers will no longer accessible. You'll either need to use a push segue to retain the existing tab bar, or add a new tab bar controller to the modal view.

Using iOS 6 autolayout, what would be the proper way to display somthing above an UINavigationController?

In my app, i have a main view controller which sometimes brings a modal view on top of it. This modal view is a UINavigationController with a navigation bar. I want to display an image above the navigation bar, and have the navigation bar appear below the image.
I do not want to subclass anything and the app uses autolayout, i do not want a bunch of delegate callbacks and frame calculations. The view inside the navigation controller (the actual modal content) must still respond to different screen sizes correctly, such as rotation, call status bar etc. Also, no IB solutions please, these views are all managed in code.
How do i accomplish this?
I would turn off AutoLayout and place the image at the top
I don't think you can do it with your modal view being a navigation controller. I would do it by making that modal controller a UIViewController that you set up as a custom container controller. You can add an image view to the top of this controller's view and add the view of a child view controller (which would be a navigation controller) to the bottom. This would be a lot easier to do in a storyboard using container views, but it certainly can be done in code.
