Is there any standard combo box element that I can use in the interface builder of Xcode - ios

Is there any standard combo box element that I can use in the interface builder of Xcode? Or should I use picker view in this case?
Thanks in advance.

Use picker view as it is a standard control and do the same functionality of combo box.iPhone users are more user friendly with PickerView instead of combo box.You can see in all standard application picker view is used instead of combo box.So picker view is more relevant and user friendly to use.


Is there a specific component that works with Swift 3 to represent a "ComboBox / Spinner"?

I'm starting to work with Swift 3 and I'm having difficult to find a "easy" solution to create a "ComboBox/Spinner".
I saw some alternatives like using PickerView and Collapse TableView, but It seems to be a solutions to make these components to looks like a ComboBox, It's a adaptation, but It's not a "real comboBox".
I would like to know If there's a component that works with Swift 3 that really represents a ComboBox/Spinner.
Thank you.
As Eric says in his comment, controls aren't defined in Swift, they're defined in the OS frameworks.
iOS does not have a combo box. That's a Windows thing. The standard system component for picking items from a list is a UIPickerView. I've implemented a custom control that's rather like a combox box before, and you may be able to find a 3rd party control that does what you want.
Don't know if this is the kind of combobox system you are looking for:
If so you could create a custom button which looks like a combobox. Then if not selected you have an image of a not selected combobox and when someone selects the button change it to the image of a selected combobox.
You create an array, add the amount of custom buttons to the array as you want, you give each button the same selector. Then when someone selects an item, deselect another button if there is one selected and select the button the user did press.
I hope this helps you.

Style a firemonkey combobox component

Trying to get a new style on a ComboBox in FireMonkey (XE2).
But for some odd reason I cannot get the text of a ListBoxItem to show.
What I've tried is the following.
Create a new FireMonkey HD Application.
On the form I've added a ComboBox.
Right click on the ComboBox and select 'Edit custom style'
There I've added the following components
while the original one consist out of the following components
Now it seems to me that I need the TContent object (but I can't seem to find it in the toolpallete)
How can i bind my Text object to the strings that are placed in my ComboBox?
Any pointers are very welcome.
FireMonkey doesn't use a TText object to display the text. Instead it creates a copy of the list box item within the TContent (if I remember correctly).
As you've worked out you need to add a TContent to your form. The easy way to do this is to
go back to the form,
right click and select View as Text
Find the TStyleBook object and add a TContent at the appropriate point (the format for this should be obvious from the rest of the file).
No need to add any properties - defaults will be used the first time.
Right click, View as Form.
Go back into the style editor and edit away.

Where is the combobox object in interface builder?

I just updated to Xcode 5.0.2 and in interface builder on the lower right corner where I can drag and drop objects I don't see combobox any more. I tried using the search field below and typed combobox, NSCombobox, but nothing.
Using a UIPickerView will probably get you far
It's easy to make a ComboBox lookalike. It consists of only three parts in InterfaceBuilder xib:
A Label for holding the selected choice. I've made it with a white background to look like an input field.
A graphic Button with an arrow
A ListView
The ListView is normally invisible (setHidden:TRUE) and is placed over other items in this xib.
A tap on the Button makes the ListView visible (setHidden:FALSE).
At selection, didSelectRowAtIndexPath writes the selected string to the label and set ListView hidden.
Combo boxes are available only for Mac projects, not iOS projects, so you're getting the expected behavior. If you create a Cocoa application project and type combo in the object library's search field, the combo box and combo box cell objects should appear in the object library.
I'm surprised you were able to access a combo box in earlier versions of Xcode. I don't remember combo boxes ever being available in iOS projects.
I also needed a HTML select-like control (single-selection dropdown list) without breaking the XCode legacy GUI interface across past and future iOS releases.
I ended up coding DownPicker, a lightweight control which does just that combining UITextField and UIPickerView. It can be used either as custom control (UIDownPicker) or also as control wrapper, upgrading any existing UITextField.
Here's how it looks like:
For more info and download you can check this brief tutorial or the GitHub project page (both made by me - the project is open-source).

How i can show the customize dialog for a TActionMainMenuBar component?

I had a TActionMainMenuBar in a form and I want to customize the preferences in runtime, is possible show the same dialog displayed in desgin time, but in runtime?
You can use the TCustomizeDlg component
Drop the TCustomizeDlg component to your form
Set the ActionManeger property value to your ActionManager component
Call the Show method of the TCustomizeDlg component
or Also you can add a TCustomizeActionBars standard action to your Menu.

How to make ComboBox drop-down button invisible in Delphi?

Is there some easy way to customize a ComboBox from Delphi to make the dropdown button with the arrow invisible? I mean without a lot of custom-draw code.. Maybe there is some control specific windows flag to set.
If I understand you correctly, you want all the functionality of the cxDBLookupComboBox, just not the button.
Try this in the FormCreate:
You can access other combo box buttons properties via non-published Buttons property just like that.
