Duolingo-like interface in iOS - ios

I am a beginner to Swift and UIKit. I am building an iOS app for a school project and I want one of its views to contain a few words displayed like the words in Duolingo lessons are: example here
How can I do that?

It seems that the number of the buttons is changing.
and also, the button's size is changing with title.
So I recommend you learning UICollectionView.(https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uicollectionview).


Which Controls do I have to choose in iOS development

an iOS app page, which descirbes some item's detail
This is kind of what I want to make
This is exact what I want
Actually I am not an iOS developer.
But a member of our team lacks of knowledge of consisting of iOS app Page(Scene)
I think he usually use table view all the time. which I guess he can't handle very well.
He always struggle about height of UITableView in dynamic pages.
As you see in the picture, page has two views, which I don't know how to call it.
If round button on the right side of a woman is pressed those two views switches.
I guess it's kind of "TAB".
Is it normal that using UITableView in this kind of page. or Which is best practise?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my english.
The first image can be made using a UITableView or UICollectionView(UITableView will do the job with lesser hassle). For second image, you'd wanna use a segmented control.
The third can be built using UICollectionView, however, there are plenty of third party libraries out there on github for the same and you might wanna check them out.
Last but not the least, have some faith in your developer. He seems to be a newbie if he's facing troubles with tableviews but believe me, we've all been there some day.Encourage him to ask questions on various communities. If he's curious enough, he'll be just fine after a while.

Xamarin iOS project need suggestion

I am developing a survey app using Xamarin and Mvvmcross. Can some one help with suggesting a way to build a View to display questionnaire. These questionnaire will be supplying from my View Model as a List of question with Question Text, Answer options. Based on a flag I need to prompt the questionnaire with input type as drop down or Text boxes. Number of questions can be vary.
In Android I achieved it using MvxGridView and Layout templates. But not sure how to do it in iOS.
You could look up UITableView or UICollectionView and UITextFields and UIPickerView
Wellcome to Xamarin, about your question you can just take look the code I wrote for others, it's a tableview include custom cell to display images, you can just modify the MyTableCell.cs class to display anything you want.
Custom cell tableview(Xamarin.iOS)
If you still need some help, just leave it here, I will check latter.
Hope it can help you.

Does tvOS have any UIViewController subclasses I can use instead of replicating standard functionality?

I've started developing for tvOS recently, and discovered that while TVML isn't ideal for our use case, we'd still like to display a number of screens that display the same types of content as I've seen in existing Apple apps, and which I know can be created with TVML.
As an example, I want to display a page of terms, the same way that the Apple TV displays information as a scrollable page of text.
I could do this custom, where I place my own textView on a UIViewController, and setup the width and positioning myself. But it's scenarios like this, where I'm wondering if there's some already existing standard control for it, such as a UIViewController subclass already setup for displaying Terms? Is there a set of these I could be looking at?
UIAlertController should solve what you're looking for. You configure the text, buttons, and then present it.
More info in the docs:

How to do something like this in Xcode

I developed my app for Android and now I'm trying to do it for IOS. I haven't been able to do this http://oi58.tinypic.com/fon3gp.jpg in Xcode. In Android I used linear and relative layouts to accomplish this. What can I use in Xcode to do something similar? Labels? Text view? Table view?
The page in the link above consists of 1 background, 1 logo, 1 button and one text per pharmacy.
You should be using a UITableView. There are a plenty of tutorials available for you.
Check these :

iOS 7 Transition - XCode 5 - Interface Builder - Three20

I've currently an App (with a lot of View Controllers, ...) what uses the "discontinued" Facebook three20 Library and any storyboard, xib file.
Now I need to update this App, the Deployment Target will be iOS 7 and I have to build it with XCode 5.
So my questions:
Is using the Storyboard a good Idea? Would you suggest me to recreate all View Controllers in the Interface Builder?
Another question: when adding a Label Programmatically using iOS 7 feature
self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeAll;
how do I set the Frame for this Element? Need I determine if I am in Landscape, Portrait and Add the 20+44 for example manually to the y-Axis to start under the NavBar or are there better ways to solve this problem?
Storyboards are good, and you should absolutely use them in any future app you make. Whether or not you should rebuild a current app to use storyboards is a question of how big the app currently is, how much bigger it might get, how much longer you'll support it, etc.
If the app is already pretty massive and it won't necessarily grow much at all from here, it's probably not worth the effort to convert over to storyboards.
If the app is only a handful of view controllers, but you have big future plans for it, I'd take the time to convert it over to storyboards so that all the future development will go faster/easier.
I don't deny storyboards but I respect the custom view approach. It means I am creating my each & every component programmatically via code, be it a UILabel or a UITableView. Aligning code with ios7 specific requirements can also be handelled & controlled at granular level using custom View approach.
To your questions about setting frames for the element or detecting device orientation can very well be detected & adopted by writing code.
You can search more help as the information is available all around on programming aspects of iOS.
