Need a good starting point for twilio on Phonegap - ios

I've looked at a few approaches to using Twilio with Phonegap and I'm wondering what everyone else would suggest and if anyone's already gone down this path.
I've got a few options, and I'd like to keep it so that I don't have to talk to a backend to send me a token.
Old iOS Twilio plugin - This was written for version 2.9 of cordova and looks like it would need some work to be function on 3.0+.
JWT - some learning curve here, and I don't know what Twilio would be expecting to see on the opposite side from a token that I create.
iOS SDK - totally drop 2 months of work and rewrite everything native.
Fail on making it phone only, put up a backend and send everything off to a server to make all the calls and send texts
Has anyone else tried to work with Twilio on Phonegap 3.0+ ?

Twilio evangelist here.
Friend of Twilio Jeff Linwood has a Phonegap plugin for Twilio Client.
Not sure if its been updated for the newly release 1.2 version yet, but its a good starting point.
Hope that helps.


Does Twilio stop supporting LINE in the twilio channel?

I'm new here, trying to integrate twilio and LINE app, but find out that the LINE app just disappeared from Twilio channel in the console.
I read some articles on the internet about how to integrate twilio and LINE and they mentioned Twilie channel, I guess that is not the right way to do it now ?
what I'm trying to do is let an agent to communicate with an user by sending LINE messages just like two normal people would do in life, just not private account but an official LINE channel.
Can anyone give me any advice about integrating twilio and LINE, any help will be appreciated !!
Twilio does not currently support LINE. There was some support in the past, but the integration has been closed down for now.

Dynamic voice prompts in Twilio Studio

I'm the president, chief bottle washer and IT guy at a small non-profit. We've been using OpenVBX for years for our IVR, but due to Twilio's lack of support for OpenVBX, and the need to keep PHP current, I decided to recreate our IVR using Twilio Studio. I got that done yesterday, but it utilizes computerized voices for all of the prompts.
Using OpenVBX, you could have the system dial a phone and have someone record the message for each prompt, but there's no such capability (that I know of) with Studio. How do I replicate that functionality or how do others' build a system where you can easily update the voice prompts without having to edit the Studio script?
Thanks, Geoff
Twilio developer evangelist here.
There isn't an API for updating Studio Flows, so you couldn't completely automate this process to replace the voice prompts.
One idea I had was that if you get the recording you could store it in Twilio Assets and then add the URL to the Say/Play widget. Then, when you update the recording, upload it again with the same URL. I'm unsure how long Studio will cache audio files of recordings, but it might make it possible to update the recordings without altering the Flow itself.
Let me know if that helps at all.

How to receive incoming call with TwilioXamarinBindings Twilio.Voice.iOS

I'm new to Twilio and expected there to be a Xamarin SDK for iOS and Android but apparently there isn't. I have been working with for native libraries but cannot seem to find any help with getting an incoming (to the iOS/Android app) call. I'm not sure if there's a tutorial somewhere explaining exactly how to route the call to a specific device but I can't see it....
So, can somebody explain the procedure, do I need Apple APN and if so how is it acheived in Xamarin Forms?
I haven't found anything for incoming calls to Xamarin apps via VOIP but all outgoing is fine.
Twilio evangelist here.
I'm not familiar with those bindings but looking at the sample application that is included in the repo it looks like in iOS there is a method called AcceptWithDelegate that you call to accept an incoming Twilio Voice call.
The binding source appears to map this to the iOS SDK's acceptWithDelegate function:
Hope that helps.

Are there any good Twilio iOS VOIP Client tutorials besides the ones provided by Twilio?

I'm trying to set up VOIP calling on iOS via the Twilio Client but struggling to set up the audio correctly. I've followed all of Twilio's tutorials and am able to connect calls but unable to hear audio. Are there any third-party tutorials that might help?
unfortunately there is no tutorial for twillio like newboston or raywenderlich
you may start from here
Use github example projects and their documentations in order to understand

Twilio Client for android has no audio

I'm trying out the Twilio Android Quickstart, and I've gotten to the end of the Making an outgoing call section, but for some reason. I'm not getting audio.
I'm able to see that the requests are going out to Twilio appropriately, because Twilio is accessing my app's voice request url. After a few seconds, I can see in LogCat that the Connection disconnected successfully.
I have a Nexus 4, and a Nexus 7 that I've been trying this out on, as well as the Android Emulator with similar results.
I tried the WebRTC Client in the browser, and my endpoint seems to work fine, so I'm running a little short on ideas.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I contacted Twilio support about this issue, and it appears that outgoing calls using their API do no work correctly when it's still in the Trial account.
Twilio support moved my account up to a full account, and the problems went away.
