Does Twilio stop supporting LINE in the twilio channel? - twilio

I'm new here, trying to integrate twilio and LINE app, but find out that the LINE app just disappeared from Twilio channel in the console.
I read some articles on the internet about how to integrate twilio and LINE and they mentioned Twilie channel, I guess that is not the right way to do it now ?
what I'm trying to do is let an agent to communicate with an user by sending LINE messages just like two normal people would do in life, just not private account but an official LINE channel.
Can anyone give me any advice about integrating twilio and LINE, any help will be appreciated !!

Twilio does not currently support LINE. There was some support in the past, but the integration has been closed down for now.


Is there a way to transfer phone numbers from within Twilio?

I'm trying to move the phone numbers in my master account to my subaccounts from within my Twilio dashboard. Is that possible? I've seen code for this using PHP or Python, but I don't have a software program to use this solution. We just work from within Twilio for this service.
As far as I know you can not transfer phone numbers within Twilio dashboard.
Using cURL you can do it from a command line.
Check my answer here: How to transfer phone number from master account to subaccount
As an alternative, you could use Twilio CLI.
Check the examples here:

Sending voicemail to group of numbers?

I am just exploring voicemail at Twilio, and I thought that I can ask a related question here.
How would I send a voicemail to a group of numbers (as an effort of voice based marketing campaign)? what APIs will I need? and is there any related docs about it?
Shall we send an audio file? Or can we create the voice on Android or iPhone and send it using Android SDK or iPhone SDK?
Twilio Developer Evangelist here.
You can call those numbers and play an audio file using the Play verb. To call a number, you can use our REST API. Here's documentation on how to do that in multiple programming languages.
Hope this helps you out, but come back here if you have any more questions.

how many days required to process request to enable Twilio numbers for WhatsApp

We are working with Twilio WhatsApp APIs in a sandbox environment. To start using the Twilio API for WhatsApp in production, need to enable Twilio numbers for WhatsApp.
On this URL Twilio give form to request
But there is no fixed number of days specified for completion of this request.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
There is no fixed number of days specified because the process is out of our hands and entirely under the control of WhatsApp at this stage. They are controlling the rollout of their API.
We made the Twilio Sandbox for WhatsApp available so that you could start building before WhatsApp complete their process, hopefully it helps. All you can do then is wait for WhatsApp
The only other thing I can suggest is to get in touch with sales to describe your use case and potential usage to see what they can suggest in the meantime.

How to Make twilio voice call from IOS using in C#

I have developed a small application using twilio api to make call to any phone number from my twilio number. After dialing call is establishing and a specific audio clip is playing in mobile end. But I am not getting any real voice in any side of the call. Please help me or give me some information regarding how can i get voice in voice call using twilio api. Can anyone tell me the full sceneriyo that how can i make a call from IOS app to any phone numebr. Thanks, Amit
Twilio developer evangelist here.
To make calls from an iOS application you need the Twilio Programmable Voice SDK. There is a quickstart application you can run and look at to see how it all fits together. Check out the rest of the documentation for more information.

Need a good starting point for twilio on Phonegap

I've looked at a few approaches to using Twilio with Phonegap and I'm wondering what everyone else would suggest and if anyone's already gone down this path.
I've got a few options, and I'd like to keep it so that I don't have to talk to a backend to send me a token.
Old iOS Twilio plugin - This was written for version 2.9 of cordova and looks like it would need some work to be function on 3.0+.
JWT - some learning curve here, and I don't know what Twilio would be expecting to see on the opposite side from a token that I create.
iOS SDK - totally drop 2 months of work and rewrite everything native.
Fail on making it phone only, put up a backend and send everything off to a server to make all the calls and send texts
Has anyone else tried to work with Twilio on Phonegap 3.0+ ?
Twilio evangelist here.
Friend of Twilio Jeff Linwood has a Phonegap plugin for Twilio Client.
Not sure if its been updated for the newly release 1.2 version yet, but its a good starting point.
Hope that helps.
