Selecting individual processes using top on jailbroken iphone 5 - ios

So I need to print out an individual iphone app's memory usage for a soak test. It would help greatly if there was a stored log monitoring usage against time (ran periodically within the automated test).
To do this I've jailbroken the iPhone and installed mobile terminal. My plan was to use top -p to filter out the rest of the processes and then pipe out the output to a log file. Then the data could be reclaimed at a later date and analysed.
Unfortunately, when I run for PID 616:
top -p 616
then all I get is 616 printed off multiple times:
Processes: 77 total, 1 running, 5 stuck, 71 sleeping... 335 threads 02:38:09
Load Avg: 1.23, 0.93, 0.90 CPU usage: 3.33% user, 0.00% sys, 96.67% idle
SharedLibs: num = 0, resident = 0 code, 0 data, 0 linkedit.
MemRegions: num = 0, resident = 0 + 0 private, 0 shared.
PhysMem: 108M wired, 152M active, 39M inactive, 497M used, 519M free.
VM: 28G + 0 904390(0) pageins, 32065(0) pageouts
I've looked around, and it seems that the flags on the top for iphone are slightly different but I can't find a specific description. Can anyone show me how to print out the data just for one process?

If you want to find out the proper command line switches for top, or anything else, try something like this:
>> top --help
You will see, however, that the PID (-p) switch isn't supported in the version for jailbroken iOS.
However, if you use this:
>> top -l 2 | grep 616
It should give you what you need (in the second line of output). The -l switch gives you N samples. You need at least 2, because top calculates CPU% as a delta between samples, so with only 1 sample, it will always be 0%. If you only need memory usage, though, you can probably use:
>> top -l 1 | grep 616
Using just top | grep 616 doesn't work, because it runs continuously. You probably just want a single value, and then should let top exit.
Note: you'll probably need to install grep from Cydia, also. Just search for grep. It's a package published by Saurik.
Warning: because you're using grep to search for the right PID, you may need to have your code that parses the log file validate its log input. The right output will be in the file, but if the numeric PID matches any other lines, also, you'll get additional data. For example, if the PID you search for also happens to be the number of MB of memory used by another process, you'll get additional lines of output. The first column in your file, however, will always be the PID.


"no next heap size found: 18446744071789822643, offset 0"

I've written a simulator, which is distributed over two hosts. When I launch a few thousand processes, after about 10 minutes and half a million events written, my main Erlang (OTP v22) virtual machine crashes with this message:
no next heap size found: 18446744071789822643, offset 0.
It's always that same number - 18446744071789822643.
Because my server is very capable, the crash dump is also huge and I can't view it on my headless server (no WX installed).
Are there any tips on what I can look at?
What would be the first things I can try out to debug this issue?
First, see what memory() says:
> memory().
Check which one is growing - processes, binary, ets?
If it's processes, try typing i(). in the Erlang shell while the processes are running. You'll see something like:
Pid Initial Call Heap Reds Msgs
Registered Current Function Stack
<0.0.0> otp_ring0:start/2 233 1263 0
init init:loop/1 2
<0.1.0> erts_code_purger:start/0 233 44 0
erts_code_purger erts_code_purger:wait_for_request 0
<0.2.0> erts_literal_area_collector:start 233 9 0
erts_literal_area_collector:msg_l 5
<0.3.0> erts_dirty_process_signal_handler 233 128 0
erts_dirty_process_signal_handler 2
<0.4.0> erts_dirty_process_signal_handler 233 9 0
erts_dirty_process_signal_handler 2
<0.5.0> erts_dirty_process_signal_handler 233 9 0
erts_dirty_process_signal_handler 2
<0.8.0> erlang:apply/2 6772 238183 0
erl_prim_loader erl_prim_loader:loop/3 5
Look for a process with a very big heap, and that's where you'd start looking for a memory leak.
(If you weren't running headless, I'd suggest starting Observer with observer:start(), and look at what's happening in the Erlang node.)

How to debug leak in native memory on JVM?

We have a java application running on Mule. We have the XMX value configured for 6144M, but are routinely seeing the overall memory usage climb and climb. It was getting close to 20 GB the other day before we proactively restarted it.
Thu Jun 30 03:05:57 CDT 2016
top - 03:05:58 up 149 days, 6:19, 0 users, load average: 0.04, 0.04, 0.00
Tasks: 164 total, 1 running, 163 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 4.2%us, 1.7%sy, 0.0%ni, 93.9%id, 0.2%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 24600552k total, 21654876k used, 2945676k free, 440828k buffers
Swap: 2097144k total, 84256k used, 2012888k free, 1047316k cached
3840 myuser 20 0 23.9g 18g 53m S 0.0 79.9 375:30.02 java
The jps command shows:
10671 Jps
3840 MuleContainerBootstrap
The jstat command shows:
37376.0 36864.0 16160.0 0.0 2022912.0 1941418.4 4194304.0 445432.2 78336.0 66776.7 232 7.044 17 17.403 24.447
The startup arguments are (sensitive bits have been changed):
3840 MuleContainerBootstrap -Dmule.home=/mule -Dmule.base=/mule -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/mule/lib/endorsed -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dmyapp.lib.path=/datalake/app/ext_lib/ -DTARGET_ENV=prod -Djava.library.path=/opt/mapr/lib -DksPass=mypass -DsecretKey=aeskey -DencryptMode=AES -Dkeystore=/mule/myStore -DkeystoreInstance=JCEKS -Dmule.mmc.bind.port=1521 -Xms6144m -Xmx6144m -Djava.library.path=%LD_LIBRARY_PATH%:/mule/lib/boot -Dwrapper.key=a_guid -Dwrapper.port=32000 -Dwrapper.jvm.port.min=31000 -Dwrapper.jvm.port.max=31999 -Dwrapper.disable_console_input=TRUE -Dwrapper.version=3.5.19-st -Dwrapper.native_library=wrapper -Dwrapper.arch=x86 -Dwrapper.service=TRUE -Dwrapper.cpu.timeout=10 -Dwrapper.jvmid=1 -Dwrapper.lang.domain=wrapper -Dwrapper.lang.folder=../lang
Adding up the "capacity" items from jps shows that only my 6144m is being used for java heap. Where the heck is the rest of the memory being used? Stack memory? Native heap? I'm not even sure how to proceed.
If left to continue growing, it will consume all memory on the system and we will eventually see the system freeze up throwing swap space errors.
I have another process that is starting to grow. Currently at about 11g resident memory.
pmap 10746 > pmap_10746.txt
cat pmap_10746.txt | grep anon | cut -c18-25 | sort -h | uniq -c | sort -rn | less
Top 10 entries by count:
119 12K
112 1016K
56 4K
38 131072K
20 65532K
15 131068K
14 65536K
10 132K
8 65404K
7 128K
Top 10 entries by allocation size:
1 6291456K
1 205816K
1 155648K
38 131072K
15 131068K
1 108772K
1 71680K
14 65536K
20 65532K
1 65512K
And top 10 by total size:
Count Size Aggregate
1 6291456K 6291456K
38 131072K 4980736K
15 131068K 1966020K
20 65532K 1310640K
14 65536K 917504K
8 65404K 523232K
1 205816K 205816K
1 155648K 155648K
112 1016K 113792K
This seems to be telling me that because the Xmx and Xms are set to the same value, there is a single allocation of 6291456K for the java heap. Other allocations are NOT java heap memory. What are they? They are getting allocated in rather large chunks.
Expanding a bit more details on Peter's answer.
You can take a binary heap dump from within VisualVM (right click on the process in the left-hand side list, and then on heap dump - it'll appear right below shortly after). If you can't attach VisualVM to your JVM, you can also generate the dump with this:
jmap -dump:format=b,file=heap.hprof $PID
Then copy the file and open it with Visual VM (File, Load, select type heap dump, find the file.)
As Peter notes, a likely cause for the leak may be non collected DirectByteBuffers (e.g.: some instance of another class is not properly de-referencing buffers, so they are never GC'd).
To identify where are these references coming from, you can use Visual VM to examine the heap and find all instances of DirectByteByffer in the "Classes" tab. Find the DBB class, right click, go to instances view.
This will give you a list of instances. You can click on one and see who's keeping a reference each one:
Note the bottom pane, we have "referent" of type Cleaner and 2 "mybuffer". These would be properties in other classes that are referencing the instance of DirectByteBuffer we drilled into (it should be ok if you ignore the Cleaner and focus on the others).
From this point on you need to proceed based on your application.
Another equivalent way to get the list of DBB instances is from the OQL tab. This query:
select x from java.nio.DirectByteBuffer x
Gives us the same list as before. The benefit of using OQL is that you can execute more more complex queries. For example, this gets all the instances that are keeping a reference to a DirectByteBuffer:
select referrers(x) from java.nio.DirectByteBuffer x
What you can do is take a heap dump and look for object which are storing data off heap such as ByteBuffers. Those objects will appear small but are a proxy for larger off heap memory areas. See if you can determine why lots of those might be retained.

reducing jitter of serial ntp refclock

I am currently trying to connect my DIY DC77 clock to ntpd (using Ubuntu). I followed the instructions here:
With ntpq I can see the DCF77 clock
~$ ntpq -c peers
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
+dispatch.mxjs.d 2 u 6 64 377 13.380 12.608 4.663 2 u 12 64 377 33.167 5.008 4.769 3 u 15 64 377 16.949 7.454 28.075 2 u - 64 377 10.072 14.170 2.335
*GENERIC(0) .DCFa. 0 l 31 64 377 0.000 5.362 4.621
LOCAL(0) .LOCL. 12 l 927 64 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
So far this looks OK. However I have two questions.
What exactly is the sign of the offset? Is .DCFa. ahead of the system clock or behind the system clock?
.DCFa. points to refclock-0 which is a DIY DCF77 clock emulating a Meinberg clock. It is connected to my Ubuntu Linux box with an FTDI usb-serial adapter running at 9600 7e2. I verified with a DSO that it emits the time with jitter significantly below 1ms. So I assume the jitter is introduced by either the FTDI adapter or the kernel. How would I find out and how can I reduce it?
Part One:
Positive offsets indicate time in the client is behind time on the server.
Negative offsets indicate that time in the client is ahead of time on the server.
I always remember this as "what needs to happen to my clock?"
+0.123 = Add 0.123 to me
-0.123 = Subtract 0.123 from me
Part Two:
Yes the USB serial converters add jitter. Get a real serial port:) You can also use setserial and tell it that the serial port needs to be low_latency. Just apt-get setserial.
Bonus Points:
Lose the unreferenced local clock entry. NO LOCL!!!!

Asterisk Memory SWAP?

I have a dedicated server that is only doing ASTERISK and nothing else, however, when asterisk runs my cpu goes max immediately, but memory still the same. Is there anyway I can make asterisk use some memory instead of CPU?
Here's what I see:
top - 08:40:36 up 26 days, 15:39, 2 users, load average: 2.16, 2.16, 2.38
Tasks: 137 total, 3 running, 132 sleeping, 2 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 99.7%us, 0.2%sy, 0.0%ni, 0.0%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.2%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 3922684k total, 1643672k used, 2279012k free, 123968k buffers
Swap: 4063224k total, 31788k used, 4031436k free, 847928k cached
You have rewrite your control application to use less i/o and cpu, but most likly it will nto help you much. Asterisk is network/cpu appliacation.
To see what is taking up cpu use
ps xau | sort -n -k3
To see what is taking up memory use
ps xau | sort -n -k3
For my trimmed down vps I did the following, this is for a vps not a server so some services you might need.

How to interpret the memory usage figures?

Can someone explain this in a practical way? Sample represents usage for one, low-traffic Rails site using Nginx and 3 Mongrel clusters. I ask because I am aiming to learn about page caching, wondering if these figures have significant meaning to that process. Thank you. Great site!
me#vps:~$ free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 512 506 6 0 15 103
-/+ buffers/cache: 387 124
Swap: 1023 113 910
Physical memory is all used up. Why? Because it's there, the system should be using it.
You'll note also that the system is using 113M of swap space. Bad? Good? It depends.
See also that there's 103M of cached disk; this means that the system has decided that it's better to cache 103M of disk and swap out these 113M; maybe you have some processes using memory that are not being used and thus are paged out to disk.
As the other poster said, you should be using other tools to see what's happening:
Your perception: is the site running appropiately when you use it?
Benchmarking: what response times are your clients seeing?
More fine-grained diagnostics:
top: you can see live which processes are using memory and CPU
vmstat: it produces this kind of output:
alex#armitage:~$ vmstat 1
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ----cpu----
r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa
2 1 71184 156520 92524 316488 1 5 12 23 362 250 13 6 80 1
0 0 71184 156340 92528 316508 0 0 0 1 291 608 10 1 89 0
0 0 71184 156364 92528 316508 0 0 0 0 308 674 9 2 89 0
0 0 71184 156364 92532 316504 0 0 0 72 295 723 9 0 91 0
1 0 71184 150892 92532 316508 0 0 0 0 370 722 38 0 62 0
0 0 71184 163060 92532 316508 0 0 0 0 303 611 17 2 81 0
which will show you whether swap is hurting you (high numbers on si, so) and a more easier to see performance-over-time statistic.
by my reading of this, you have used almost all your memory, have 6 M free, and are going into about 10% of your swap. A more useful tools is to use top or perhaps ps to see how much each of your individual mongrels are using in RAM. Because you're going into swap, you're probably getting more slowdowns. you might find having only 2 mongrels rather than 3 might actually respond faster because it likely wouldn't go into swap memory.
Page caching will for sure help a tonne on response time, so if your pages are cachable (eg, they don't have content that is unique to the individual user) I would say for sure check it out
