iOS App rejection - 18.2 [closed] - ios

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Closed 6 years ago.
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My first app just got rejected and I am a bit confused :S
It is an app that allows the user to upload images to a gallery. I already though of this guideline and introduced a moderation panel so the admin individually accepts or rejects images that should or should not be published.
This is what they told me:
18.2: Apps that contain user generated content that is frequently pornographic (e.g. "Chat Roulette" Apps) will be rejected
We found your app enables the display of user-generated content which may become sexually explicit. Therefore we ask that you put the following precautions in place, to ensure your app remains in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
Require that your users agree to terms (EULA) and these terms must be clear that there's no tolerance for objectionable content
Users need a way to flag or report objectionable content and users generating this content
Developer needs a method for ejecting users who violate the terms of the EULA
Where do I go from here? As I said, i had all implemented and it is impossible for a "pornographic" image to appear on my app as someone has to check every image before they appear.
About the EULA, does it has to be a UIAlertView asking the user to accept or do I have to edit the EULA at iTunes Connect so it fits my purpose?
Also, do moderators answer when i ask a question in the resolution center?

Sounds to me like this rejection can be handled via a response rather than a code change. Let them know that you're images are all adjudicated, that you do have methods for detecting (you adjudicate the images after all) and ejecting users. Chances are this will be all they'll need to hear and you can resubmit your app.
UIAlertView for terms will most likely not have enough room to make it clear there's no tolerance for objectionable content - use a modal ViewController that displays your terms upon first use/registration and require the users to click an "Accept" button in order to dismiss it.


App Rejected for "resembles Pokemon" [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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This is the message from apple:
"Your app or its metadata appears to contain misleading content.
Specifically, your app includes content that resembles Pokémon.
Please see attached screenshots for details.
You will experience a delayed review process if you deliberately
disregard the App Store Review Guidelines, ignore previous rejection
feedback in future app submissions, or use your app to mislead or
deceive users."
My app is a Pokdex and is supposed to contain images of Pokemon.
How come there are other Pokedex apps in the app store with Pokemon images?
What should I do for this to get approved and how do I get approval from the copyright owners?
Stack Overflow isn't the best place to discuss App Store rejections of this nature, but I'm probably in a good position to give some insight on this. :)
I shipped a Pokédex app on the App Store named iPokédex back in 2011, using official art assets and pictures from Bulbapedia. Within a month, I received an email from Apple stating that the Pokémon Company International had filed a copyright claim against my app and asked me to sort it out with them.
I emailed Pokémon's General Counsel, and they replied with a very detailed email saying that the Pokémon Company does not allow unlicensed third party Pokémon apps on the App Store and asked me to take it down. I (borderline tearfully) took it down at the end of that week.
This year, I was lucky enough to get a chance to visit Pokémon HQ up in Seattle and met that counsel directly. I put the question to them again directly asking if there was ANY way a third party indie could get licensing permission for a Pokémon app, and they flat out said no. They operate on a corporate scale much larger than that in which an indie can participate.
In the past, Apple has been very lax when it comes to copyright infringing apps. They'd allow anything on the App Store, and only when the original party filed a suit, they'd start acting on it.
That seems to have changed in recent times, probably now that Pokémon GO, an officially licensed app, is on the App Store and the popularity of Pokémon on the store has skyrocketed as a result.
I talked to one of the App Store review team members at WWDC this year, and they said they're starting to be a bit more proactive about copyright. If you're making an app about a popular intellectual property, they might require you to supply documentation stating that you have official permission to use that property. Pokémon GO probably ensured that Apple scrutinizes most Pokémon app submissions in that way now.
Any existing Pokémon apps on the App Store might have avoided that scrutiny initially, but they'll be at risk of it happening to them every time they do an app update now.
There's no easy way to say this, but it's highly unlikely you'll get official approval from Pokémon, and without it, Apple won't let you publish your Pokédex app. The counsel assured me that any and all existing Pokédex apps in the App Store will eventually get the same copyright claim that I did in 2011.
I'm sorry. If it's any consolation, you're not the first Pokémon fan to which this has happened.

App with no content - appStore review [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am preparing my app for AppStore review.
App is supposed to display products of specific company, customise them and send to sales department.
The app by default does not store any data and one has to download it. Access to this data will be restricted for sales department employees only (user/pass administrated on server).
I've read the guidelines, but didn't found my answer:
Is it possible to get to appstore with app, that does not have any content until password is given?
I can create user for apple review team and then they'll get the content.
Provide demo account details:
in iTunes Connect, go to My Apps, select your app, then the version
scroll down to App Review Information
Enter details in the "Demo Account" section, and possibly additional details in the Notes section.
However, as others have pointed out, full App Store publication may not be the best option for such an app. You may want to consider Enterprise distribution (if used only by your own employees) or B2B/VPP distribution (which is through the App Store, but is not visible to everyone).
There should be no problem putting your app into the app store - there are quite some apps in the store now that require a login before they do anything, and are only of use for a selected audience. In the worst case you can add some general info views that are publicly accessible to show some value for everybody.
Enterprise distribution has its own hassles (and benefits), so if you don't have to go down that road I wouldn't.
In any case, provide the Apple Testing Team with some test login details.

apps get rejected "Apps primarily intended for use by kids under 13 must get parental permission" [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Our app is gets rejected and below is the reason from apple
Apps primarily intended for use by kids under 13 must get parental
permission or use a parental gate before allowing the user to link out
of the app or engage in commerce
we wanted to know that if we deselect the "Made for Kids:" option and makes not changes in app functionality then will apple accept the app?
Apple will probably approve the app if you deselect the "Made for Kids:" option. Although it's possible that the reviewer will decide that it's targeted at kids and reject it anyway.
However, if it is an app intended for use by kids, you should just implement a parent gate. It's the law, and it's not that hard. Much easier than paying a $250,000 fine.
Here are Apple's recommendations on acceptable types of parent gate:
yes, your app will be accepted if you deselect "Made for kids". I am not 100% sure though but from my last 4years experience i can say that.
Also if you want to keep app "Made for kids" than you can put a parental control for doing in-app purchase or navigation to some webpage etc. you can put a 4digit pin for activating it.
More you can found it here.
Yes it will, Because as per apple guideline in Kids Apps must get parental permission for e-commerce.
Your app will be accepted if you deselect "Made for kids". But note that it should follow other apple guideline.

Apple's new Kids Section parental control issue [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am updating my kids app for compliance to Apple's new Kids section. I have read the updated Review Guidelines. And it says :
Apps primarily intended for use by kids under 13 must get parental
permission or use a parental gate before allowing the user to link out
of the app or engage in commerce
Does anybody have any idea about what kind of action to take? How can we get parental permission or use a parental gate? Besides I am linking out just to apps iTunes page and our social pages, so do I need to take any action?
Thank you for your time.
I thumbed through the FAQ and the iTunes Connect Developer Guide myself and Apple certainly doesn't make it clear what "must get parental permission" means, but I suspect what this means is that the App Store will require some kind of extra authentication steps in order to do commerce (i.e. in-app purchases) or go somewhere outside of the app (e.g. with a UIWebView).
Which seems to be make sense because of this statement: "must get parental permission or use a parental gate before allowing the user to link out of the app or engage in commerce".
I looked through this topic on the Apple developer forums, where someone suggested the following for in-app purchases:
if ([SKPaymentQueue canMakePayments]) {
// user can make purchases
} else {
// no purchases can be made, show error or just don't show the in app purchase button(s)
If there is a way to determine if in-app purchases have been enabled on the device, is there a way to determine if Safari has been enabled?
Also, this article mentions PINs that must be entered before links can be opened, as well as requiring a three-finger swipe for in-app purchases / parents' sections.
These options may be worth a try, but I don't know if they will be enough.
I was wondering the same thing, as I'm not entirely sure if this is under NDA I asked this question on the apple developer forums, but no reply there either.
As far as I know there is no "set of API's" which define parental permission / parental gate, so the requirements are very vague indeed.
I fear we'll just have to try things and submit for approval, and find out in blogposts of various developers (and answers here on stackoverflow) what gets you rejected and what not, I hope I'm wrong and they clear this out though.
Anyway, I just updated one of our apps and checked the "Made for kids", it's in "waiting for review" now, if anything out of the ordinary happens I'll keep you posted.
As I have mentioned before, I had uploaded an update (keeping the outgoing links to social pages and to App Store for app rating via an UIAlertView) and the update is rejected as well.
At Resolution Center, it was mentioned clearly that because these outgoing links were not passing through a Parental Gate my app was rejected, and two screenshots were attached which show the buttons and UIAlertView leading out off the app. So don't forget to check the Resolution Center.
I have removed all out-going links and uploading the app again. I will keep here updated.
And the Parental Gate thing. I think I have found out how it will be working. Apple leaves this completely to developers. We will have to be using API's or SDK's of Parental Gate providers or services. With the help of such API's we will pass the urls to these parental gate services via their API's, and they will approve or reject the link (by checking their database) or they will require a parent's input, and possibly they will return a true/false flag, or let the user continue to the link.
For instance, a parental gate service is working on such thing :
My update with out-going links removed is approved. It took 20 minutes to get reviewed after waiting for review for 8 days.

App rejected because of forcing registration - ebook store [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I developed an app for the company who sells professional e-books by their website. In order to keep the content in sync with web data, app enforce login/registration and without that doesn't provide any functionality.
This is the reason why it has been rejected for Review Guidelines 17.2 Apps that require users to share personal information, such as email address and date of birth, in order to function will be rejected
My question is: is there a way to convince Apple to accept an app?
It is directed to the very specific proffessionals.
In the future the company want to add the possibility to sync books available on their website.
Also the books bought by in app purchase would be available on their website for the user account.
Isn't that enough reasons for Apple to accept this app? My client strongly want to have an account based app, the whole system was designed for that.
There is possibility to track user by udid but still it is not good solution because it is deprecated and Apple rejects apps using UDID for tracking reasons.
Does anyone have similar situation recently?
You say:
"app enforces login/registration and without that doesn't provide any
Apple says:
"Apps that require users to share personal information in order to
function will be rejected"
So the answer is kinda obvious.
The app should provide (at least) some basic functionality without sharing personal data.
Maybe some book previews? 1 or 2 free books? App info? Why not apple's-bookstore? Does the website (before seeing anything) force you to signup too? Otherwise just make a web-app.
